Refinement and also somewhat slower so you won't hurt yourself.Brands will continue to spec bafang because of it's better spec to price ratio on paper.
This entails numerous problems for the consumer after purchase, however. Bafang motors are notoriously noisy and as many have pointed out, controller programming out of the box is poor, probably geared towards lurching, high powered starts which gives the impression of power, but becomes a liability for control and therefore safety.
Meanwhile brands such as Shimano are offering a superior user experience out of the box: quieter, smaller motors, lower Q factor, integrated batteries, and of course, a much more refined, linear power delivery.
You're paying more but the level of refinement is almost night and day.
RE the original OP's comment on the Aventon hub-drive. It has nothing to do with the Bafang Motor , it's the Aventon's programming that was universally awful. Not sure if they ever improved it.
Plenty of vendors don't have that problem.