Turbo X became nonresponsive and has been at the shop since late July


Active Member
Bike would not turn on, charge, or do anything. It's been at the LBS since late July and the problem hasn't been found yet, much less fixed. The shop had at least 2-3 other Turbos in for repair/warranty. I feel somewhat powerless other than asking for updates every few days.

Any advice? Does anyone know if Specialized will extend the warranty for the period of time when the bike is out of service? That would at least help...

(This is a 2016 Turbo X with only 1000km / 600 miles.)
Doesn't sound good.... OTOH I have done 10,000km on mine over a year and it has hardly missed a beat, it has been an outstanding bike.
Odds are they just need to replace the battery. That's where all the "brains" for the system are. Why haven't they done that yet? Maybe they can't get a replacement battery?
I have had good experience with Specialized supporting their warranty on both an extra 691 Wh battery and later a motor issue. It did take about three or four weeks to get the new battery due to low stock and the shipping restrictions but I still had the original smaller battery so it was not really too much of an inconvenience. The motor would keep going even when I stopped pedaling and that took about four weeks to resolve. I thought the motor was out of warranty but I had taken it in to get the light switch checked. The dealer called back to say it was still in warranty by a week or so. They replaced the motor and rebuilt the wheel and found a dirty connector that prevented the lights from working. The dealer is one of the larger Specialized dealers in the area so that may have helped.
Looks like the issue was indeed the battery and I should be getting a new one. Is there a way to tell which battery I have by looking at it?
If you remove the battery there should be a label on it with model and capacity information.
OK, good news. Bike is back and the issue was the battery. It's now been replaced (with the larger battery, which is a bonus) and I'm excited to get back on the road!
I now have almost 100 miles on the new battery and I'm quite pleased. Performance is excellent as always and the range appears to have improved (which you'd expect with the larger battery).