Where Is It Legal To Ride Under Covid-19 Restrictions

Why on earth are you putting your lives at risk because some pen pusher left a loop hole?
Only place I was closer than 2 m to anybody was in the discount store/pharmacy. Which is legal in our state. I could have held out longer on food, but my HBP is out of control and Tuesday was the semi-annual Dr. appointment. Lucky to get to talk to a Dr with this going on. He'll be too busy in a week or two.
As a person who has caught 3 virus's in the last 4 weeks, I find the idea that outdoor breathing 2 m apart causes covid-19 rediculous. Every time I caught something, I was within 1 m of somebody, indoors. As always; as a native Am I've had thousands of fever events. Since I don't work, I can trace viruses precisely back to who I saw when, 36-42 hours before I got the fever. People in my space are the problem, people who jet around the world picking up exotic viruses. People who "aren't sick", ie lucky to be born to the dominant ethnicity that doesn't suffer from fevers. The good news to me, BBCnews just said the worst covid19 cases are where the immune system starts attacking the body's own organs. My immune system is pretty wimpy; probably won't have excess Tcells to go around attacking myself. Probably explains why my Grandfather survived flu 1918 but died of a cold in 1938 age 42.
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Sitting on my deck looking out across my paddock in another country , it's really hard to understand why you guys are asking how far you can push the rules? Why on earth are you putting your lives at risk because some pen pusher left a loop hole?

In Australia, we're now told no more than 2 people , and we're starting to get guidance on exercise - putting the bike in the car and travelling is not ok

this is our daily case graph
I didn't get the sense anyone is pushing the boundaries of the rules. I think many are trying to get clear advice on what's safe. I live in the country, in a large rural township. No retail establishments, traffic signals or police department. Very rural. I'm sticking to riding farm tracks and dirt roads. Even though the county has an open rail trail I don't think I will use it, for the chance I'd be close to anyone. I will continue to get fresh air, exercise and improve my mental health while its encouraged by the health experts. That may change.
I see many posts here about people riding their bikes these days during the Covid-19 outbreak. International, federal, state and local regulations vary greatly, conflict with each other and are generally confusing. I understand we are in uncharted territory now and changes are made almost daily. I suppose this is to be expected considering the severity of the situation.

I'm curious how everyone is dealing with these restrictive riding conditions. Hopefully, no one is violating any regulations and everyone is practicing social distancing. If you are riding, how and where are you doing it and what are the regulations in place?

I live in Eastern PA where all counties are under lockdown by order of the governor. No one is supposed to leave their home except for emergencies or to buy food. Yet the local media is encouraging people to get outside and exercise. Local TV is showing footage of people walking and running in parks. WHICH IS IT??? No one seems to be able to define the meaning of a lockdown. Can I take out the garbage, walk out to the mailbox or pick up the newspaper? These are silly rhetorical questions I know but how far do you bend the rules?

There are a number of trails within a 20 mile ride of my home that are remote and secluded. The chances of even seeing another person are small. I know I wouldn't violate any social distancing policies, join a group of 10 people or even touch a potentially contaminated surface. Even though I wouldn't put anyone else at risk or jeopardize my own safety, would driving to one of these locations violate the lockdown? More importantly, what kind of example would I be setting by driving around with my bike in the back of my truck?

Any comments are welcome.

I take Guv Wolf to mean biking is ok, as it is outdoor exercise, like walking on a trail. I ride the streets to get to the trail. Trails aren't too crowded, so able to maintain social distancing.
I am not trying to push the rules. I do not know what rules you have there but I am following the rules here. Looking at your chart reminds me that this virus is insanely contagious. Make a new Nobel prize category and name it after the first person who discovers the vaccine!

Steve, if you think it's ok for ruffruff to hop in his car and drive out to his holiday house, then it seems you are still looking to the policy makers for advice instead of doing what you can to protect yourself and others around you?

Three weeks ago I cancelled a holiday that would gave left me relaxing on a quiet beach but potentially moving disease between towns when the holiday finished. At the time, there was absolutely no restrictions on travel within Australia but it seemed like the smart thing to do.

I have a holiday house and boat an hour away and locked them up for the duration 3 weeks ago. Technically , I think I could still go there now, 3 generations of restrictions later, because it would be " work related travel" to cut the grass of do maintenance, but the typhoid mary comment above applies ( plus I'm aware their hospital is even worse than ours)

Anyway, Clearly I've misinterpreted what you guys are asking - but what I'm commenting on is the different cultural approaches - from here it looks like asking how much you can do to stay within rules , whilst the real question could be what EXTRA can you do to protect yourself?

