I really am shocked that so many riders seem to want to have tons of parameters shown on a bike display. Obviously we all probably need a reference scale to how much battery capacity remains (the best way to do that is up for debate still but a simple graphic is more than adequate for this purpose). If the bike has different assist levels I think that should also be shown as a graphic, but is anything else really necessary.
If you want to analyze your rides most people just sign up for something like Strava so they can check tons of parameters, but do you really need to know how far you have ridden on the bike or what time it is displayed on a bike display. Really??? My take is that people that want to see everything displayed on the bike LCD are not really people that enjoy riding. I just know I'm going to be hammered for writing that...but so be it. I ride almost 40 mile round trip commutes and I don't ever look at displayed parameters on my rides.
If you want to analyze your rides most people just sign up for something like Strava so they can check tons of parameters, but do you really need to know how far you have ridden on the bike or what time it is displayed on a bike display. Really??? My take is that people that want to see everything displayed on the bike LCD are not really people that enjoy riding. I just know I'm going to be hammered for writing that...but so be it. I ride almost 40 mile round trip commutes and I don't ever look at displayed parameters on my rides.