World War III

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I feel safe here. We are quite prepared. Just one of many.
As I was on a ride today, I had a chance to take a photo of a tractor twice. As these tractors were at work, I didn't like to ask the drivers for a permission of taking the photo though :)
But the white death should be melting. Then what? Tractors and reindeer? The Finns have some pretty advanced logging machinery.
You really don't want to be messing with a PO'd reindeer, they can be foul tempered and come with lots of friends.

The Finish Defence Forces are a very impressive and well regarded military concentrating on (as the name suggests) the defence of their homeland. Not unlike the Ukrainian military they know the Russians very well and have built up a very capable defensive structure. I wouldn't want to pick a fight with them.

Going a bit further - A militarily unified group of Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland and maybe Denmark) would be a very formidable block to any Russian aggression. It would further isolate Russia and could perhaps even provide an element of additional protection to the Baltic countries.

I think despite the possible small territorial gains the Ukrainian "campaign" might provide, the cost will be the Russians finding themselves severely isolated from the rest of Europe. I'm not sure the Russian people will over the long term find that an agreeable trade off.
All this pain and suffering because of a single megalomaniac authoritarian delusions.
Yet people, even in this country think it is a good idea to get one of them power...
“NATO has been supplying the neo-Nazis in Ukraine with powerful weapons and extensive training on how to use them. What the hell is going with these #NATONazis?”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
March 2022 · Quote Source
“You see Ukraine just kept poking the bear, poking the bear, which is Russia, and Russia invaded. And the hard truth is … there is no win for Ukraine here. Russia is being very successful in their invasion.”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
March 2022 · Quote Source
“I think we should probably take the side of Russia, if we have to choose between Russia and Ukraine.”
Tucker Carlson, FOX News
December 2019 · Quote Source

“I gotta be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other.”
J.D. Vance, US Senate Candidate
February 2022 · Quote Source
“Every American who wants to know what’s *actually* going on in Russia and Ukraine, read this transcript of Putin’s address…WE are at fault.”
Candace Owens, Daily Wire
February 2022 · Quote Source
“No Republican should vote for any money for Ukraine. $0 for Ukraine.”
Steve Bannon
March 2022 · Quote Source
“The Soviet Union back before Russia when it broke up contained all of Ukraine including Crimea. The country itself is not really a country.”
Peter Navarro, Former Trump WH Advisor
December 2021 · Quote Source
“I’m more concerned with the US-Mexico border than the Russia-Ukraine border. Not sorry.”
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL)
January 2022 · Quote Source

You can't make this stuff up...WTF?

“Zelensky is a globalist puppet for Soros and the Clintons.”
State Sen. Wendy Rogers (R-AZ)
February 2022 · Quote Source

“I have major concerns about a compromised president of the United States who is sending incredible support to a less-than-forthright president of the Ukraine.”
Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT)
March 2022 · Quote Source
“It feels as if Putin is going into places that want him. They have voted overwhelmingly to be part of it. It is a family dispute that we shouldn’t get in the midst of, that’s for certain.”
Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA
February 2022 · Quote Source
“We had kind of a really pathetic display from the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.”
Laura Ingraham, FOX News
February 2022 · Quote Source
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Hate to interrupt jolly time. Not that food production is important as world famine is predicted, but it might be even more fun than you realize! Fertilizer shipments to US farmers are being blocked.

"CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CF), a leading global manufacturer of hydrogen and nitrogen products, today informed customers it serves by Union Pacific rail lines that railroad-mandated shipping reductions would result in nitrogen fertilizer shipment delays during the spring application season and that it would be unable to accept new rail sales involving Union Pacific for the foreseeable future. The Company understands that it is one of only 30 companies to face these restrictions."
Next tranche of US weapons transfers ...

Going well beyond the 18 155mm howitzers with 40K rounds of ammunition in the previous package the new one includes 72 howitzers and 144K rounds plus the tactical vehicles to tow the big guns.

Another interesting part of the package is a new drone called Phoenix Ghost which sounds like it's a loitering single use (suicide) anti armor weapon designed specifically for Ukrainian requirements.

I wonder a) what effect these weapons will have and b) when will Ukraine get more air resources and heavy mobile armor to be able to sustain longer range counter attacks ... so not just stopping Russian advances but taking territory back.
It’s coming from other directions as well such as Australia with their homegrown Bushmaster APC’s. I think that some countries like Germany are being quiet about their assistance. The howitzers will use NATO 155mm munitions which will allow NATO members to supply munitions also.
Though some say Russian forces have learned from their Kyiv mistakes others insist its the same uncoordinated, unmotivated mass that now uses Chechen enforcers on their own soldiers to the extent of reports of three conscripts being shot by them.
I’m bad. I have to ask. All I see is “ You are ignoring content by this member.” Does anyone actually read Handlebores? Or Maui Waui?
Tom, I think you're missing the core concept of "ignoring".

Don't read, don't discuss, don't think about them ... and you'll be a much happier guy.
Poor Tom is covering his eyes and asking people to tell him what they see. But then, if you swallow the legacy news, you've been taught that.
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