We need to stop blaming victims in bike theft!

@tomjasz Perfect example of the whole reason I created this thread and you just 100% proved it and to be honest you are being a bit of a jerk right now. Everyone just loves to blame a victim! I was asking for it, it was my fault it happened, I deserved it! thanks for proving my point!

This is a topic I started and you decided to join in on the conversation so your opinion could be heard, no one forced you. I then reply to a message directed right at me but you didn't like the conversation anymore so you told me to basically be quiet and move on.. Explain to me how that is childish again? You swear at me and tell me I need to move on because you don't like my opinion or ere sick of me defending my argument. Sorry but think about the logic of what you just did and then you call me childish for calling you out on it...
Are you even real? Is this just another thread of drama where somebody tries to read the minds of anyone who comments or dares to ask, did you lock up your bike. Good heavens. How old are you? Do you have friends?

You need help. I'd ignore you but I simply cannot believe that someone can be so dramatic. And, before you get going on your "victim" rant again, I've had my share of "crime" including arriving home to find it had been broken into, in fact, the burglar was exiting as I drove up. Pissed me off because I left windows open but he broke my door. I called the cops, loaded my shotgun and waited. There was no internet to whine on. Wanna be a victim? Wait for your house to be burgled. That'd probably kill you, so best not.

Hope you can "recover".
There is no need to insult people just because you don't agree with their opinions. I'm glad that YOU have determined what I'm allowed to be upset about and what I am not allowed to be upset about. All you are doing is proving the point why I created this thread even more so I appreciate it.

This is no longer a conversation, it's you insulting me because I have my opinion and you don't like it so you feel the need to berate me with insults. "I need help", "Am I even real", "Do I have friends"

If your point is so valid it should be easy to argue it and explain it instead all you have is insults.. yeah

Thanks have a good day, I won't be replying to your comments going forward because you refuse to even have a fair open minded conversation.
Something interesting my insurance company just told me is that they offer a $1000 reward for any information leading up to the conviction or return of my ebike. zero cost to me or policy!
I am about done with this thread too. The OP does not "own" a thread. It is not "theirs." They merely launch it into the wild. To collect the $1000 and get your bike back, advertise the charger. That is what the thief wants and is looking for right now. It would be best to have a friend list it so you avoid a confrontation with a criminal. Site the report number when asking for a detective to be present when the bad guy shows up to pick up the charger.
  1. Just because you start a thread, doesn't mean you "own" it in any tangible way. If you started a conversation with friends or co-workers and it went in a different direction you wanted you can't really act out and say it was "your" conversation and it has to go your way. That isn't how human interaction is supposed to work.
  2. You have your feelings. Others have their feelings. Nobody can tell you how you are supposed to feel. You have no right to expect others to feel a certain way. There is nothing wrong with someone who feels differently than you'd expect. People are different.
  3. I genuinely feel bad that you lost your bike. On the other hand, we live in a world where tragedy, horror, and absurdity exist in excessive quantities. So it can be emotionally exhausting feeling bad about every injustice you encounter. And you are unlikely to have a very good sorting system that keeps you more outraged to the graver injustices and less outraged at more minor ones.
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I am about done with this thread too. The OP does not "own" a thread. It is not "theirs." They merely launch it into the wild. To collect the $1000 and get your bike back, advertise the charger. That is what the thief wants and is looking for right now. It would be best to have a friend list it so you avoid a confrontation with a criminal. Site the report number when asking for a detective to be present when the bad guy shows up to pick up the charger.
That's some great ideas,

BTW I never meant it was my thread like I own it, it's open to conversation 100% but when someone gives me grief for me replying to a message directed at me about a topic I stated... what the heck did they think was going to happen on this thread? Conversation not about the topic? I started this thread because I wanted to talk about it so to complain in that thread that I'm responding to people that message me directly about the topic of the thread .. yeah makes no sense, just move one and unsubscribe from notifications.

That's like going to a sports bar and complain there is sports on the TV then telling the room common can we put something on other than sports!

Maybe I am being ignorant, maybe I'm an a hole too. People confuse the hell out of me when they do this. It's like they have no understanding of their own actions.

