What online Stromer dealer do you recommend ?


New Member
I recently purchased my 2nd Stromer from a well known online dealer in New York and had an extremely terrible experience .. I will save y'all the details because I am not here to bash anyone..

I live in Jax, Florida and there is not a dealer that I know of within 100 miles..

What online dealer would you recommend (not in New York) ? I am needing to purchase another one for my wife within the next few weeks..
I too am currently in Jacksonville FL and yes, it's discouraging for a city of 900,000 people and lots of flat land, limited public transport and 1990's era traffic engineering to lack a significant ebike presence. I did visit the 'Performance Bike of Jax' franchise store since they advertise ebikes...but the salesman's first comment was "I've never seen one here, either on the floor or in the service dept" and the visit was a waste of time.

There appear to be two options within driving distance of Jax. The nearby one is Jax Valu Ebikes out in Atlantic Beach and the other is Deland Cyclerey down in Deland. But for a high-end Stromer, not likely to be of help.
I recently purchased my 2nd Stromer from a well known online dealer in New York and had an extremely terrible experience .. I will save y'all the details because I am not here to bash anyone..

I live in Jax, Florida and there is not a dealer that I know of within 100 miles..

What online dealer would you recommend (not in New York) ? I am needing to purchase another one for my wife within the next few weeks..
There are many eBike stores in Palm Beach and Miami Dade counties that sell Stromer, and you could buy from them, or on line.

If you just want to buy on line, I'd start with Crazy Lenny out of Wisconsin. He might even have as Stromer demo for sale at a nice discount.. Lenny seems to sell an awful lot of ebikes, so he must be doing something right.

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. From your statement some could be misled to believe Propel gave you a bad experience.

I just want to make it clear and hope you can confirm that you didn't order from us. I imagine others can deduce from that who the retailer might be if you'd rather not say.

Anyway. Best of luck with your new purchase. If we can help feel free to reach out.
Thanks guys for all the information... It is greatly appreciated......

And Chris... No it was not Propel :) Although , I am glad you chimed in because now I have another Stromer avenue to explore :) ....
Baffles me how a google search "Stromer" does not turn up these other places..

Thanks again..
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. From your statement some could be misled to believe Propel gave you a bad experience.

I just want to make it clear and hope you can confirm that you didn't order from us. I imagine others can deduce from that who the retailer might be if you'd rather not say.

Anyway. Best of luck with your new purchase. If we can help feel free to reach out.
I need to correct my recommendation then. While E-Bikes New England is a good dealer, Propel has an excellent reputation and is a leading supplier of ebikes in NYC. Chris is well respected in this community!
I recently purchased my 2nd Stromer from a well known online dealer in New York and had an extremely terrible experience .. I will save y'all the details because I am not here to bash anyone..

I live in Jax, Florida and there is not a dealer that I know of within 100 miles..

What online dealer would you recommend (not in New York) ? I am needing to purchase another one for my wife within the next few weeks..
I would go with Lenny as well. I was pleased. I live 100 miles away. He doesn't have a ton of accessories yet. I believe he is currently negotiating with at least one of the big distributors.

Lenny (aka Crazy TV Lenny) built an electronics/appliance empire starting from a little storefront TV business in ~1970, then sold it, and is in the process of building a new one (ebikes).

Milking every sale for max profit is not how you build an empire and Lenny is living proof.

Google "Leonard Mattioli American TV"
For those in Canada, I have just received my ST1 Elite, which I purchased online from Scooteretti (http://shop.scooteretti.com) a dealer based in Ottawa. I purchased the bike on sale, and I am very happy with the price I paid, as well as the service I received. These guys helped me select the right size, and I am very impressed with the way they packaged the bike for shipping. I upgraded the battery to the bigger one. And assembly was easy.
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It always helps to have a shop you trust to work with! Makes the long term service & support easier, @Sooke Elite. Who helps you locally? we're always getting questions about where to take electric bikes for flats, tune-ups and electronic issues.
@Mike Bike thanks for the suggestion to google beyond @Crazy Lenny Ebikes business to learn a bit more about Lenny the businessman. It would be like buying an ebike from an institution as much as a bike shop, it seems. For folks like me that are new to ebikes, some history provides perspective and is helpful in understanding the retail lay of the land today. Lenny, I think retailing must be in your genetic code! Thanks for the energy you put into this ebike scene.
It always helps to have a shop you trust to work with! Makes the long term service & support easier, @Sooke Elite. Who helps you locally? we're always getting questions about where to take electric bikes for flats, tune-ups and electronic issues.
Yes, you are right, buying locally is preferable. I just got my bike (from Scooteretti based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) yesterday, but here is the local Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada Stromer authorized dealer (the only one on Vancouver Island at the moment), located in Langford, near Victora, BC: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists).
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