Good luck guys
Steve, if you think it's ok for ruffruff to hop in his car and drive out to his holiday house, then it seems you are still looking to the policy makers for advice instead of doing what you can to protect yourself and others around you?

Three weeks ago I cancelled a holiday that would gave left me relaxing on a quiet beach but potentially moving disease between towns when the holiday finished. At the time, there was absolutely no restrictions on travel within Australia but it seemed like the smart thing to do.

I have a holiday house and boat an hour away and locked them up for the duration 3 weeks ago. Technically , I think I could still go there now, 3 generations of restrictions later, because it would be " work related travel" to cut the grass of do maintenance, but the typhoid mary comment above applies ( plus I'm aware their hospital is even worse than ours)

Anyway, Clearly I've misinterpreted what you guys are asking - but what I'm commenting on is the different cultural approaches - from here it looks like asking how much you can do to stay within rules , whilst the real question could be what EXTRA can you do to protect yourself?

Good luck guys

Thanks for your insight on this PDoz.

Good luck to you as well.
Anyway, Clearly I've misinterpreted what you guys are asking - but what I'm commenting on is the different cultural approaches - from here it looks like asking how much you can do to stay within rules , whilst the real question could be what EXTRA can you do to protect yourself?
My diabetes is controlled mostly by exercise, ie bike riding. Without power mostly. After winter A1C is up in the danger zone, also blood pressure. I have to get out and exercise the numbers down, or have the Dr. cut my leg off 2" at a time like my Grandfather. BTW I rode the exercycle every other day all winter. It's not enough. Die of a virus, die of excess surgery & laying around afterward, the 2nd option is much more painful IMHO. Option 2 leads to dementia, which Gpa had.
Steve, if you think it's ok for ruffruff to hop in his car and drive out to his holiday house, then it seems you are still looking to the policy makers for advice instead of doing what you can to protect yourself and others around you?

Three weeks ago I cancelled a holiday that would gave left me relaxing on a quiet beach but potentially moving disease between towns when the holiday finished. At the time, there was absolutely no restrictions on travel within Australia but it seemed like the smart thing to do.

I have a holiday house and boat an hour away and locked them up for the duration 3 weeks ago. Technically , I think I could still go there now, 3 generations of restrictions later, because it would be " work related travel" to cut the grass of do maintenance, but the typhoid mary comment above applies ( plus I'm aware their hospital is even worse than ours)

Anyway, Clearly I've misinterpreted what you guys are asking - but what I'm commenting on is the different cultural approaches - from here it looks like asking how much you can do to stay within rules , whilst the real question could be what EXTRA can you do to protect yourself?

Good luck guys
Ok well I dunno ...anyways good luck to all
I live on Vancouver Island, off the coast of British Columbia. Most stores are closed and people are practicing 'social distancing'. Still a lot of people cycling and walking on trails by the ocean.
My wife and I got a great ride in yesterday. I was on my regular road bike and my wife was on her e-bike. Guess who was more tired.
Think in terms of adding risk to others. When we ride, essentially alone, breathing on our bikes and no one else we are NOT endangering anyone. In MA we are under stay at home but I am considering excercise via ebike on the road (vs. any of those crowded bike paths or parks) is OK. Just like driving.
In Australia, we're now told no more than 2 people , and we're starting to get guidance on exercise - putting the bike in the car and travelling is not ok

this is our daily case graph

It seems to me OZ is doing well. New cases are trending downward? We're all effed up here in the USA, but we'll turn it around.

In nearby Chicago, the bike and walking paths are closed to everyone. Where I live, they are still open, but there are too many people on them. Rode 10 miles today, almost all of it on empty streets. I think riding is safer than going to the store.

I would not transport a bike to a riding area though. Last week, at the local park a mile from me, someone one had parked an RV and and had a tail gate party going with a BBQ running and a couple people in lawn chairs (plus some parked bikes).
I plan on loading up my trike and heading to a WMA to ride. There is never anyone there and I won’t be near any other people so I don’t see an issue with doing that. I did go to a gas station a few days ago. I disinfected the pump, the handle, the touchpad, everything, then sanitized my hands before getting back in my car.

