Where Is It Legal To Ride Under Covid-19 Restrictions


Well-Known Member
Northeast Pennsylvania
I see many posts here about people riding their bikes these days during the Covid-19 outbreak. International, federal, state and local regulations vary greatly, conflict with each other and are generally confusing. I understand we are in uncharted territory now and changes are made almost daily. I suppose this is to be expected considering the severity of the situation.

I'm curious how everyone is dealing with these restrictive riding conditions. Hopefully, no one is violating any regulations and everyone is practicing social distancing. If you are riding, how and where are you doing it and what are the regulations in place?

I live in Eastern PA where all counties are under lockdown by order of the governor. No one is supposed to leave their home except for emergencies or to buy food. Yet the local media is encouraging people to get outside and exercise. Local TV is showing footage of people walking and running in parks. WHICH IS IT??? No one seems to be able to define the meaning of a lockdown. Can I take out the garbage, walk out to the mailbox or pick up the newspaper? These are silly rhetorical questions I know but how far do you bend the rules?

There are a number of trails within a 20 mile ride of my home that are remote and secluded. The chances of even seeing another person are small. I know I wouldn't violate any social distancing policies, join a group of 10 people or even touch a potentially contaminated surface. Even though I wouldn't put anyone else at risk or jeopardize my own safety, would driving to one of these locations violate the lockdown? More importantly, what kind of example would I be setting by driving around with my bike in the back of my truck?

Any comments are welcome.
We are basically under the same lock down. Govenor issued stay in your home order.
EXCEPT for exercise and essentials. The walking paths around the lakes are so crowded he is considering closing them.
So ya???????very confusing??????

I'm considering heading to my property in the west central part of the state for the weekend. I have not been around anyone for two weeks, I would not be around anyone up there, it's in the middle of nowhere and I could ride the gravel roads and not see a soul for days!
But I think the same thing, is this really selfish?


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We are basically under the same lock down. Govenor issued stay in your home order.
EXCEPT for exercise and essentials. The walking paths around the lakes are so crowded he is considering closing them.
So ya???????very confusing??????

I'm considering heading to my property in the west central part of the state for the weekend. I have not been around anyone for two weeks, I would not be around anyone up there, it's in the middle of nowhere and I could ride the gravel roads and not see a sole for days!
But I think the same thing, is this really selfish?
It is still allowed here so far. I think you can ride safely as long as you choose the paths of least traffic and keep your distance. After all this could go on for a long time and we need excercise. I wear a mask and goggles when I must run the gauntlet of a section of trail that will have even moderate traffic. I do that in the grocery store too. My wife refuses to wear a mask though.
I see many posts here about people riding their bikes these days during the Covid-19 outbreak. International, federal, state and local regulations vary greatly, conflict with each other and are generally confusing. I understand we are in uncharted territory now and changes are made almost daily. I suppose this is to be expected considering the severity of the situation.

I'm curious how everyone is dealing with these restrictive riding conditions. Hopefully, no one is violating any regulations and everyone is practicing social distancing. If you are riding, how and where are you doing it and what are the regulations in place?

I live in Eastern PA where all counties are under lockdown by order of the governor. No one is supposed to leave their home except for emergencies or to buy food. Yet the local media is encouraging people to get outside and exercise. Local TV is showing footage of people walking and running in parks. WHICH IS IT??? No one seems to be able to define the meaning of a lockdown. Can I take out the garbage, walk out to the mailbox or pick up the newspaper? These are silly rhetorical questions I know but how far do you bend the rules?

There are a number of trails within a 20 mile ride of my home that are remote and secluded. The chances of even seeing another person are small. I know I wouldn't violate any social distancing policies, join a group of 10 people or even touch a potentially contaminated surface. Even though I wouldn't put anyone else at risk or jeopardize my own safety, would driving to one of these locations violate the lockdown? More importantly, what kind of example would I be setting by driving around with my bike in the back of my truck?

