Solar Powered Homes

I've read and watched many a video that seems to show that cloud seeding (A Real thing) is putting a chemical in the atmosphere that is slowly poisonings us. People claim it's conspiracy . LOL . When it's common knowledge they have been cloud seeding for years . They probably didn't know to begin with that this harms the atmosphere and basically burns us. But now they do know it they cover it up because it's to late .
After all look at Wildlife . We've lost over 70% of Land Sea and air creatures since 1977. Most of that is in the last 10 years . Or actually since around 2009 . This is no secret . Anyone can google mass extinction of Wildlife . Again they they cover up the likely idea that we are causing this ourselves . Instead they blame it on C02 ? Think about how silly it is to believe C02 is harming things . Every oxygen breathing creature on the planet exhales C02 . Every plant Tree weed or whatever absorbs the C02 and release the oxygen we need . When C02 levels get to high or higher the planet becomes greener . I learn that in Grade School .
Your grade school failed you. Wow. You really need to see the bigger picture. This CO2 story about trees expiring oxygen and sucking up CO2 that you're spouting continually is real lame. There's a bunch more to it.

I'd really recommend that you take some free online college courses. Probably introductory calculus, physics, and chemistry would be a good place to start. You aren't going to get out of that place you put your head without some help.
And pick up some knowledge of punctuation, spelling and sentence structure while he's at it. We can only hope. Oh, I forgot learning to think independently too.
Where you're mistaken is...
After what you've written so far, no one cares what you or your lobby have to say on the matter. It's all conspiracy nonsense and quite frankly pretty pathetic.
I don't debate with my vegetable garden and I (and others) will not with you.
Hopefully soon enough you and your kind will be in a small enough minority that we can tune you out all together.
HEY! You calling me a vegetable garden???? CN
Paranoid? How is it paranoid when it's just common sense based on facts ? Look at Germany right now as we speak . Look at France . Headlines over there are people relying on Green for heat will die . It's a Serious issue all over Europe . I'm not paranoid . I'm just using common sense you guys apparently either haven't thought thru . Or are afraid to
Paranoid, who ? You? LMAO
Exactly! Our lame calif govenor is pushing eliminating gas powered vehicles in 10 years. Our infrastructure can’t even handle current non ev demands and rolling brownouts are the norm all summer in some areas. Additionally our cost of electricity is sky high (35-45 cents a kw!). Now, about 1/4 of the homes in my neighborhood have solar and export power to the grid helping ease shortages. There is now talk of raising the grid tie fee from $10 to $100. They already get the surplus electricity for damn near free (3 cents a kw) and make a ton reselling it. I suspect many will just disconnect and go off grid if the fee increase is enacted.
our state can’t handle 3% evs. Can you imagine the shitshow with 20%? Smdh
You buy hydro by the Kilowatt? CN
Propane generators are the most common installation with many already having an existing 500 gal storage tank.

as to nat. Gas disruption, comparing what’s happening in europe to the us is ridiculous as us has an overabundance of supply. Our risk on the west coast is earthquakes damaging transmission lines not so,e other country holding us hostage.

as to flaring propane, you obviously never spent time in a us refinery or oil fiCaneld. Clean air act prevents flaring except in emergency and drilling operations produce nat gas not propane. Propane is mfg’d in the distallation process at refineries and stored in giant sheres to be sold. There is plenty of demand for the supply.
Yup...and every winter when U.S. demand is high, Canadian industry switches to Bunker C from NG so enough goes south to meet demand. There's lots available. CN
Also from :


Note that batteries will follow the same curve.

This is why every other electricity generation technology that does not follow such a learning curve is doomed -- they cannot possibly compete with something that gets cheaper every year. The same kinds of economies of scale cannot apply to fossil-fuel burning plants and existing nuclear power generation.
Propane is a cut of natural gas. You need a gas processing unit (a refinery/distillation column, or fractionator to separate the various components. Gas transfer plants typically only remove entrained water to prevent moisture from freezing. In west texas gas gathering system construction is well behind the times. In many locations, with no pipeline nearby, they reinject it into the ground.
you might live near a plant but I worked in the oil indistry for 40 years including upstream (drilling and completions, midstream, and downstream refining (at every one of our US and int’l plants.

