All clowning aside. Years ago I googled "wirecare" and I found
Never bothered with other sources since then.
You can jump to the 'split-tube' by clicking here.
By the way. In my experience, that spiral wrap is terrible stuff that can damage wiring.
The illusion of it 'protecting' often leads hard edges cutting right between the spirals. Like in a frame entry point.
I must say - with some experience - the wiring WW is using is top quality. My other machine is lesser grade and more susceptible to stretching.
Installing and removing spiral is brutal on the wires. A lot of stretch involved as wires wrap around each other when spiral is wound.
But that's not what's the big problem. It's wasted productivity/ time and frustration, repetitively doing, undoing and redoing a manual job.
Spiral is the wrong material. We require split weave. This is my favorite for the task.
F6W - F6® Woven Wrap F6 Woven Wrap 20220906_161820[1].jpg
has been a favorite of mine for longer than eBikes have. Easy access to wiring, it zips right off and takes a couple minutes to zip back on - perfectly. 20 times in the time it takes to just remove a spiral once. I'm using 3/8's to cover shifter cable, rear brake line and eight 22awg wires.
3/16ths will cover most stuff.
Out for a 10miler. Bike is amazing. I feel like a kid again. Staying in Eco L1. I stand up and crank up a major two-block hill ! Second childhood - no doubt. The most fun and best eBike workout I can remember. Yes, that good.
Transitioning through tight 'S' turns, I feel the tire carcass shift, front and rear - not quite at the same time.
Bike bumps, then locks right in, tracking down the new angle.
Oversteer transition? Weak sidewalls? Are my tires are too low pressure?
I went down to 15lbs to check out the 'comfort effect'. Boing, boing. Getting confused about contrary infor for Vee MC 4.0's.
20lbs seemed hard, but I didn't test on 'slalom course'.



Wiring is fine for the moment. Pretty much finished replacing bolts with ti. titanium Waterbottle Cage.
I have a couple sets in Black and in Rainbow. Also, I'm changing the head set bolts to black.
Anyone know what's up with those two large screw holes in the headtube?


I was mistaken. The shifter placement is off, one notch outboard (since corrected).

In person, the lines are quite swoopy. Kickstand/ bottom Rack Bracket are still (appropriately) SS bolts.
I'm no fan of that mirror. Need small round type.

I using one of Domino's soft grips on my left, and the Daytona on the throttle.

I installed the adjuster and custom spring-set. KINEKT's dialed in. Ti clamps and small stuff, like black ti bolts on rack extender arms.

Okay. Yes I'm having fun! I wanted a bike that would push me hard - and I'd like it.
Right now I'm seeking input on changing out the ring gear - from My present 46t, to a 50t - and info on the best chain.
I see it has two connector links - and eight (or 16, depending how you count them) links of chain between them.
If I do require another link (most likely), do I remove the eight and substituting a nine link section? Do I have to buy a new chain ?
It's a Shimano CN HG701. On very close inspection, it appears to already have damage. Not a good sign for durability. My shifts are pretty tight.
I'd prefer to take no chances. KMC; Shimano Dura Ace or Integra ?
You're folks that know. Any info appreciated.
Ride on !!!

Out for a 10miler. Bike is amazing. I feel like a kid again. Staying in Eco L1. I stand up and crank up a major two-block hill ! Second childhood - no doubt. The most fun and best eBike workout I can remember. Yes, that good.
Transitioning through tight 'S' turns, I feel the tire carcass shift, front and rear - not quite at the same time.
Bike bumps, then locks right in, tracking down the new angle.
Oversteer transition? Weak sidewalls? Are my tires are too low pressure?
I went down to 15lbs to check out the 'comfort effect'. Boing, boing. Getting confused about contrary infor for Vee MC 4.0's.
20lbs seemed hard, but I didn't test on 'slalom course'.

View attachment 140793 View attachment 140804
View attachment 140795 View attachment 140796
Wiring is fine for the moment. Pretty much finished replacing bolts with ti. titanium Waterbottle Cage.
I have a couple sets in Black and in Rainbow. Also, I'm changing the head set bolts to black.
Anyone know what's up with those two large screw holes in the headtube?

