Winter Sucks

Mayo, Yukon Territory !!
All tucked in and ready to go for the winter. They actually take up the same amount of room and wll trade back places Aprilish.
Snowblower stored, bikes out. Now need to check to see if the Mississippi River is off the bike path yet. Need to teach our friends in Minnesota to melt their snow at a better controlled rate; although we were 12" below 2019 record flood.


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We have had so much rain and and cold, for us, weather. Today I have long sleeves for the wind but shorts. Shorts for the second time in 2023. I like to see the fluffy Canadian goslings. The grow so fast. And today everything is leafing out. The California Central Valley is still flooded and will take two years to evaporate.
65 when I got home got a rain warning. before we could even hop o the tandem it I raining good. hope it ends after dinner .
Beautiful day here today. Didn't get to ride, but went up to the one hardware store to pick up something. Several english farmers were various stages of bringing rye. Some cutting, some raking some baling. I spent the rest of the day working on the trailer.
streets are still sandy in spots across Winona
Report for today; more than a few sandy spots. This prediction is for the road. Bike path probably won't be useable for weeks after the road is useable.


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A whole lot of Minnesota snow all melted at once causing massive flooding there. This, below, will help with our bike rental, repair, and conversion business. Maybe I will get flooded with business. 84 Saturday!
We've finally turned the corner here in Mn and I swapped my summer tires into my fattie!
Wow what a winter!
65-95 f is my temps. No rain, snow, high winds or battery busting mega heat. I have a nice warm car for those winter days. For me, a good ride means nice sunny weather and warm summer nights.
Report for today; more than a few sandy spots. This prediction is for the road. Bike path probably won't be useable for weeks after the road is useable.
The MUP around Lake Park is perfect or nearly perfect year round. Only 6 or so miles but well maintained and paved.
65-95 f is my temps. No rain, snow, high winds or battery busting mega heat. I have a nice warm car for those winter days. For me, a good ride means nice sunny weather and warm summer nights.
I actually enjoy the Mn winters, lots to do, ice fishing, spearing, fat tire trail riding. If you don't have an outdoor activity it will drive ya nuts, but I enjoy it.
The coastal fog bank and wind are too much, I still need a pullover of wool.
The coastal fog bank and wind are too much, I still need a pullover of wool.
I've done some winter riding but even with warm clothes it was just not a fun ride. I don't like the extra clothes needed to stay warm. T-shirts, shorts and nice warm sun on my face, mp3 with great music in my ears, and it's summertime meditation going down the road and through the woods. Tomorrow will be 85f, no wind and a great trail along a lake. 30 miles rt. nice!
Its cold, overcast ... and NO TOURISTS!. The paths aren't choked with morons ambling aimlessly. The streets are mostly empty and I had them largely to myself. Its like a whole new world vs. when its sunny and warm. hell... I love winter!
This will be our first summer in coastal San Diego County. As the weather warms, and tourist season ramps up, starting to dawn on me that winter's where it's at here: Cool, comfy riding temps, interesting weather, dramatic skies, big storm waves to watch in awe, uncrowded beaches, available beach parking, tolerable traffic, generally unclogged bikeways, still plenty of gorgeous days.

Like you, especially dreading the coming onslaught of oblivious pedestrians.
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Yes, this is right. I am still reading Mythology books by sunlight and it is 8 PM. I do not want this Summer Solstice to end. I can't take the midnight sun of negligent Artic Helios or the endless darkness when Persephone goes to Hades. I want this! Maybe I should move to the mountains above Baja or Maui. Cool and with good sun all year. Altitude does the cool part, no nasty bugs, and mellow sleep with the cool, wine dark sea breezes of pink fingered Dawn.
And happy winter solstice for those of us in the southern hemisphere!

Yesterday (21st) I participated in the annual winter solstice night ride around the central city park. Many decorate their bikes with coloured lights.

It's good to mark the occasion.
And happy winter solstice for those of us in the southern hemisphere!

Yesterday (21st) I participated in the annual winter solstice night ride around the central city park. Many decorate their bikes with coloured lights.

It's good to mark the occasion.
What do you call your winter solstice? Yule, perhaps?