World War III

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And they also said this would allow the grain outā€¦if the Ukraine de-mines The waters. Iā€™d like to see some country with a ā€˜realā€™ navy brush away the de facto blockade by Russia of a third of the Black Sea.
German "leaders" ponder giving Germany the virtues-flushed captive bolt through the skull after industry was given the Green snip-snip.
And they also said this would allow the grain outā€¦if the Ukraine de-mines The waters. Iā€™d like to see some country with a ā€˜realā€™ navy brush away the de facto blockade by Russia of a third of the Black Sea.
I would too, but how you'd accomplish that without setting off WWIII for real is a huge question.

Note that a lot of the anti-ship missiles the Russians have left are either land-based in the Crimea or air launched. How you'd stop those without attacking them preemptively is also a big question.
These are international watersā€¦like the Taiwan Straits. The Ukrainians with the missle systems weā€™ve sent them, and the various other missiles the allies have sent would suffice even as the Navy locks on to threats Putin threatens us with. At the start of the war we were worried about supplying howitzers Now with the new systems online the Ukrainians can hit anywhere necessary. Russia, as has been shown everyday, is a paper tiger, and their military unable, unwilling, to even, at times, engage with the locals. Old pilots in the MiGsā€¦Majors and some who retired and were brought back. Brush by the bully ignoring his threats.
Read This: "Russians Fear Commanders Are Selling Their Own Troopsā€™ Locations for Cash"

A Russian colonel was accused of selling information on the whereabouts of his own men to foreign intelligence agencies by concerned Russians, according to Ukrainian authorities.

An audio recording of what the Ukrainian Defense Ministryā€™s Main Intelligence Directorate says is an intercepted phone call appears to suggest the colonel was not the first who was accused of selling out his own troops. The call, released Monday, includes a conversation between a man identified as a Russian soldier and a female acquaintance. No details were provided on where the soldier was based in Ukraine, but he can be heard in the recording complaining of constant shelling.

The conversation then takes an interesting turn when the unnamed woman notes that a squadron of the ā€œ31st Brigadeā€ was given up by their own Russian colonel, apparently referring to the 31st Guards Air Assault Brigade.
These are international watersā€¦like the Taiwan Straits. The Ukrainians with the missle systems weā€™ve sent them, and the various other missiles the allies have sent would suffice even as the Navy locks on to threats Putin threatens us with. At the start of the war we were worried about supplying howitzers Now with the new systems online the Ukrainians can hit anywhere necessary. Russia, as has been shown everyday, is a paper tiger, and their military unable, unwilling, to even, at times, engage with the locals. Old pilots in the MiGsā€¦Majors and some who retired and were brought back. Brush by the bully ignoring his threats.
You suck up that Goebbels Media drivel like you get paid. Poke the bear enough he will tear off your head.
I would too, but how you'd accomplish that without setting off WWIII for real is a huge question.

Note that a lot of the anti-ship missiles the Russians have left are either land-based in the Crimea or air launched. How you'd stop those without attacking them preemptively is also a big question.
The Russians have said they will allow Ukraine to remove the mines Ukraine set and would allow their food shipments safe passage.
Ukraine, of course knows that doing so would also allow the Russians more easy access to Odessa later on, so they are not eager.
It's nonsense to claim that Russia is blockading what the Ukrainians are simply and rightfully afraid to do when free to do so.
The Ukrainians with the missle systems weā€™ve sent them, and the various other missiles the allies have sent would suffice even as the Navy locks on to threats Putin threatens us with. At the start of the war we were worried about supplying howitzers Now with the new systems online the Ukrainians can hit anywhere necessary. Russia, as has been shown everyday, is a paper tiger, and their military unable, unwilling, to even, at times, engage with the locals.
It seems Mulezen is the overly-willing victim of The Daily Beast, again.

Whereas Zelensky just previous to the latest developments said that the entire Donbas war seemed to him hinged on Severodonetsk.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that fighting for the city of Severodonetsk may decide the outcome of the war in the east of the country.
"In many respects, the fate of the Donbas is being decided there," he said as combat raged in the industrial belt with Russian and separatist forces.
He said his troops were inflicting major losses on enemy forces.