View attachment 140797
I was mistaken. The shifter placement is off, one notch outboard (since corrected).
View attachment 140798 View attachment 140801
In person, the lines are quite swoopy. Kickstand/ bottom Rack Bracket are still (appropriately) SS bolts.
I'm no fan of that mirror. Need small round type.
View attachment 140802

I using one of Domino's soft grips on my left, and the Daytona on the throttle.
View attachment 140803
I installed the adjuster and custom spring-set. KINEKT's dialed in. Ti clamps and small stuff, like black ti bolts on rack extender arms.

Okay. Yes I'm having fun! I wanted a bike that would push me hard - and I'd like it.
Right now I'm seeking input on changing out the ring gear - from My present 46t, to a 50t - and info on the best chain.
I see it has two connector links - and eight (or 16, depending how you count them) links of chain between them.
If I do require another link (most likely), do I remove the eight and substituting a nine link section? Do I have to buy a new chain ?
It's a Shimano CN HG701. On very close inspection, it appears to already have damage. Not a good sign for durability. My shifts are pretty tight.
I'd prefer to take no chances. KMC; Shimano Dura Ace or Integra ?
You're folks that know. Any info appreciated.
Ride on !!!

Did you see this? New paddle shifter from Archer Components.

Did you see this? New paddle shifter from Archer Components.

I like it. I wish I could try the shifter and see if it fits. I've been through three matchmakers. The Magura shiftfix is the best I found, meaning it fits 'okay', placement still 1 - 2mm too high.
When installing a twist throttle there must be slight clearance between throttle body and any other clamp-on parts.
The pressure (esp if you tightened down the throttle first) of a clamp that's touching increases ever so slightly when you lock it down and it deforms the throttle body - best I can figure. More than once, I violated that rule, fired up the bike and the throttle was 'full on'. I tried hand engaging an disengaging to no avail.
Happened on more than one brand throttle and soon as I took the pressure off the body, throttle worked normally.
No idea if it would be a problem with the Domino.
Having the broken Domino, apart and seeing everything in there), much of the body is extraneous; useless housing; bumps cast into the body. If it was for 'more strength, they failed because the plastic is too thin in other areas.
Albeit the 'flying battery' may have hit it (possibly cracked it) the whole front blew out. My thumbnail will dig right into the thin plastic.
I won't go into the engineering fails, but if Domino really wants a place in the eBike market, I suggest they (1) completely redesign that housing for a slimmer fit (2) use a thinner cut off switch, and (3) eliminating all 'outer ring' bolt through areas (using a slotted, twist-lock interface instead, to join the two halves) - where it can be mounted with wires up, or down and fit as many matchmakers/ shifters as possible - dump all the humps and use the ONE screw next to the gear housing on the side where the wires exit (last photo, left retaining screw).


Destructive testing reveals a lot. The casting of the one half that sheared is thinner (1.2mm thick) than the other (1.5 -1.8mm thick), larger half.
Contacted Domino about a new plate. Could happen. If not I've got some cool spare parts. lol
Did you see this? New paddle shifter from Archer Components.

Thanks for the alert. If the 20% sale stays on for another week, may have to buy one.

I'm a sucker for downsized components and the more I look at it, the better it look.

Looks like you living da dream!
Da Gumbo' Wattwagons Titanium bike knock off 20 years off your age?
You knew I would.
Went out of an 8miler night ride this eve.
Cold tires were no problem in my slalom test. No collapse of sidewall noted now. I must be a couple pounds light of air for warmer tires.
Came home beat. Beyond pumped, noodle legs.

Happy Thanksgiving !!!
Looks like you living da dream!
Da Gumbo' Wattwagons Titanium bike knock off 20 years off your age?
You knew I would.
Went out of an 8miler night ride this eve.
Cold tires were no problem in my slalom test. No collapse of sidewall noted now. I must be a couple pounds light of air for warmer tires.
Came home beat. Beyond pumped, noodle legs.
I like this.
With Petaluma water bottle battery.
For riding the neighborhood.
It was my first choice - until WW didn't go forward with it.
The Gates and IGH could be tensioned to work - and the belt meant a lot to me.
The problem was lack of utility or fat tires for FS bikes.

