We are working on a documentary: "A story of the electric bicycle in the United States"

Sounds like a fun project. Who is your ultimate audience? Who’s funding it? What’s the objective? I spent many years producing video including tons of interviews so I’m always curious about the bottom line. Best of luck!
Lots of interesting folks on this forum as I’m sure you’ve noted. A lot of them are older and retired with lots having health issues. A number have built their own and don’t care where they get their parts as long as they’re cheap. Many commute to work and don’t drive cars anymore. Most seem to want a local shop to rely on and supporting those shops is important to them. Some just enjoy having a collection of toys like car collectors. It really runs the gamut.
Cogent and brief summary. 👍
I am guessing most of us e-bikers have a story interesting to us, but probably not documentary material ... in my case, just a couple of old farts being able to get out of the recliner and back on a bicycle with a confidence that we can take a ride of decent distance and make it back up the hill without having a heart attack. That said, I look forward to your documentary and will definitely want to watch it if it is available.
Yep. That's me all over. 👍
Dear e-bikers,

I am working on a documentary: "A story of the electric bicycle in the United States", and I am looking for e-bikers living in the United States who have a story to tell on camera. Positive, negative, remarkable, unusual, all opinions count. No interview experience is required. Interested? Read more at https://ebikedocumentary.com

E-bike Documentary examines a new cycling genre (e-biking) that makes for a good conversation on the trail. Do you have an opinion about e-biking in the United States? Are you concerned about e-biking? Has it changed your life? Did you meet your lover on the trail?

Did e-biking improve your health, or did it get you into trouble, whatever that may be? Have you been advocating for e-bikes, or do you know someone who is fiercely against e-biking and believes e-bikers are cheaters?

I would love to hear from you if you have a story to tell.

Gregory, Washington DC
[email protected]

Gregory is founder ebikelovers.com, an inclusive social group of e-bikers in Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland
As featured in the New York Times

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Read more at https://ebikedocumentary.com
EDIT: This is jumbled and I should have waited till after my second cup of coffee but ....

America is in conflict mode right now on all sorts of levels. We're all pissed off about all sorts of things. And of course the media loves this and stokes the flames constantly.

Too bad this even extends to two wheel enthusiasts. We should support each other for lots of reasons but we don't.

You might explore the conflict between highly dedicated younger non powered bike enthusiasts and ebike enthusiasts. I don't get out much and live WAY out in the country, riding mostly on private land but I know some riders who literally hate ebikes. You can see the sneer on their faces even though they may not say anything. It's odd/funny/ironic but there's always some conflict when new things come on the scene in a big way. Then ...

Somewhat in that vein: There's a lot of roadies around Austin, TX that have inspired real animosity by being aggressive and hogging the country roads. Not letting car and truck drivers pass, breaking all the rules of the road around towns etc. This does not help general public relations between motorists, who are the vast majority of those using the roads, and bike riders. At least not in Texas where we probably have one of the very least amount of dedicated bike paths per capita in the nation. I'm not a big 'tree hugger' and would call myself a conservationist rather than a eco-warrior but I am glad for the huge turn being taken regarding the environment that really gives bike riding a leg up in our society.

Afterthought: Maybe somebody needs to do a whole separate documentary on America needing to take a page at least from Europe's attitude toward bikes in general. Maybe in a hundred years.