Any comments are welcome.
Yesterday after it got up to 50 out I took a ride from my house to some trails in a small section of Acadia National Park. I didn't see very many people on my ride to the park and saw no one at all on the park trails. If it warms up enough today and doesn't rain I plan to do it again.
I see information on this topic is available in another thread as well:

I'm with 6zfhsdb,
How big of an Ahole do you look like driving around the state with your bikes loaded up?
There are no cases in the county I would be going to...I would hate to be Typhoid Mary!!!

AND I would have to fill up at a gas station....i gotta touch the pump handle!o_O
I'm with 6zfhsdb,
How big of an Ahole do you look like driving around the state with your bikes loaded up?
There are no cases in the county I would be going to...I would hate to be Typhoid Mary!!!

AND I would have to fill up at a gas station....i gotta touch the pump handle!o_O

I usually travel with a supply of disposable gloves for this purpose.
We’re OK here in New York State still. The area where I live near the Capital - 200 miles from NYC, fortunately - has a lot of good trail and path riding where you can stay away from others very easily. The weather is finally starting to turn to spring, so riding becomes a better option.

I am interested to see how the closure of businesses impacts the ridership during the week. Normally - something that we may not see again - paths are very busy on the weekend and virtually empty during the week. Now, with people looking for any opportunity to get away from the constant stress, maybe there will be heavier presence out there. That might push me back onto the roads a little more, at least the back roads. As long as I can stay away from everyone, I hope to keep riding as much as I can.

If the national lockdown comes, I‘l’ll support it. The news around here in the medical community is grim, and we are as of today getting patients from NYC in our hospitals.
We’re OK here in New York State still. The area where I live near the Capital - 200 miles from NYC, fortunately - has a lot of good trail and path riding where you can stay away from others very easily. The weather is finally starting to turn to spring, so riding becomes a better option.

I am interested to see how the closure of businesses impacts the ridership during the week. Normally - something that we may not see again - paths are very busy on the weekend and virtually empty during the week. Now, with people looking for any opportunity to get away from the constant stress, maybe there will be heavier presence out there. That might push me back onto the roads a little more, at least the back roads. As long as I can stay away from everyone, I hope to keep riding as much as I can.

If the national lockdown comes, I‘l’ll support it. The news around here in the medical community is grim, and we are as of today getting patients from NYC in our hospitals.
Yeah if they tell us to stay inside I will of course comply but here they are currently saying stay inside except for groceries and excersize.
We’re OK here in New York State still. The area where I live near the Capital - 200 miles from NYC, fortunately - has a lot of good trail and path riding where you can stay away from others very easily. The weather is finally starting to turn to spring, so riding becomes a better option.

I am interested to see how the closure of businesses impacts the ridership during the week. Normally - something that we may not see again - paths are very busy on the weekend and virtually empty during the week. Now, with people looking for any opportunity to get away from the constant stress, maybe there will be heavier presence out there. That might push me back onto the roads a little more, at least the back roads. As long as I can stay away from everyone, I hope to keep riding as much as I can.

If the national lockdown comes, I‘l’ll support it. The news around here in the medical community is grim, and we are as of today getting patients from NYC in our hospitals.
Thoughts and prayers go out to you New Yorkers!
I see many posts here about people riding their bikes these days during the Covid-19 outbreak. International, federal, state and local regulations vary greatly, conflict with each other and are generally confusing. I understand we are in uncharted territory now and changes are made almost daily. I suppose this is to be expected considering the severity of the situation.

I'm curious how everyone is dealing with these restrictive riding conditions. Hopefully, no one is violating any regulations and everyone is practicing social distancing. If you are riding, how and where are you doing it and what are the regulations in place?

I live in Eastern PA where all counties are under lockdown by order of the governor. No one is supposed to leave their home except for emergencies or to buy food. Yet the local media is encouraging people to get outside and exercise. Local TV is showing footage of people walking and running in parks. WHICH IS IT??? No one seems to be able to define the meaning of a lockdown. Can I take out the garbage, walk out to the mailbox or pick up the newspaper? These are silly rhetorical questions I know but how far do you bend the rules?