View attachment 140000

Recommend these, Vee Tire Speedsters, 26X3.5 so not as wide as you have now. Still decently wide on an 80mm rim. Still need to run these at higher pressures, I run 20 psi front and 22 psi rear. Your other choice would be Vee Tire Zig Zags, 26X4.0. Can’t comment on the performance of the Zig Zags as I’ve never tried them. Jumbo Jim’s are also a nice fast rolling all around tire.
I confess, fat tires have been quite a study. Still in my 'formative years', the din lauding 650b was overwhelming. Contrarians were all posts from 2016 - until I looked deeper and see the math:

"27.5” may seem like the next thing for fat bikes, but reality is, if you want the best rollover, lowest possible PSI, the best traction, the best efficiency and the best selection of tires and wheels available for fat biking, then 26” wins hands down over 27.5”."
See: Singletrackmac Jan 2021.

The 3.5 Speedsters are enticing (that means on my short list).
Perhaps you can tell me why replacing the 46t with a 50t ring (both being 'WolfTooth Drop-Stop B 130BCD') would cause a problem ?
My understanding is (given the frame/ tire clearance)...
... even if I didn't add any links, at worst it'd be the largest cassette cog (the 40t) that'd be unable to access as the derailleur stretched too tight, not #11.
Am I missing something important?
Second question: Which (I believe you said, (edit) or was it Scrambler?) KMC (was your choice) chain would you run for this application?
My chain is 67 half links -134 links total - with 10 half links - 20 links - separated by quick-links).
My assumption's I need a 138 link chain. I read the KMC 138e is too thick to shift into 11t.
Got any suggestions?

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Recharged last night. Now after 16miles I'm @ 54.2v/ roughly 27% used. I think I'll see a 40 - 45mile range.
That pannier contains an 8lb spiral ham; 8lbs of beer; 5lbs of Jasmine rice and 2lbs of fresh Ahi - I'll sear to perfection.
Tires now set at 19lbs, turning either way and nada hint of handling problems. For me (23lbs) that's 'medium' shopping.
A bike that won't work should not eat get a charge.

(Edit) It turned out 43 miles when I hit around 46.5V. Next, I'm testing from 55.5V (80%).

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Cool 😎 yeah. Cockpit management is up there too in importance. I deleted throttle on mine. I named it Da Ridiculous Bike after sharing pictures with my daughters living on The Mainland, their reply was "That's ridiculous". So it stuck.
I got Titanium bolts from Acer Racing it's in the bag. I'm gonna cut it open with my Strider after a couple Russian martini.
I should not have to remove wheels to change out rotor bolts.
Be sure and use loctite. I use the 242 (24200) Blue. Say's it's 'High Temp' - 300f - and thinking 'Rotor's get hot', that worried me - until I checked and the 542 Brown Magura uses has the same 300f rating.
Looking into bicycle disc brakes temps, it came out that 'hot' means 180f. Huh?
But, but, but - those glowing rotors? Yes, nice visuals, but the brake fluid would be boiling off if the rotor was glowing. lol.
That may not be for mad-dogging down-hill on a 65lb 'bicycle', but 300f is a long way from 180f - and the MDR P rotors by design, separate the contact area from the body of the disc creating a heat sink. You judge it.
542 Brown's for hydraulics, pipes and fittings - not fasteners.
Why all the Magura rotor bolts I've seen come with 542 Brown on the threads, I just can's say.
Brown's supposed to be assembled immediately, not cured-dry on a bolt and assembled some other day. Yet the Magura rotor bolts come with Brown coated bolts, fully cured some time in the past ?
To 'glue' a bolt and nut together requires the loctite to dry while in contact with both parts. lol.
Brown get's quite brittle, so upon delayed assembly, the threads will just crunch it off and it'll leave some residue in between.
That's not how loctite works. lol.
The Blue, you can wait several hours after application to a fastener to install. But Brown fully cures in 6 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the fastener materials. For steel, it's 15 minutes.
My solution's to do-it-myself.
At the other spectrum end, I use Finish Line Ti Prep anti-seize for bottle cage, clamps - most stuff.
If you're installing ti on steel or alloy (likely since most washers are steel or alloy), it works well - and prevents electrolysis corrosion.
Don't believe Acer's hype.
By weight, ti is stronger than SS, but for the same volume, Ti is not as strong as higher end SS.
Pound for pound, alloyed titanium is the strongest metal on earth.
The frame on Gumbo is pretty massive. A 1.75" downtube. I wish I had all the 'schedule' data
Tito also use Gr5 6AL/4V Titanium
6pcs-TiTo-M5x12mm-Bicycle-Bike-Titanium-Ti-Water-Bottle-Cage bolts.jpg_640x640.jpg
Like these sweet bottle cage bolts @ $1.36 ea.

