Where's My XP?

Did some looking on Alibaba and found a similar sized bike and the listed 195 pcs fit in a 40' high cube container. What does that mean? It means I'm bored and waiting on my new bike!
They met the early September shipping.

Im thinking for every week they're late they should throw a skateboard in the box. The boards are probably just sitting around collecting dust anyways. It would give em room to process bikes also. I would love to get one of them babys
Last week I emailed Brent. I'll see how next week pans out, then I may just cancel.

One of us is the cool, calm, collected type and it isn't me. 👍

They claim my bike has been shipped but it hasn't moved. I want them to swear under oath! I want affidavits! Your honor I'd like to treat somebody as a hostile witness!

<Please look away, he's losing it.>
Thanks for updating.
Still waiting... 233x what a shipping mess they have
Wait your # 233* and you haven't recieved your bike? 9/3 from today is 11 days you should of had some sort of shipping update or have your bike already.
I'm suppose to get myn delivered Monday, it's in Chicago now.
Last number I saw was 303X, Looks kinda like they created just enough labels to "Start shipping the second week of Sept.". The next part of the statement was "Once started, it will take 7 to 10 days to finish the early Sept. batch." Then comes the part where they turn it over to a third party shipper to take it to Fedex? Another 10 days? Then the time it takes FedEx to actually deliver the bikes once they get them. That part has actually been pretty predictable with most getting their bikes in 5-6 days or less.

I am on this website almost hourly looking for updates during the day, and a couple of times during the night. That's good for the host of this forum and I am gaining knowledge along the way but I wish Lectric would step up to the plate and give us a little more frequent updates as to how things are progressing. The last update i got from Lectric was Aug. 26 and the one before that was Jul. 25. They did come on the site a little over a week ago and promise that the early Sept. batch would shipped in 7-10 days after they started (Thursday the 12th).
My FedEx scheduled delivery date is set for tomorrow. I have been tracking the shipment through the FedEx system, as noted in a previous post. As of this Sunday morning at 6 a.m., the last tracking item is "in transit" from the local FedEx facility, the one that would likely get it "out for delivery." In other words, it looks like the bike is at the last point in the shipping before it appears at my door and now it's got an entire day (Sunday, today) to get it here. My question is - does FedEx ever deliver this type of shipment on a Sunday? I just Googled this question and saw some news stories from last May about that they were going to Sunday deliveries, but that news seems a bit contradictory to the home delivery info I see on the FedEx website. Anyone have any experience getting their bike on a Sunday? Probably not ... but at this point I need to keep talking, otherwise I am going to go nuts. These final moments before delivery are like seeing all the presents under the tree on Christmas Eve, so please bear with me.
Good question about Sunday delivery. I seem to remember being surprised about some Sunday deliveries with the Postal Service and Maybe FedEx in the past but not lately. maybe it was the Christmas season or just a test? Amazon does do deliveries on Sundays in my area.