There are a number of trails within a 20 mile ride of my home that are remote and secluded. The chances of even seeing another person are small. I know I wouldn't violate any social distancing policies, join a group of 10 people or even touch a potentially contaminated surface. Even though I wouldn't put anyone else at risk or jeopardize my own safety, would driving to one of these locations violate the lockdown? More importantly, what kind of example would I be setting by driving around with my bike in the back of my truck?

Any comments are welcome.
I live in Pittsburgh and have two options either ride on side streets or on trails. The streets in my town are like an obstacle course with young families trying to burn up their kids stay at home energy and the trails are muddy and filled with dog walkers and runners. At 72 I’ll try to exercise walking up and down my long steep driveway it just has less mental stress.
From everything I've read Pennsylvanians are allowed to exercise outdoors. I've been riding local farm tracks and dirt roads from home.

"Engaging in outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking or running if they maintain social distancing."

The local rail trail is open for use and local government is encouraging people to get out and use the parks. No services, like bathrooms or playgrounds are available.

I also see travel to and from these activities is allowed. As yet I haven't found the need to drive, as I have local places to ride.

"Allowable Essential Travel
  • Any travel related to the provision of or access to the above-mentioned individual activities or life-sustaining business activities (see below for details about life-sustaining business activities)."
It hasn't been a problem for me. While most campgrounds, trailheads, and parks are officially "closed" you can still ride your bike past them.
Getting out for exercise on bikes is still permited around here. Our roads are nearly empty except for a few bike riders and have very few cars on them, making them safe to ride for exercise without risk of contact. Mixed use trails around here, which are plentiful, are another matter and should likely be shut down as there is way too much proximity and near contact, with risk of aerosol transfer.
I live in Pittsburgh and have two options either ride on side streets or on trails. The streets in my town are like an obstacle course with young families trying to burn up their kids stay at home energy and the trails are muddy and filled with dog walkers and runners. At 72 I’ll try to exercise walking up and down my long steep driveway it just has less mental stress.

Diongi - I, too, live near Pittsburgh, a few miles south - if you are in that area the Panhandle trail is in great shape, with the part from McDonald to the WV line paved - give it a try. I ride the roads to McDonald then come back on the trail just about every day.

Here in NC, outdoor exercise is permitted so long as the 6 foot distance from others is observed.

I thought it might be the same in PA, so I looked up the actual text of Gov. Wolf's order. It says "Individuals are permitted to engage in outdoor activities; however, gatherings of individuals outside of the home are generally prohibited except as may be required to access, support or provide life sustaining services as outlined above."

So there you go. Get out there and enjoy your ebike.
The children are still walking around in groups of five bouncing basketballs. Sport prevents illness, right? Only old people die? Good riddance! About like those Kramistan residents on TV yesterday disinfecting their streets with ground tumeric.
I refuse to feel guilty for riding my bike around. Did the Ohio R. Greenway Monday, went to 2 churches yesterday to spray dandelions, went to Meijer's center today for my drugs which should have been called in by noon yesterday. They weren't, and after I called the Dr. office, they e-mailed 1 of the 3 drugs the physician said he was going to give me for out of control BP. !@#$#$%^%^&* Also insurance company wouldn't let me have diabetes drug 10 days before I run out. That's all I need to do, run to the discount store twice a week. first time I was in a store since 3/12. About 10 people per 100 sq m in the store.
Sitting on my deck looking out across my paddock in another country , it's really hard to understand why you guys are asking how far you can push the rules? Why on earth are you putting your lives at risk because some pen pusher left a loop hole?

In Australia, we're now told no more than 2 people , and we're starting to get guidance on exercise - putting the bike in the car and travelling is not ok

this is our daily case graph


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Sitting on my deck looking out across my paddock in another country , it's really hard to understand why you guys are asking how far you can push the rules? Why on earth are you putting your lives at risk because some pen pusher left a loop hole?

In Australia, we're now told no more than 2 people , and we're starting to get guidance on exercise - putting the bike in the car and travelling is not ok

this is our daily case graph
I am not trying to push the rules. I do not know what rules you have there but I am following the rules here. Looking at your chart reminds me that this virus is insanely contagious. Make a new Nobel prize category and name it after the first person who discovers the vaccine!
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