Where are the Evelo fans?

Jerry LM

Active Member
Been looking at reviews and following this brand for a while yet I see little mention of it on here, only old posts and wondering why? I see a huge amount of correspondence on the others...perhaps price? Anyway if there are any Evelo people out there they are pretty stealth......
No not yet Amy, but seriously looking at one, having a hard time deciding between the Delta X and Aurora fully loaded model. Both seem to offer most all I am looking for and after a lot of reading and reviews etc. I like what they offer in comparison to other makers in the same price range. Also being based in Seattle not to far if a trip was ever needed for a serious issue as I am on the central Oregon coast.
I just don't see much activity on the Evelo forum and wondered why? One purchaser posted back in Jan. of this year and never again so was curious how he liked it.
Maybe the fact there are not complaints or problems listed is a good thing..Jerry
You pretty much feel the same as I about this bike JayVee, I had not noticed that so thanks for the heads up, everything else looks good and the reviews I have found are positive. I never go offroad anymore other than an occasional gravel or sandy trail by the beach so it most likely wouldn't be a problem for me.
There are a few of us out here, Jerry. I guess there aren't too many complaints or you would be seeing them here. As I mentioned in another thread, after customizing my Aurora with swept-back handlebars and a suspension seat post, it is very comfortable to ride. I have only two minor issues. The motor is only 250 watts, which is not enough for the hills I ride. The new ones are 500 watts, so that should take care of that problem. Also, it is extremely heavy at 64 lbs. with battery, but there are many other heavy ebikes out there, so that is not a problem that is peculiar to Evelo. They have excellent customer service and are now offering a 4 year warranty on their bikes.
Good to hear from you Al and glad the bike is holding up well. The new Aurora loaded is 750W so it will fly up hills! I have been looking at their bikes for a long time, I have pretty much come to the conclusion the only one that fits all my wants & needs is the Delta X so I think that is the one I am going to purchase. Since making this decision I have still been researching other bikes but can find none with the same warranty and none with the same power and throttle. Glad to hear you like yours. Jerry
I own a fully loaded Evelo Aurora, just surpassed 100 miles over 3 weekend rides. I am pleased with the purchase as I am able to ride up hills and routes that I have avoided in the past.
No issues yet, I purchased Evelo after reading many reviews and viewing numerous of Courts videos, in addition the nearest full service EB dealer is 100 miles away.
Good to hear, as I said it's on the top of my list, the company sends me an email every day concerning different subjects and has responded almost instantly to my email, the other day I posted a question and before I had left the site the phone rang with a answer. If this is not a company who is trying I don't know what would be. They seem genuinely concerned with customer relations and that counts with me.
You pretty much feel the same as I about this bike JayVee, I had not noticed that so thanks for the heads up, everything else looks good and the reviews I have found are positive. I never go offroad anymore other than an occasional gravel or sandy trail by the beach so it most likely wouldn't be a problem for me.
Honestly, the Delta X is a wannabe - not really good for offroad since lacks rear suspension. The Aurora has same 750w motor, but has much more upright riding position and low step over. For general cruising around town, picking up groceries or on packed trails, the Aurora is probably better solution.

Additionally, the NuVinci isn't as quick to shift as traditional shifters, and I think it would pose a problem on many trails. On roads, gentle trails, NuVinci works well.
thanks everyone for the replies, I have decided the Galaxy TT with the belt drive and Divinci would be a good fit as I just can't get into the step thru thing and don't want frame flex , I think the top tube diamond frame is still the best. Just my opinion of course. I think the belt drive is going to be the future, saw a bunch of articles where it's being used in competition and mtn. bikes, not e bikes though. The longevity and clean running really appeal to me and even though the Galaxy is only 350W the reviews I have read indicate it is capable on hills. These days I mainly ride around town and to the store etc. don't see myself doing huge grades anymore. I have been riding a Trek large frame and compared the numbers as it's a bit large for me, now pedal to seat at lowest is 33" and seat to ground is 37" reach 25" and step over 19". the Galaxy is 31", 34" same reach and 28.5" stopover so I think it will fit me pretty well, I am 5'8" or so and 215lbs right now.
Good choice. I like the Galaxy, and the 350w motor should be fine. It is a good looking bike with a great warranty. Best of luck with it. ;)