What kind of loctite should I use on my suspension bolts?


New Member
I've had a suspension bolt come loose and go missing on me. Luckily the manufacturer is sending me a replacement. But I want to go over the whole bike and loctite / re-torque everything. Since I'm new to the bike world does anyone have any recommendations on the type of loctite to use?

I believe it's sold in colors... blue and then red

Is there perhaps something purposely made for bikes or commonly used in the cycling world?
I've had a suspension bolt come loose and go missing on me. Luckily the manufacturer is sending me a replacement. But I want to go over the whole bike and loctite / re-torque everything. Since I'm new to the bike world does anyone have any recommendations on the type of loctite to use?

I believe it's sold in colors... blue and then red

Is there perhaps something purposely made for bikes or commonly used in the cycling world?
Rear suspension ? What kind of Shock ?? Normally Loctite isn't needed on these.
There are some interesting additions to the Loctite realm. Once seldom used on bikes, now with the vibrations and hard use of a motorized bike Loctite becomes invaluable.

BLUE is most often used. Requires NO heat to break loose. RED AVOID! you'll need a torch. Recently I've been using a green version. It's rated as a penetrating Loctite. That said, proper torque values will make a big difference. But I do both. Torque to the best value and add a bit of Loctitie.
Just be careful not to use locktite on anything plastic. An alloy bolt going into a plastic receiver for instance.. Locktite will eat plastic, not immediately but when it does? it's not pretty
Copy that, thanks for the advice everyone, I'll go with blue.

Also, I'm sure that's a great tip to avoid any plastic. Will do!
Copy that, thanks for the advice everyone, I'll go with blue.

Also, I'm sure that's a great tip to avoid any plastic. Will do!
Exactly WHY I don't use Loctite, because many times there are Plastic bushings or Spacers that can be damaged . ?
OFFS. Ive used loctite for decades. I don’t have a single nut or bolt that has plastic bits that could be affected. Perfect for spokes and more.
Loctite is smilar to crazy glue. If you want to get technical, you buy it by the number, I recall getting somtehing like Loctite 561 from McMaster for some specialized application. At the hardware store though. if they have it, it's red, blue, and green. Red requires heat to break down. Blue comes loose with hand tools. Green is probably better for little bike tools.

I don't think screws hold that well in plastic so why use a thread locker..

Sometimes when you buy something like a bike caliper, the mounting screws will already have dried blue loctite already pre-applied.