Lot's of good stuff penciled in for December. The 100ohm resistors are in and the 470's'll be here tomorrow, so my throttle experiment's about to get interesting. My object's wider control of the power, not subverting the firmware and increasing access over 90nm - which it does anyway in Sports mode, I assure you.
I swear, we need a fluid drive tranny where the motor powers a pump, not a chain and you lose 6% of power - but gain everything.
You lose at least 4% with the present systems and have a bunch of parts that are doomed to 1000mile deaths, and/ or pay a gazillion and (since we're running too much torque output) ride with IGH's rated for "130nm" (Rohloff)/ "160nm" (Kindernay) with a voided warranty and cheer 'Yay !!!' when it breaks.
USA has breakthrough motor's, now we need (choke, gasp) 'breakthrough' (1960's) drivetrains !!!
Let us pray the Big 3 don't step in - be a 3 year Warranty (with mandatory factory service).
I think transmissions will be the next thing coming. But I'm a dreamer.
Go antique tech USA !!! We can do this !!!

Happy Holidaze - it's gonna be a Hairy New Year, so 'pray for peace' !!!


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Da Ridiculous Bike handlebars and rotors are bolted with Acer Racing Titanium bolts. I was going to put red loktite but tech that works on my Bulls advice against it. As you said I need blue. I will get around to it this weekend.
These ones in the bag are for Da Bull.
They not shiny it's more satin. Yes they are expensive but gives me peace of mind.
Very Nice stuff. I prefer 'satin', 'bead-blasted' or 'raw'.
The Blue LT comes in a Red bottle. Just get 'Loctite 242' - no color confusion. The liquid's Blue.
I rely on this table - more or less. For ti a bit less torque than steel.

Bottom Bracket

Bottom bracket cups

300-360 lb/in (32.9-40.7 Nm)

Tandem eccentric

75-100 lb/in (8.5-11.3 Nm)

Single-speed eccentric

75-100 lb/in (8.5-11.3 Nm)


Pad fixing bolts

cantilever, direct-pull, U-brake

70-80 lb/in (7.9-9 Nm)

Pad fixing bolts

road calipers

40-60 lb/in (4.5-6.8 Nm)

Arm fixing bolts

cantilever, direct-pull, U-brake

70-85 lb/in (7.9-9.6 Nm)

Caliper fixing bolts

on metal seatstays

70-85 lb/in (7.9-9.6 Nm)

Caliper fixing bolts

on 'curved' carbon fiber seatstays

55-60 lb/in (6.2-6.8 Nm)

Disc brake mounting bolts

100-110 lb/in (11.3-12.4 Nm)

Disc brake adapter mounting bolts

using a 5mm allen wrench

100-110 lb/in (11.3-12.4 Nm)

Disc brake adapter mounting bolts

using 4mm allen wrench

60-65 lb/in (6.8-7.3 Nm)-

Disc attachment


45-55 lb/in (5-6.2 Nm)

