What happens when your Ebike you ordered on the Internet breaks?

I took my Bh evo Nitro in for repairsyesterday after I fell off it on Oct 3rd. The cranks/bottom bracket are bent and need replacing. The service person looked up parts and labor, under 300 but said come back Feb to see if any parts are available ?!?! These are standard Shamono parts I believe . I read elsewhere on the forum that Shamamo is 300 days behind is parts , I hope this isn’t the case. i will check a couple other shops and hope for better news.....it was great to get a ride in (on another bike) for the 1st time in about 2 months!
I took my Bh evo Nitro in for repairsyesterday after I fell off it on Oct 3rd. The cranks/bottom bracket are bent and need replacing. The service person looked up parts and labor, under 300 but said come back Feb to see if any parts are available ?!?! These are standard Shamono parts I believe . I read elsewhere on the forum that Shamamo is 300 days behind is parts , I hope this isn’t the case. i will check a couple other shops and hope for better news.....it was great to get a ride in (on another bike) for the 1st time in about 2 months!
Shamomo? You mean Shimano?
I have to think that if your crank/bottom bracket are bent you have bigger problems than just the parts. Are you sure your frame wasn’t damaged?
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I am stating what the mechanic told me, not a very friendly person. Bike was not working well with many electronic gremlins before the fall. I rode my Allant after they did the latest upgrade, much better then I remember so I won’t miss the BH much...maybe sell the 3 batteries and as is paper weight ... although it does pedal with power Still , not smoothly though
I was told by a Trek shop owner in a college town that they wouldn’t touch any ebike they didn’t sell. They are way too busy, have no specific training, can’t get parts, and just don't want to. Why should they bother?

Not quite that bad at the LBS's here. However, they are hesitant, charge more, and take more time (medium priority). But if you bought the ebike there, your a preferred customer obviously and more willing to help. They are booked pretty solid and are very busy.
Nothing now but I asked about a rear flat on a Lectric XP.
Rear flats on a hub motor are a hassle, but the skill improves rapidly where streets are strewn with blackberry thorns or wild roses.
Farther south goatheads are equally entertaining.
When I read about all the grief everyone is having with their LBS and online non-help, it's just a really good indicator that the way to go is build the silly thing yourself and fix it yourself. When it gets to a point that it's not fixable, as in a bent frame, it's just another opportunity to get a newer and better frame from China and rebuild another classic. Maybe it's the start of something to do in retirement. Eventually I'm going to get tired riding my Ebike to the course and golfing all day, coming home and playing with the grandkiddies or the dog and I'm going to want to do something meaningful in my life, like building Ebikes and charging seniors brazilians of dollars. BTW, how much is a brazillian? I'll have to ask George W....
I'm feeling remarkably fortunate after this thread, and happy to have an exception to the trend...
Bought my Vintage Electric Bikes Cafe online, sight-unseen 3 years ago (VEB is out in California, I'm in Virginia) and my LBS (a 6-store local chain) has performed every maintenance/repair/investigation I've needed or asked for. They don't distribute V.E.B. products, but they do sell some other e-brands. (All the V.E.B.'s are rear-hub bikes -- the LBS carries no rear-hub bikes, however.) Even when I've had some major stuff to do (replace controller, replace bottom bracket / sensor, etc) the LBS has done it all, sometimes with a conference call to the VEB crew in California, if specifics were needed. Fortunately the LBS crew never batted an eye! I've of course gone on to purchase a lot of stuff from their retail shop over that time as well; helmet, my winter attire, accessories, etc. Counting my bike blessings now!
I'm feeling remarkably fortunate after this thread, and happy to have an exception to the trend...
Bought my Vintage Electric Bikes Cafe online, sight-unseen 3 years ago (VEB is out in California, I'm in Virginia) and my LBS (a 6-store local chain) has performed every maintenance/repair/investigation I've needed or asked for. They don't distribute V.E.B. products, but they do sell some other e-brands. (All the V.E.B.'s are rear-hub bikes -- the LBS carries no rear-hub bikes, however.) Even when I've had some major stuff to do (replace controller, replace bottom bracket / sensor, etc) the LBS has done it all, sometimes with a conference call to the VEB crew in California, if specifics were needed. Fortunately the LBS crew never batted an eye! I've of course gone on to purchase a lot of stuff from their retail shop over that time as well; helmet, my winter attire, accessories, etc. Counting my bike blessings now!
As things calm down, if ever, I hope more and more bike shops develop this philosophy. 🙏 👍