National Post from REUTERS:
"SLOVIANSK ā€” Russian forces struck targets across Ukraineā€™s eastern Donetsk region on Tuesday, a day after President Vladimir Putin declared victory in the neighboring province of Luhansk after months of grueling attritional warfare in which both sides lost many men.

Donetsk and Luhansk comprise the Donbas, the industrialized eastern part of Ukraine that has seen the biggest battle in Europe for generations. Russia says it wants to wrest control of the entire Donbas from Ukraine on behalf of Moscow-backed separatists in two self-proclaimed peopleā€™s republics.

After Russian forces on Sunday took control of Lysychansk, the last bastion of Ukrainian resistance in Luhansk, Ukrainian officials said they now expect Moscow to focus its efforts especially on the cities of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk in Donetsk.

There was heavy fighting at the edge of Luhansk region, its governor Serhiy Gaidai told Ukrainian television, saying Russian regular army and reserve forces had been sent there in an apparent effort to cross the Siverskiy Donets River.

ā€œA large quantity of equipment is being sent towards Donetsk region,ā€ Gaidai said, adding Ukrainian forces were destroying considerable amounts of Russian equipment and fuel, suggesting Moscowā€™s forces ā€œwill have to take a breather at some point.ā€
Reuters could not independently verify his comments."

Russian report from Shoigu to Putin on Ukrainian losses claimed

5,469 casualties (2,218 killed 3,251 wounded)
196 tanks and armored vehicles
12 aircraft
1 helicopter
69 drones
6 long range SAMs
97 MRLs
166 field and mortar artillery pieces
216 vehicles

In fleeing, Ukrainians abandoned:

39 tanks and armored vehicles
11 guns and mortars
48 Javelin and LAW systems
18 Stinger systems
3 UAVs

Now the comedian wants $750 billion
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Brush by the bully ignoring his threats.
Really bad idea. If Russia didn't pose a nuclear threat, the west would have been in long ago and everything would be over. That is why the conflict is being dragged out.....including the slow western response to arming the Ukraine. They don't want to poke the Bear. It still has claws. CN
We have been calling Russiaā€™s bluff over and over again. They threatened all kind of crazy things while they wither away reduced to recruiting from their jails as well as conscripting people from occupied areas.
Read This: "Top Russian Officialā€™s Crazed Threat: Alaska Takeover Could Be Next"
So you are saying the west ought to call his bluff. I'm kinda getting there. Is Putin really stupid enough to start WWIII? That is the question. CN
Read This: "Top Russian Officialā€™s Crazed Threat: Alaska Takeover Could Be Next"
"Medvedev suggested the United States hasnā€™t been held accountable for several bloody encounters and territorial grabs itself, and that it would do well to not look at Russia before examining its own history.
ā€œThe entire U.S. history since the times of subjugation of the native Indian population represents a series of bloody wars,ā€
Speaking as a third Native American, being conquered by the US was the best of fates. I like it here, now. The tribal wars endemic to pre-European culture, were nothing but barbarism. They never ended. The secret to our survival was moving somewhere the Europeans couldn't live and didn't want. West Virginia mountains are still uninhabited. Only the valleys are peopled by beefy tall Europeans (& blacks).I'm built for running after wounded deer on wet rocks. The Shawnee didn't attack us much, we didn't have anything to steal, only short weak women. Grandfather was willing to dig low coal, crawling 12 hour days, until he bought his acre of respite in the valley. Paid taxes, too. I met another native survivor at the Lewis & Clark bicentennial party. Her family lived in the swamps of Ohio, until her great Grandad took a job repairing track for a railroad during WWI when labor was short.
Putin may be terminally ill. He may not care if the world survives in 5 years or not. His starvation of 40000000 poor people by withholding grain (even Russian) vegetable oils & fertilizer shows a complete lack of responsibility.
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