Disc attachment

Centerlock attachment

350 lb/in (40.2 Nm)

Cable clamp bolt

50-70 lb/in (5.7-7.9 Nm)



261-434 lb/in (30-50 Nm)


Crank bolts


Sport cranks with a single M8 bolt on each arm

336-372 lb/in (38- 42 Nm)

Big Earl cranks with a single M12 bolt on each arm

384-420 lb/in (43.4-47.4 Nm)

Race X Lite ATB cranks with a single M15 bolt on each arm

384-480 lb/in (42.4-47.4 Nm)

Race XXX Lite road

600 lb/in (67.5 Nm)

all other Bontrager cranks with a single M15 bolt on each arm

420-480 lb/in (47.5-54.2 Nm)


Shimano cranks with double pinch bolts on each arm

106-132 lb/in (12-15 Nm)

With double pinch-bolts, gradually loosen or tighten, alternating between bolts as you do so


with a single 6 or 8mm bolt on each arm

350-435 lb/in (39.5- 49.2 Nm)

Chainring bolts


106-124 lb/in (12-14 Nm)

Chainring bolts


71-79 lb/in (8-9 Nm)


Front derailleur

band clamp bolt

25-35 lb/in (2.8-4 Nm)

Front derailleur

braze-on mounting bolt

44-60 lb/in (4.9-6.8 Nm)

Rear derailleur mounting bolt

70-85 lb/in (7.9-9.6 Nm)

Cable clamp bolt

35-52 lb/in (3.5-5.9 Nm)


Rack or fender strut bolt

20-25 lb/in (2.3-2.9 Nm)


Water bottle bolt

20-25 lb/in (2.3-2.9 Nm)

Rack or fender strut bolt

20-25 lb/in (2.3-2.9 Nm)

Rear derailleur hanger bolt

50-70 lb/in (5.7-8.0 Nm)



extension clamp bolts

60 lb/in (6.8 Nm)


elbow pad mounting bolts

45 lb/in (5 Nm)

Bar-end clamp bolts

40-60 lb/in (4.5-6.8 Nm)



160-200 lb/in (18-23 Nm)


Pedal axle

350-380 lb/in (40.2-42.9 Nm)

Rear suspension


shock mounting bolts

85 lb/in (9.6 Nm)


lower linkage pivot bolt

85 lb/in (9.6 Nm)


dropout pivot bolts

85 lb/in (9.6 Nm)


pivot axle bolt

275 lb/in (31.0 Nm)

Fuel EX / Top Fuel

shock mounting bolts

133-164 lb/in (15.0-18.5 Nm)

Fuel EX / Top Fuel

pivot axle bolts

95-115 lb/in (10.7-13.0 Nm)

Fuel EX / Top Fuel

rocker bridge bolts

50-75 lb/in (5.7-8.5 Nm)


shock mounting bolts

125-200 lb/in (14.1-22.6 Nm)


pivot bolts

125-200 lb/in (14.1-22.6 Nm)


dropout pivot bolts

125-150 lb/in (14.1-16.9 Nm)


bearing pinch bolts

65-105 lb/in (7.3-11.8 Nm)


Saddle clamp bolts

Bontrager seatpost with bolt across the seatpost head

120-130 lb/in (13.6-14.7 Nm)

single bolt using a 6 mm allen wrench

65-125 lb/in (7.3-11.3 Nm)

double bolt using a 5 mm allen wrench

125-200 lb/in (14.1-22.6 Nm)

double bolt using a 4 mm allen wrench

45-60 lb/in (5-6.8 Nm)

New Madone saddle clamp bolts

125-140 lb/in (14-16 Nm)

For seat fixing bolts using a 13 or 14 mm open end wrench

180-220 lb/in (20.3-24.9 Nm)

Seatpost binder

Binder bolt

aluminum seatpost

85-125 lb/in (9.6-14.1 Nm)

carbon fiber seatpost

65-80 lb/in (7.3-9 Nm)

new Madone seatmast clamp bolts

44-61- lb/in (5-7 Nm)

