What not to do...


Member Since 2014
If you set out to create a video on everything you shouldn't do on 2 wheels, this would win an Oscar for documentary of the year.

He hits 61 MPH on his "eBike". No brakes; 40 on a MUP. His last comment, when his bike gets tangled up in fishing line, "are these guys dumb?" Comment section gives him "Pre RIP". I hope he will listen to someone before it's too late.
When I was a practicing MD, I sometimes fantasized about developing a lawyer-specific nerve gas in my spare time. You know, not to kill, just to incapacitate when filing predatory lawsuits.

Now that I'm an avid ebiker worried about losing even more bikeway and trail access due to the actions of reckless, destructive 15-something yahoos on Surrons and Super73s, the fantasy's been retargeted. Flying dirt from rooster tails and donuts on trails should make a good activator.

Now the problem's come close to home. Twice in recent weeks, I've spotted a 15-something on a Surron in our quiet little gated neighborhood. Guessing he lives here.



He was riding responsibly enough at the time, but yesterday I found these rooster tail marks in the dirt by one of our public benches. Only one "ebike" here capable of that.
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He was riding responsibly enough at the time, but yesteday I found these rooster tail marks in the dirt by one of our public benches. Only one "ebike" here capable of that.
In fairness, I should confirm that a RadRover‐like ebike couldn't dig such a trench. We have maybe a dozen of those, all ridden pretty responsibly by school kids. Doubt they dug the trench: It looks narrower than their tires, and the front tread looks more aggressive than I remember seeing on their bikes.

Also in fairness, we do have a few kids on Super73-like ebikes. Suppose the trench-digger could've been one of them, but their tires are also probably too wide.
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Now that I'm an avid ebiker worried about losing even more bikeway and trail access due to the actions of reckless, destructive 15-something yahoos on Surrons and Super73s, the fantasy's been retargeted. Flying dirt from rooster tails and donuts on trails should make a good activator.
Sadly, a lot of people don't know the difference between ebikes and electric motorbikes. Stealth is the granddaddy of all high power electric motorbikes. They've been making these bikes since 2008. I watched another video from the above channel; the guy totaled his 8 grand Stealth Bomber electric motorbike. He never learned how to use the front brake and ran into a car while trying to pass on the right shoulder. In the same video he showed off his new gas-powered, off-road dirt bike. He's still riding the same roads and MUPs and still doesn't use the front brake.
Sadly, a lot of people don't know the difference between ebikes and electric motorbikes.
Exactly why I'm reluctant to show the landscape damage to the HOA board. They're the only ones who can repair or investigate it. But it will be hard to convince them that this is an illegal e-motorcycle problem, not a legal ebike problem.

And I don't want to give them reasons to start thinking ill of legal ebikes. They probably have the power to ban them from the community on fire-risk grounds alone, however irrational that might be. After all, it's just as dry here in San Diego as it as in LA.
I think the wild west days of electric personal propulsion are coming to the inevitable end, it was riding on a self denial by riders and authorities that somehow because it wasnt a gas engine they operated in some kind of limbo of consequence.
They were getting a free pass off the back of a moral high ground of zero emission and noise levels, while in reality they were bringing out the suburban rebel in us all.
The police would say quite rightly that they are illegal, but were met with..yeah, but not really, catch me if you can.

The rules are far greyer in the states as many allow moped speeds without authority or responsibilty, I dont know how a Trmp presidency will play out with regsrds to legislation moving forward, it might be all freedom or youre all dangerous commie hippies.
I think once theyve achieved a singularity of control over the populace they might ease the visible regulation and just rely on your compulsary electronic device to control your speed and behaviour.
'You are entering a high social status zone, your speed will be reduced, and many areas require level five credit, more than two scruffy appearance strikes will result in automatic weeks ban'.
Yes, they are going to cancel the driving licences of people who owe the UK government money.
The game is on.
Exactly why I'm reluctant to show the landscape damage to the HOA board. They're the only ones who can repair or investigate it. But it will be hard to convince them that this is an illegal e-motorcycle problem, not a legal ebike problem.

And I don't want to give them reasons to start thinking ill of legal ebikes. They probably have the power to ban them from the community on fire-risk grounds alone, however irrational that might be. After all, it's just as dry here in San Diego as it as in LA.
A few years ago, a small group of us got involved to lift a countywide ebike ban on paths, trails and MUPs. We went to all the meetings and advocated for acceptance. We were losing the battle until we setup a demo ride for local politicians, advisory board members and law enforcement. We showed up with a half dozen ebikes, all class 1, as class 3 aren't legal in my state. Class 2 was a hard no due to the throttle. It took about 18 months, but we won, and the ban was overturned. The demo ride is what turned the tide. You might consider showing them what a real, legal ebike is.
I think once theyve achieved a singularity of control over the populace they might ease the visible regulation and just rely on your compulsary electronic device to control your speed and behaviour.
'You are entering a high social status zone, your speed will be reduced, and many areas require level five credit, more than two scruffy appearance strikes will result in automatic weeks ban'.
The control will come via a high-tech solution.
When I was a practicing MD, I sometimes fantasized about developing a lawyer-specific nerve gas in my spare time. You know, not to kill, just to incapacitate when filing predatory lawsuits.

Now that I'm an avid ebiker worried about losing even more bikeway and trail access due to the actions of reckless, destructive 15-something yahoos on Surrons and Super73s, the fantasy's been retargeted…

I have to assume most of these outfits are just going to stop selling bikes in California. They’ll be like fireworks.

I compare it to if the law said kids of any age could drive cars as long as cars weren't capable of going more than 10 mph, and Ferrari ships a car in first gear and they say it never occurred to us that you were going to shift it into sixth and go 180 mph…
The young me would be calling all naysayers boring old coffin dodgers.
The old and slightly wiser me is shaking my fist at hooligans while judging myself to be a responsible one.

People tearing about on these contraptions don't want to hurt anyone, they are just revelling in freedom.
99% of them just think they can handle it, they can push the edge and still be safe, they can scoot around that toddler
or the granny with the stick.
Rules are for Squares.

The incoming hyper authoritarian world order will suppress youth in favour of the old.
I have no clue how that will pan out.
Says the 62 year old with a drug dealers getaway vehicle.
Whenever there is a high profile incident involving an e-bike, whether it be fire or serious injury, the public outcry prompts regulators & politicians to act. As mentioned above, most have no clue as to what an e-bike really is. Unfortunately, it's far easier & cheaper to just ban them, rather than enforce laws or regulations.
Now, something from yet another parish (as to say).


Riding in the Kampinos National Park is only allowed on clearly marked bike trails. However, it is not enough for MTBers there. As we do not have real hills here in Mazovia, MTBers bomb any singletracks they can find in the huge forest (which is illegal). The Forest Guard made a simple research: they studied heat-maps on Strava to see where MTBers were usually riding. Now, they set the trap on the crossing of several singletracks.


A many penalty tickets were dealt on that day. And no, it is not about e-bikes.