To show once again how Mr Coffee and the supplicants were led astray by liars.
Here's Michael Mann on the RealClimate website he shares with the NASA GISS Director Gavin Schmidt, exclaiming upon questioning by John Finn, that no researcher to their knowledge has ever grafted instrumental temperatures onto a proxy line. This was just after climategate broke and "hide the decline" was in the news. Many ordinary people assumed it meant a decline in real temperatures was happening and being hidden. The fawning media gloated over that and reviled them. This questioner on his website, however, knew what he was asking Mike. Wasn't it a dubious thing to do? Absolutely never happened, Mike answered haughtily and smeared the fuel industry as usual once again, for good measure.
JohnFinn said:
Whatever the reason for the divergence, it would seem to suggest that the practice of grafting the thermometer record onto a proxy temperature record – as I believe was done in the case of the ‘hockey stick’ – is dubious to say the least.
No researchers in this field have ever, to our knowledge, “grafted the thermometer record onto” any reconstruction. It is somewhat disappointing to find this specious claim (which we usually find originating from industry-funded climate disinformation websites) appearing in this forum.
Here's the email that the questioner John Finn was referring to. It's from Phil Jones, in charge of global temperature records at CRU in England: He's emailing Mike and friends in order to do a version of "Mike's Nature trick" "to hide the decline". "Nature" refers to the scientific journal where Mike had published a paper cleverly hiding the fact that the proxy for temperature was going in the opposite direction of what it should if it's a proxy for temperature. A proxy so good that it can tell the previous decade was the hottest in 1000 yrs! Pure fantasy. A lie.
The tree ring proxy line was spiking down at a time when everyone could see graphed instrumental temperatures spiking up. This ruins the false picture they painted of treemometers being fully able to give them the ability to say a decade now was the hottest in 1000yrs. Unsupportable if you knew what the proxy was really doing... going opposite direction to what is expected they hid that.
Studies of the proxy were showing it isn't such a treemometer. Michael Mann wasn't having that and performed a trick to hide the facts. Phil jumped on the bandwagon with glee after Mike's paper was published. How clever, Mike's trick to hide the decline. So after consulting with team, and told to hide the decline by chopping it off and splicing on something else, Phil got together online with Mike to get support and consultation on how he would emulate Mike's trickiness for the World Meteorological Organization's 50th anniversary journal cover story - millenium version.
Phil Jones said:
Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later today or first thing tomorrow.
I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999 for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for 1999 with data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998.
Thanks for the comments, Ray.
"Keith's" is the tree ring proxy graph by Keith Briffa, which had a strong decline, going opposite direction to real temperatures thereby showing that it was not fit to do what they so desired to be able to claim. Phil decided to just chop off the uncooperative data from 1961
onward and illicitly replace the missing portion with an instrumental temperature line. Mike approved that and said it would help the claims he was planning to make in the next IPCC report.
Michael Mann said:
The text looks good, and I agree w/ everything that is said. I think its a strong but defensible statement, and will help to bolster the claims to be made in IPCC. The ’99 numbers are very interesting, and should help thwart the dubious claims sometimes made that El Nino is the sole culprit in the anomalous recent warmth.
Mann is agreeing totally to what they planned to do to falsify the graph. He wants to bolster his upcoming IPCC report on his own work where he is the interests-conflicted judge of it and it comes out as the centrepiece for the world to tremble over.
The hockey team is in action. Tim Osborn tells of the T-shirt they have created in celebration of their accomplishments. Mike wants a size medium.
How's things? I have a slightly unusual question for you. We're producing
some CRU t-shirts/polo shirts in the next few weeks. Some will just have
the CRU logo on, but some people want a picture on the back. The picture
we've decided upon has three curves on it showing temperatures over the
last 1000 yrs (I think it's based on the front cover of the WMO statement
on 1999 climate). They're just curves, with nothing to identify what they
are or where they come from (so it's slightly abstract), but in fact on of
them is your 1000-yr NH temperature reconstruction. Do you mind if we put
it on our t-shirts?
Best regards
Dear Tim,
No, I don't mind at all. thanks for letting me know,
p.s. I wear a medium
So now everyone can see that Michael Mann was intimately involved with Phil Jones' effort to make the public and other professionals of various types believe that the tree rings are accurate to use as thermometers to tell a decade as hottest out of 1000yrs of the past although it can't tell what the temperature is now under their noses. When the hockey team told that lie, they were cheating you and yours. They were instilling fear in the public for promotion value of their own work.
This dishonest and misleading work is listed in Michael Mann's own CV, although he decried any suggestion of it ever happening, as the usual lies.

It's in his own work record and in his own words, helping, guiding, accepting, t-shirt commemorating, and supporting his IPPC work in promoting his own work.
He lied to the public about the science.
But Mr Coffee and Thomas will not address the issue Mr Coffee previously agreed was a terrible
EVIL thing to do. Until he found out who did it.
Then crickets.
Mr.Coffee said:
I absolutely agree that Lying to the public about the science repeatedly is evil.
EVIL, you said, Mr. Coffee. Now silence on the evil.
That's the worlds 2 most influential climate scientists, presenting a misleading graph, in order to further their own interests.
Mr Coffee:
Seriously, do you believe that people would lie to protect a $150,000 per year professorship and $1MM in grants but be scrupulously truthful when hundreds of billions of dollars in profits are at stake? Please do not make me laugh.
Laughing, Mr Coffee?

All in their own words and CV's. Done. You've been shown to have trusted wrongly.
You were so confident in the propaganda you were laughing. Then you had to bail.
From Mann's CV; the thing that no researcher ever did:
•Jones, P.D., Briffa, K.R., Osborn, T.J., Mann, M.E., Bradley, R.S., Hughes, M.K., Cover Figure for World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 50th Year Anniversary Publication: Temperature changes over the last Millennium, 2000
Or, as he later claimed, just something that everyone had agreed was misleading, but he had nothing whatsoever to do with.