To be honest @PedalUma You have been polite you have been respectful and we have had good conversation (we did not have to agree) and I am open to your comments and opinions because you are polite about them. Thank you! wish more people were like this!
  1. Just because you start a thread, doesn't mean you "own" it in any tangible way. If you started a conversation with friends or co-workers and it went in a different direction you wanted you can't really act out and say it was "your" conversation and it has to go your way. That isn't how human interaction is supposed to work.
  2. You have your feelings. Others have their feelings. Nobody can tell you how you are supposed to feel. You have no right to expect others to feel a certain way. There is nothing wrong with someone who feels differently than you'd expect. People are different.
  3. I genuinely feel bad that you lost your bike. On the other hand, we live in a world where tragedy, horror, and absurdity exist in excessive quantities. So it can be emotionally exhausting feeling bad about every injustice you encounter. And you are unlikely to have a very good sorting system that keeps you more outraged to the graver injustices and less outrages at more minor ones.
Thanks Coffee, I agree I can get passionate about a topic and yes it can go any direction, IMO it's why we have threaded conversations so that if you want to continue that conversation you can in that thread if not you can go to another one. I'm not sure why I am in the wrong for replying to a comment directed to me and I replied???
  1. Just because you start a thread, doesn't mean you "own" it in any tangible way. If you started a conversation with friends or co-workers and it went in a different direction you wanted you can't really act out and say it was "your" conversation and it has to go your way. That isn't how human interaction is supposed to work.
  2. You have your feelings. Others have their feelings. Nobody can tell you how you are supposed to feel. You have no right to expect others to feel a certain way. There is nothing wrong with someone who feels differently than you'd expect. People are different.
  3. I genuinely feel bad that you lost your bike. On the other hand, we live in a world where tragedy, horror, and absurdity exist in excessive quantities. So it can be emotionally exhausting feeling bad about every injustice you encounter. And you are unlikely to have a very good sorting system that keeps you more outraged to the graver injustices and less outrages at more minor ones.
I am not responsible for other people's emotional states. That is nutty. We would all need to tiptoe around like kids with an abusive dad not knowing what might set him off. In FL a guy killed someone because their music made him 'afraid'. Screw that! I cannot make someone laugh, or cry, feel joy, or be afraid. My job is to be responsable for my internal states.
I agree you can't tip toe around everything, you need to figure out what is important to you and concentrate on that. We don't have the capacity to keep up with all the changes every day with everything in this world. I just expected that if you joined this conversation then this was a topic you wanted to discuss and talk about if you believe or dont believe that and be open to discussion without the need to be rude and name calling. IMO you are responsible for what you say and how it affects other people when they tell you it affects them. Or you can go who cares I don't owe this person a single thing and do what ever you want. To me i question why those people even have conversations?

Everyone is different for sure.
OP - I've been reading through this thread, and just went back to the original post. It isn't really about your bike being stolen, which is why many are taking on a seemingly contrarian stance to how you're feeling. By the second sentence, you were up in arms over comments from others on a reddit thread that you started before this one. Additionally, the comparisons to other victims of physical assault/harm is at minimum quite cringe-y, and definitely off-putting.

You weren't singled out to be a victim of a crime of opportunity, and you didn't deserve to have your bike stolen. What others are pointing out though, is that if the bike wasn't in any way secured, you did make that opportunity a lot easier for the thief.

Occasionally my wife will tell me I'm being overly cautious and untrusting when I run a basic cable to lock up our bikes for 5 minutes. Stories like yours do serve as a reminder and warning to others that trust of strangers can only go so far.
@pxpaulx Thanks for the reply. Yes I did say somewhere that sorry I was mad because crap on Reddit and it was not anyone's fault here. And even someone from here that asked me the same question I made sure to tell them I'm not mad at them I'm mad at the situation. I was emotional and upset for sure. I agree we have to stick together and please know I am no snowflake that just like to complain about what ever if bothering me that day even though it seems like it. Man the constant question of did you lock it up then the well what did you expect would happen, or why didn't you lock it up, and you should have locked it up.. It was like why are you beating up on me??

Thanks for all the replies everyone but as I have been told by many, I will move on and I think the conversation has been had!
@pxpaulx Thanks for the reply. Yes I did say somewhere that sorry I was mad because crap on Reddit and it was not anyone's fault here. And even someone from here that asked me the same question I made sure to tell them I'm not mad at them I'm mad at the situation. I was emotional and upset for sure. I agree we have to stick together and please know I am no snowflake that just like to complain about what ever if bothering me that day even though it seems like it. Man the constant question of did you lock it up then the well what did you expect would happen, or why didn't you lock it up, and you should have locked it up.. It was like why are you beating up on me??

Thanks for all the replies everyone but as I have been told by many, I will move on and I think the conversation has been had!
No doubt - we are our own harshest critics, if I left my bike unlocked and someone rode off with it, nobody would be kicking myself harder than me!
The reason everyone ask if it was locked, and if it was then how, is to learn from one another. Information is power. If you had a top rated lock was it busted? Did they leave the broken lock behind? Did you fall for the old "removable" post you were locked up to? If you didn't, or forgot to lock it, how long were you away? Did the police take a report or just say "It's a bicycle, what do want us to do?". So many questions, with answers, help others learn.

I live in a medium security location. I use a Foldylock Compact and Hiplock Lites most of the time. If I go into a sketchy are I also have a compact Abus U-Lock and a Kryptonite New York U-lock as extra security. Overkill? I've only had 1 bicycle stolen and that was because I loaned it to someone. Don't worry, payback came down hard on that guy. I also endorse Hexlox inserts. My wheels and seats stay with my bicycles no matter what. I also have ground anchors in my garage floor from my rocket bike days.
I thought about asking if the bike was locked, but I didn't. The reason: I figured if it was locked the OP would have said so up front, and if it wasn't locked the OP would be hyper-sensitive about the omission.

Am I good, or what? 😆