What are the most important factors when buying an ebike?

" Do chains, brake pads, and tires on expensive bikes last thousands of miles more than on my bike?
No. The spokes that don't stretch if you don't jump curbs or picnic tables. The wheel rims that don't fracture at spoke holes. the axles that don't drop ball bearings (shimano 7 speed) or break (shimano 6 speed). The cables that don't stretch all the time and frequently need adjustment. The frames that don't fracture.
Rad's newest cost cutter, spoke nipples with burrs on them that poke the tube. I think they quit shipping the insta-stretch spokes about 2019.
No. The spokes that don't stretch if you don't jump curbs or picnic tables. The wheel rims that don't fracture at spoke holes. the axles that don't drop ball bearings (shimano 7 speed) or break (shimano 6 speed). The cables that don't stretch all the time and frequently need adjustment. The frames that don't fracture.
Rad's newest cost cutter, spoke nipples with burrs on them that poke the tube. I think they quit shipping the insta-stretch spokes about 2019.
Complete exaggeration.... Is it possible some of this occurred? Sure. Show me a brand where it hasn't.....
"Buying the second bike first" assumes that you have a lot of information (and money) going into a buying decision. Like is an e-bike even going to work out for you for instance. I find the "buy the second bike first" logic pretty optimistic.
Or you go to a forum filled with people who have been there and done that. And ask them for their advice on what they should do. Which is what @Mary_Walker did.

To me thats one of the main points behind having a forum. That and the lifers being snarky and bragging on how smart they all are. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't blow off the topic and tear other people down.
Really? I've had a stock Rad Rover for two years now and 3300 miles. I've replaced the chain once and the brake pads once. Soon I'll need new tires.
It will climb any hill within riding distance of my house in 3rd. gear and I'm 73 with a mild heart condition. Please explain why I need to spend $3,000+ to buy a bike to save me money? Do chains, brake pads, and tires on expensive bikes last thousands of miles more than on my bike?
You've had a good experience and thats great. You're not alone. For the light riding you are doing (1650 miles annually) you're at a good spot with that bike. I put 4000 miles in the first year on my first ebike, and that was down from my pre-electric peak of 11,000 back when I was a lot younger. I'm only around 6000 now. When you start riding higher miles and not for recreation - particularly in regular bad/wet weather - thats when component quality starts really meaning something. My 11000 mile per year bike had all hard surface anodized parts, sealed bearings everywhere, wheels made to take a pounding etc. etc. When I retired the bike (graduated and got a job and bought a car) it had over 40,000 miles on it. And I don't deserve any medals for hard riding. Loads of people do a whole lot more than that.

You're more likely to have a better experience if you spend a little more. On the Rad Rover I would specifically call out the mechanical brakes (in 2022 they have finally fixed that), the spring fork, the small battery (whose capacity they refuse to report as amp hours and instead give a watt-hour range... and a range with quite a variance. It calculates out to you might get a battery as small as 12.3ah or as 'large' as 14ah). The 500w motor inside of a casing labeled 750w is an infamous fudge. Are they still pulling that? Its a meaningful difference as the true 750w Bafang G060 motor is known to be overbuilt and can be expected to last forever, whereas the 500w version can be smoked if its given a long enough hill to climb - A few Sondors owners did that in fact to their 'X' models with the 500w motor labeled accurately.

It used to be the Sondors bikes could be directly compared to a Rad Rover and the lack of value in the Rad product would be enormous by comparison (hydro brakes, air fork, 17.5ah battery (840 watt hours), genuine 750w motor. 25a controller), but Sondors prices have gone thru the roof, where once they were less while still giving way more. No longer, sadly.

When a company pulls something like the motor mislabeling, as far as I am concerned they can never be trusted again. Especially given how they defended their actions when called out more than once on it. Knowing this past history of behavior, it also means they don't get the benefit of the doubt anymore when odd choices like dropping the ah size (and making it a range!!) happen.

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Mary, first, I'd like to see you on an e-bike!

In that light, I'd just like to say some of this talk about "made in China" is complete rubbish, not relevant. MOST of the bikes being ridden around here stateside are "made in China" built using components that are "made in China" and they are holding up really well, contrary to what you've been told here so far. Stuff written by riders of much more expensive bikes. From the sounds of it, they are STILL trying to justify the fact they spent that much money on a bike....

Here's a vote for the RAD City. Why? It's relatively inexpensive, it's reasonably sturdy, and parts should be easy to come by (if you ever need them). The biggest reason though - by far- is that bike is going to teach you a TON. Absolute worst case, you ride it for a year and decide the bike isn't for you, the reason why is not important yet. NOW, being a much better educated rider/buyer with a year of experience under your belt, you know exactly what you want.

Bonus, because you went with a RAD, you will have one of the most popular bikes available for sale. This means it should sell for top dollar (unlike an unknown bike from Amazon), and there should be enough demand for it where it will be relatively easy to sell quickly. My thoughts, FWIW.

