World War III

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Yeah, Ukraine forces are folding up and now normal citizens with essentially no training are the majority of the poor victims being sent to the slaughterhouse under the comedian and Demented Joey, with Boris Johnson being perhaps the greatest villain of the tragedy...Bloated Boris, fighting fiercely to the last Ukrainian.
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And some more truthiness;
Where is the classic anti war left?
Follow the money, all this stuff We are giving away will be replaced at much-inflated prices( mmm! new jets, villas for the plutocrats) that being said Putin has no business killing innocents.If the commanders are not following the Leader's orders they should be replaced!
Follow the money, all this stuff We are giving away will be replaced at much-inflated prices( mmm! new jets, villas for the plutocrats) that being said Putin has no business killing innocents.
Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State, on if 500,000 children were killed by GW Bush: "I think, we think, the price is worth it..."






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This is a good reporting channel on the daily action if you can suffer through the bad jokes.

Reports are that the main forces of trained personnel of Ukraine are encircled in Lysychansk, are retreating to the south after quickly losing the city center, and are losing badly. The city population that remained has been suffering with outages of gas power and water for over a month so probably are going to be relieved soon.
Didn't @Rome say the Ukrainians would be completely defeated by July 4th?

Looks like his predictions are a little off.
John Voight?! Really?

What's up with the compulsive video watching-- of weird, depraved-looking old white dudes?

So what... some of you guys think the videos of Biden with kids are weird... maybe your grandparents died when you were young or you've never been around anyone over 70 years old.

But these guys... look okay to you? I didn't watch any of the videos, obviously-- I don't click on your links, there's no vaccine for what I might catch from that toilet seat. But even the still images on the first frame... these just don't seem like.. healthy, wholesome folk. These guys look like carnies at the kind of county fair where you never let your kids out of your sight.

Ukraine is one big < deleted >

And what, you're some kind of bad-ass? Or do you just want to drive away the women who visit this forum?
So what... some of you guys think the videos of Biden with kids are weird... maybe your grandparents died when you were young or you've never been around anyone over 70 years old.
I've never before seen any old man constantly grab young girls by the arm and pull them over against their will and fondle them and whisper for them to visit him when they turn 17. N.E.V.E.R.
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