Turkey hunting season starts here on the 20th, I checked Fish an Game and as of today it has not been cancelled, which I find interesting. Just what we need, a bunch of drunk (because liquor stores are still open, they are “essential”) virus spreaders wandering around in the woods with guns.
As long as you wear your condum you are safe to ride anywhere.

It seems to me OZ is doing well. New cases are trending downward? We're all effed up here in the USA, but we'll turn it around.

In nearby Chicago, the bike and walking paths are closed to everyone. Where I live, they are still open, but there are too many people on them. Rode 10 miles today, almost all of it on empty streets. I think riding is safer than going to the store.

I would not transport a bike to a riding area though. Last week, at the local park a mile from me, someone one had parked an RV and and had a tail gate party going with a BBQ running and a couple people in lawn chairs (plus some parked bikes).

Given the lag between contacting covid and developing symptoms sufficient to be tested, that downward trend in oz is possibly related to closing our borders rather than social distancing. We have hot spots of infection where individuals ignored / stretched post travel isolation rules, and our policy makers have aggressively ramped up social distancing rules in response to this.

I never thought Australians would accept social restrictions because we have a strong culture of freedom, but with 86% compliance reported, it seems our sense of community is stronger than our sense of privilege. It probably helps that we've just faced a massive national threat ( bushfires) so had already adapted to siege mentality?

Meanwhile...just as an insight....my covid swab just came back negative. I've spent the last 2 days mentally going over who I might have infected during the prodrome - one supermarket worker got a bit too close for a few seconds , one person at the bakery touched my hand and didn't wash as I had suggested , but I was confident everything I had done at work would pass scrutiny and yes, I had been cycling along the empty trails within a few km of my house . I couldn't remember touching or breathing on any surfaces, but the thought that some older neighbour might have walked those trails, picked up a covid infested droplet from my heavy breathing, then not washed their hands after removing their shoes.......tin hat now removed, but it really was an interesting exercise.
I plan on loading up my trike and heading to a WMA to ride. There is never anyone there and I won’t be near any other people so I don’t see an issue with doing that. I did go to a gas station a few days ago. I disinfected the pump, the handle, the touchpad, everything, then sanitized my hands before getting back in my car.

Turkey hunting season starts here on the 20th, I checked Fish an Game and as of today it has not been cancelled, which I find interesting. Just what we need, a bunch of drunk (because liquor stores are still open, they are “essential”) virus spreaders wandering around in the woods with guns.
Hunting is a solitary activity. Many rural residents depend on hunting to supplement their food stores. At a time when many are out of work, with no money coming in, it will be especially important to many families.
We had those darn Americans in an RV in our town. We ran them off as they tried to set up a tent by the river...
I plan on loading up my trike and heading to a WMA to ride. There is never anyone there and I won’t be near any other people so I don’t see an issue with doing that. I did go to a gas station a few days ago. I disinfected the pump, the handle, the touchpad, everything, then sanitized my hands before getting back in my car.

Turkey hunting season starts here on the 20th, I checked Fish an Game and as of today it has not been cancelled, which I find interesting. Just what we need, a bunch of drunk (because liquor stores are still open, they are “essential”) virus spreaders wandering around in the woods with guns.
Wow that is one big wide brush stroke of turkey hunters!
at the moment isn't the question "where is it not legal to ride?" both states I ride in have stay at home orders in effect which explicitly encourage biking as long as social distancing is maintained

off to ponder it on my bike...
I'm about to find out. I'm still working even though EVERYTHING is closed by 8pm and the state issued a stay at home order. I work 2nd shift (1pm to 9:30) and plan to ride my ebike to work the rest of this week. We got a letter from my company in case we get stopped by the police. I got followed by a police car one night while on my moped. Ended up passing me after a few miles but I had my hall pass (company letter) in my book bag.
Wow that is one big wide brush stroke of turkey hunters!

Keep in mind, this is rural west virginia, with many people out of work and there will be many hunters in the woods and unfortunately many of them drink. Our rule here is to not let the dog outside alone during hunting season, the tend to get shot.
All the county State/Park accesses are closed to traffic but I saw 3 people, two walking one riding on the dike but I have seen them before there.

Did get to stop and contemplate the lake which is on the other side of the Cape from me. While it is very close to the ocean tidal effect and that of the bay to the east, that today had lots of low tide exposure, it isn’t affected and the spillway in the lower corner was flowing well. I need to taste test the water and see how much salt content it has.


Need to figure out a wind craft small enough to bike over there with as the wind is steady there no matter which way it blows