The fact that you say they flare 20x a year just reinforces my point. That you are not allowed to continuously flare. If someone is doing it 20 times a year, they may have an allowable discharge limit Giving them some leeway.

as to texas’ freak weather and design flaw in critical supply systems, it is what it is. I suspect they are already working on a remedy. And that’s why most home generators are capable on running 3 fuel types.

Explains a lot.

As I said; Only way I would have a generator for backup is if it ran on propane and had at least a 100 gallon propane tank in my yard.

NG lines can be cut off (ask Germany) and diesel and gas do not store well for long periods.

Propane can be stored forever and is much cheaper and propane is a bastard gas that they have to flare off at the refineries if not used. It is also cleaner and in appliances like new furnaces it burns 98.7% clean. I use propane for my stove and OD water heater with a wood stove backup system.

NG whole home furnaces require a power source so in a blackout no heat. Propane ventless heaters and OD water heaters require no power at all.

Back to the topic;

I have been off grid over 20 years now with just a 400 watt solar power system that runs my water pump, led lights, laptop, 12 volt fridge freezer, swamp cooler, micro washer and recharges lots of tools and gadgets.

This year I added another 400 watts and two 200Ah LIFEPO4 batteries so that I could recharge my ebike, run a second freezer, microwave and run the swamp cooler longer since it has been hotter than usual.

Prices are great for solar and you can get the 30% tax rebate for an installed system or DIY off grid system like mine and you might also have state rebates.

The average US homes needs a 7kw system if you are using gas heat or a heat pump but you don't have to run a whole house off solar and even a 400 watt - 1KW off grid system like mine will run all kinds of appliances and you can use that if you have a blackout and the grid goes down and to reduce your grid power costs all year.

400 watt add2.jpg
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So very proud of our new 14.8kW solar array. We went live on August 12th with the Net Zero program with our utility. I've been having fun watching our energy usage be "fueled" full time from the panels (sunshine permitting) and building our solar credits when we produce more than we can use daily. Still tied to the Grid at the moment, but our 5 year plan is to put in enough power wall batteries (I'll need 3, I'm assuming) to run the house and barn and carriage house, plus the electric car, the electric truck (due the first half of next year), and electric mowers, at 100%.

We also took advantage of our county's new solar exemption for property taxes, which will reduce our taxes further. Plus I understand the 30% tax credit is retroactive to any systems put up in 2022.

Yesterday I biked down the road a few miles to another farm that also has a ground array. Chatted with the owner and she said her plans are also to include power walls to finally go off grid. Her array was the size of mine but for a house half the size. She said they just recently purchased the property from a family with 3 kids, so that family's annual electric bill was far bigger than what she and her husband use. The other family's annual usage was used to determine how big the solar needs would be, which worked out to this lady's advantage because it will cover the power needs of an electric vehicle which they hope to get by next year. They have the same utility company as mine, and are also sending their power to the Grid through the Net Zero program. She said her monthly electric bill is $7 (for the connectivity fee). Cannot wait to see my $7 utility bill for August, rather than the standard $200+ bill.


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Portable Solar Power Station

If you just want to get your feet wet and learn about solar and use it for recharging your ebikes this is a good system and can be put on a shed or made portable.

View attachment 134051
So very proud of our new 14.8kW solar array. We went live on August 12th with the Net Zero program with our utility. I've been having fun watching our energy usage be "fueled" full time from the panels (sunshine permitting) and building our solar credits when we produce more than we can use daily. Still tied to the Grid at the moment, but our 5 year plan is to put in enough power wall batteries (I'll need 3, I'm assuming) to run the house and barn and carriage house, plus the electric car, the electric truck (due the first half of next year), and electric mowers, at 100%.

