When cycling, do you like listening to music?

My go-to for biking is last podcast on the left.

I do use Bluetooth headphones, but I also have my Garmin varia set up in case I'm not paying attention.
Wear Shokz c/w Cat Ears, and unless it's windy, can hear OK. But it's only audiobooks and only when I am riding by myself and not in busy areas.
I don't spend very much time on streets, just trails and pathways.
Not a big fan of speakers on bikes. Would much rather hear the birds chirping and the waves pounding and the Tesla coming up behind me than someone else's music.

I'm sure the speaker users above play theirs at considerate volumes. But in my local SoCal beach towns, we get a lot of posers on e-cruisers blaring absolutely awful music you can hear half a mile away, thinking they're the coolest dudes alive. (Yep, all male and most old enough to have some manners.)

Good thing I don't have a handlebar-mounted RPG.
My speaker is tiny and even then played at a personal volume . Been using it for years even before e was a part of my biking and not once was I put in a situation where I was unaware of my surroundings because of it.
No problem walking and chewing gum either...😉

It did almost get me into a fight on the mup about a month ago. I was singing along I guess a little louder than I realized to Black Sabbath - Digital Bitch and was pumping hard in anticipation of the upcoming hill when I passed a couple of guys drinking beers and one of them thought that I called him a bitch. He jumped into the middle of the path and started shouting and calling me out. I stopped and gave him the "what" gesture and then told him I was singing along to some Sabbath as I raised the volume on the speaker so he could hear the song. He quickly calmed down and said... I like that song.

Music once again saves the day... 🌈
Interesting design. Wouldn't adress my issue with dividing auditory attention between ambient and earbud sound in traffic, but others might be a lot better at that.

Maybe this business of listening to music on a bicycle is unmasking a loss of bandwidth I didn't know I had. A lot of things get lost on the way to 75.

with me listing to books or podcasts hep me kewep my attention on the road. otherwise my mind wanders too muc. good old ADHD at work.
It's illegal to wear earphones in Québec.


  • Capture d’écran, le 2024-06-27 à 08.27.35.png
    Capture d’écran, le 2024-06-27 à 08.27.35.png
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Since most earbuds effectively block most ambient noise a small speaker is far more practical.
When riding I prefer music to be part of the ambient and not so immersive anywho.
Generally, no.

But sometimes when I am confronted with a seriously long and dispiriting hill I'll use a bone-conducting headset and some tunes to make the long slow miles pass by. That's especially likely if there is little or no traffic.