Oh, and last, unless you are just commuting around on a college campus or something, you WANT a bike that can be shifted for varying conditions - like hills and wind for instance....
I could not agree more.
Complete exaggeration.... Is it possible some of this occurred? Sure. Show me a brand where it hasn't.....
Kona has been around since 2010. I noticed a couple of used Ute on craigslist about 2015 when I was looking for an alternative to bicycle-catapults. (were too big for me). There are zero posts on "known problems and solutions" for kona. https://electricbikereview.com/forums/forum/kona/
They make other models, in fact have discontinued the ute.
Closer to Finland, Gazelle of the Netherlands has 14 posts on known problems: https://electricbikereview.com/foru...-gazelle-products-help-solutions-fixes.13151/
Are there any other e bikers around you can ask? Local bike shops? I looked at the bikes you listed and I liked the Rad City the best. On any internet forum it’s easy to spend other peoples money, it’s really up to you to set a budget.
Thanks guys for all your advice and useful comments, I think I will choose one between Rad City and Cube.
Good choices Mary.. You'll no doubt like both bikes. Keep in mind when reading reviews that many Rad's will be the US version, which is up to 750w. The EU version will no doubt be limited to 250w. That can make a difference on a nearly 30kg bike!
Good choices Mary.. You'll no doubt like both bikes. Keep in mind when reading reviews that many Rad's will be the US version, which is up to 750w. The EU version will no doubt be limited to 250w. That can make a difference on a nearly 30kg bike!
Good point! Thanks for pointing it out.
Or you go to a forum filled with people who have been there and done that. And ask them for their advice on what they should do. Which is what @Mary_Walker did.

To me thats one of the main points behind having a forum. That and the lifers being snarky and bragging on how smart they all are. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't blow off the topic and tear other people down.
You have a PM....
Good choices Mary.. You'll no doubt like both bikes. Keep in mind when reading reviews that many Rad's will be the US version, which is up to 750w. The EU version will no doubt be limited to 250w. That can make a difference on a nearly 30kg bike!
How much of a difference does that really make though? I would suggest that it makes a difference if you are carrying the bike but not that much if your riding the bike.
How much of a difference does that really make though? I would suggest that it makes a difference if you are carrying the bike but not that much if your riding the bike.
I'd say a big difference... My first ebike was 1000w hub drive, with a 250w road legal mode. You could unlock the extra performance with an "unlock code" (change of settings). I didn't have the Unlock Code for the first couple of weeks so got a good feel of it in 250w mode, and I was fairly happy with it. But honestly, once I received the unlock code and had the full 1000w available, the difference was like day and night.
I'd say a big difference... My first ebike was 1000w hub drive, with a 250w road legal mode. You could unlock the extra performance with an "unlock code" (change of settings). I didn't have the Unlock Code for the first couple of weeks so got a good feel of it in 250w mode, and I was fairly happy with it. But honestly, once I received the unlock code and had the full 1000w available, the difference was like day and night.
You're talking apples and oranges not apples and apples. Sure you'll notice a big difference between 1,000 watts versus 250 watts. I'm talking the difference between riding two 250 watt bikes where one bike weighs more than the other. Yes there is a weight difference but is it enough to really notice when riding? I rode my bike as soon as I got it and later added the weight of rear rack and trunk/bags etc. but noticed no difference in riding after adding the weight.
Sorry, I was mistaken, I thought your reply had something to do with this thread so I carried on in that vein. You didn't mention much of this to begin with.

For pure weight, yes of course you will notice it. The differences will typically come apparent at the extremity of your abilities.
Sorry, I was mistaken, I thought your reply had something to do with this thread so I carried on in that vein. You didn't mention much of this to begin with.

For pure weight, yes of course you will notice it. The differences will typically come apparent at the extremity of your abilities.
Back up a second...
He's considering all of the bikes she's considering are going to be 250w. The RAD, if it's a couple of pounds heavier than a comparable 250w bike, isn't going to be that big a deal. I'd agree.

And clearly, there can be no denying the difference between a 250w bike and a 1000w bike. That's just common sense.

We do know also, that there are "performance upgrade kits" that will allow the 250w RAD to make a LOT more than the legal limit as well. Relevance questionable. Just a piece of trivia.... ;)
Just a quick comment that all the local shops have very big and high frames which is possibly because Finns are rather tall. As a British I just can't find my size here. So online is my only choice.
Back up a second...
He's considering all of the bikes she's considering are going to be 250w. The RAD, if it's a couple of pounds heavier than a comparable 250w bike, isn't going to be that big a deal. I'd agree.

And clearly, there can be no denying the difference between a 250w bike and a 1000w bike. That's just common sense.

We do know also, that there are "performance upgrade kits" that will allow the 250w RAD to make a LOT more than the legal limit as well. Relevance questionable. Just a piece of trivia.... ;)
No, you back up a second if you don't mind.

He quoted my post which was talking about a 750w Rad being available, and the EU one being 250w. When he was talking about weight I thought he meant between these two options!
No, you back up a second if you don't mind.

He quoted my post which was talking about a 750w Rad being available, and the EU one being 250w. When he was talking about weight I thought he meant between these two options!
No since those two options are not available to the poster unless I'm incorrect about that.