Equinox hidden binder

65-80 lb/in (7.3-9 Nm)

Shift levers and brake levers

Brake lever clamp

mountain or road style

53-69 lb/in (6.0-7.8 Nm)

mid-bar lever

20-30 lb/in (2.3-3.3 Nm)

Hayes hydraulic

25-35 lb/in (2.8-4 Nm)


Stem expander

100-120 lb/in (11.3-13.6 Nm)

Handlebar clamp

welded stems

100-120 lb/in (11.3-13.6 Nm)

Handlebar clamp

forged stems

150-180 lb/in (17-20.3 Nm)

Handlebar clamp

with carbon fiber handlebar

100 lb/in (11.3 Nm)

Steerer clamp

100-120 lb/in (11.3-13.6 Nm)

Stem angle adjustment

150-170 lb/in (17-20.3 Nm)

Tandem stoker stem

extension adjustment

120-140 lb/in (13.6-15.8 Nm)

Tandem stoker stem

seatpost clamp

100-120 lb/in (11.3-13.6 Nm)


Axle nuts


180-240 lb/in (20.3-27.1 Nm)

Axle nuts


240-300 lb/in (27.1-33.9 Nm)

Fixed-gear hub


250-300 lb/in (28.2-33.9 Nm)

Disc brake

Disc mounting bolts

45-55 lb/in (5-6.2 Nm)


Manitou forks pinch bolts

45-55 lb/in (5.1-6.2 Nm)


front wheel pinch bolts

150-280 lb/in (17-20.3 Nm)


split rear rim joining bolts

180-220 lb/in (20.3-24.9 Nm)

Hope this helps !!!

Buy it, you know you want it. Seriously, I do a lot of regular bike builds and make some decent pocket money doing it.
Well, I hope you get a finders commission for the link! I used it and still got the 20% off - once did that with a 3-year-old offer 'link' and paid 1/10 the going rate price for unlimited multi-line 888 phone service - that I sold to another company for 50 x what I paid. lol
So, $175 all inclusive wasn't so bad.
I wonder if the paddle colors are interchangeable?
It appears to use the same bar-mount, so the Magura plate I have should work for me (and my throttle. lol)
Archer Paddle.jpg
Archer Paddle.jpg

If not, I created a 3mm shim - that can be filed a bit and be 2mm.
BTW. The stock placement looks like a real Pain In The Thumb Knuckle.
The compromise/ trade-off between brake lever placement and shifter fails dismally.
It'd need 'reach-around' levers for the paddles to be correct - for me.
I dumped the 'extra' clamp for 'brake faceplate'/ mixmatch/ matchmaker types, but not impressed with WolfTooths.
Magura's works better - for Magura levers, one'd hope so, right?

Again, thanks for the tip,

Very nicely clean up all tidied up, tolerance are tight.
FnF thanks for posting tourqe values.
Of course. Always happy to share accurate info.
Replacing Gumbo's 46T was an eye-opener. The derailleur wasn't over-tensioned by a 50T, so I switched; went through the gears several times (cool I can tilt the bike on the kickstand); seemed fine; hit the road and stopped in at LBS for him to check out. First question was 'so, what's wrong'? A: Nothing. I didn't lengthen the chain, but it works great.
After going through the adjustments and running through the shifting several times, he agreed 'it works great'.

27miles later (I'm at 50.4V), my verdict is: The 50t (w/ 11 x 40) is a perfect match.
Shifts are faster, noticeably improved. I can double-click the Archer and smoothly shift two gears in L2.
11t is the tricky cog to be on before power starts yanking the chain.
Soon, WW will have our programming cables and (if the parameter's are available), I'll stretch the input latency to 1/3 turn. Now: 1/4 turn of ring = just engaging the 3rd of 3 teeth on 11t cog, and 3 teeth on the 12t.
A longer pause might be helpful. Then: 1/3 turn = just engaging the 4th of 4 teeth on 11t cog, and completely engaged with 4 teeth on the 12t

Peace on earth, good will to men

Seasons Greetings to all !!!



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