Turbo Tero 5.0 motor noise issue resolution

Rich W.

Active Member
The Farm, Grass Valley, Ca
I bought my Tero 5.0 in November of last year. The motor has always been a bit louder than I expected, especially in turbo under load, but lately the noise level has been steadily increasing to the point that after about just two miles it sounded like it had an external speaker announcing its magnificent power output to the world. I finally took it in to my LBS (where I bought it) after riding around town for long enough to “warm it up” so that the noise level was easily demonstrated, and they kept it to determine if there was a warranty issue (I was certain there was). It took about a week for Specialized to get around to authorizing it, but they did agree it was a warranty issue and they are sending out a new motor. So if your 5.0 (or any Spesh e-bike) motor is getting loud, take it in. