Its a weird phenomena for me, as Ive got older I listen to music less and less, no radio in my van, cant listen to the radio for more than ten seconds.
So many things about the internets have rewired my brain that Im sort of concerned Ive lost a part of me.
I havent watched a movie for years, dont listen to music unless its the soundtrack for visuals, going to see a play or a band bores me to death , sport bores me to death, I find fireworks tedious now, used to love them.
Cars, motorbikes were my interest whatsoever now.
Whats taken over is discovery, ambience, experiencing shades of light, atmosphere, adventure, exposure.
I did toy with playing Jean Michelle Jarre during epic rides in the mountains, too false and forced.
Rolling tyres over different terrain, thunder in the distance, branches hitting spokes, climbing into wind blasts. the quiet motor sweet spot, involuntary grunts, wind in trees, creaking bark, my own internal narration of difficult terrain , or out loud for the camera.
Which is its own music I guess.