Using Ebikes As Tools For Meeting a Health Challenge

Riding a ebike makes you automatically smile! Everyone who rides my ebike at work comes back with a smile so its proven to boost your self esteem and mental attitude!
my wife and I had a crash on our e tandem. I landed on the end of the handlebar where my leg and hip meet. without my e bike I would be out of riding for a lot longer as I cant work hard yet.
I started chemotherapy in mid February. I kept riding although as the chemo progressed my energy level declined and there were days I just didn't have the energy to ride. My rides got shorter and I started using more assist. That lasted until the end of April. Keeping my body moving, getting out into the fresh air, watching life return with the blooming spring, really helped keep a good attitude during a difficult time.
There is plenty of evidence that moderate activity during chemo actually improves the outcome. Getting blood moving helps spreading the drug better. The key word is "moderate". The talk test: - if you can comfortably talk, but not sing, you're doing moderate intensity activity. Total amount max 300 minutes a week, this is about 45 minutes a day, 7 days a week. Overdoing it could negate the benefits.
What a fantastic attitude you have, this and your e bikes will make sure you reach that challenge you have set yourself! I will be here to congratulate you when you conquer Mt. Baker once again, I wish you all the very best and look forward to you posting your epic rides once again!
Excercise is the key. I have 2 comments that I live by. "I'm a survivor" and "Don't let the bastards get me" At 83 and with 30 years of type 2 diabetes I'm riding 2 days a week and walking 2 days a week and I attribute the excercise with keeping me fit and healthy..

With your excercise regime and positive attitude you're going to be around for a long time.
Post surgical rehab is going well, better and better day by day. I just might be back out on a real bike by the end of the week.