We also took advantage of our county's new solar exemption for property taxes, which will reduce our taxes further. Plus I understand the 30% tax credit is retroactive to any systems put up in 2022.

Yesterday I biked down the road a few miles to another farm that also has a ground array. Chatted with the owner and she said her plans are also to include power walls to finally go off grid. Her array was the size of mine but for a house half the size. She said they just recently purchased the property from a family with 3 kids, so that family's annual electric bill was far bigger than what she and her husband use. The other family's annual usage was used to determine how big the solar needs would be, which worked out to this lady's advantage because it will cover the power needs of an electric vehicle which they hope to get by next year. They have the same utility company as mine, and are also sending their power to the Grid through the Net Zero program. She said her monthly electric bill is $7 (for the connectivity fee). Cannot wait to see my $7 utility bill for August, rather than the standard $200+ bill.
Even as a suburban resident, I'm envious of the room you have for an installation like that.
You are so wrong in so many ways one can't count them. Do you even know where France gets its power from?
So you're saying Macrone being caught on a hot mike saying he's very very concerned wrong ?? Wait and see what happens this winter . And Yes France gets it's gas from Norway and the Netherlands . Norway is a small player and the Netherlands relies on Russia . The main Source for France is Russia . Same for most of Europe . They may get some from countries other then Russia , but it's tiny amounts .
Your grade school failed you. Wow. You really need to see the bigger picture. This CO2 story about trees expiring oxygen and sucking up CO2 that you're spouting continually is real lame. There's a bunch more to it.
A bunch more to it ?? Like what ??? LOL Pollutants ?? We have already filtered the majority of that out since the mid 70's . Look up and tell me where the pollution is ?? All you have to look at is the People who have gotten rich promoting this green garbage and climate Change BS. They aren't worried . They are using Gas/oil like there's no end . How is it not Science to see that from 1900 to 1960 temp rose .9 Degrees F. Since 1970 we have filtered out 70% of the Polluting emissions from Burning Gas/oil and coal . Yet in the same 60 year period temps increase the same amount as they had before we filtered out the damaging pollutants . Besides look at it this way . If everything stays as it is now . Do you think earth will be around another lets say 15 years ?? If you do then don't worry . Because there's about 2/3's of that time left to live at all.
Even as a suburban resident, I'm envious of the room you have for an installation like that.
Another tiny suburban yard here. Between the garden, the firewood stack, and the solar array things can get crowded fast.
Interesting that we have two posts in a row showing the extremes of a residential system : a tiny 200 watt portable for a cabin and a big 14,000 watt array for a farm. And both seem about right for the use intended.
Another tiny suburban yard here. Between the garden, the firewood stack, and the solar array things can get crowded fast.
Interesting that we have two posts in a row showing the extremes of a residential system : a tiny 200 watt portable for a cabin and a big 14,000 watt array for a farm. And both seem about right for the use intended.
The difference is most grid homes are not designed for off grid systems and use appliances that eat up power.

I designed my cabin from the start to be off grid and it is designed like a self contained RV with appliances that don't use much power or no power at all, The cabin is super insulated and sealed so I can heat with just a small propane furnace or wood stove and cool with an 85 watt swamp cooler.

I also use passive air turbines to remove excess heat and passive solarium porch to warm the cabin for free on sunny winter days.

Heating and cooling are the biggest power consumers in a house and if you can get those off grid you do not need a large solar system for your other needs.
Paranoid, who ? You? LMAO
knowing facts isn't paranoia . It's seeing the handwriting on the wall . There can't be this many leaders that stupid all around the world . So it's pretty obvious all this electric crap is just one more piece to bring down the economies of the world. People laugh and mock . Well they laughed at Noah and were in total denial because they had never experienced rain . Quite frankly I'd be concerned if one or 2 disputed and mocked me and the rest agreed . Were that teh case these Elite's wouldn't be getting away with destroying things . So thanks I guess ;)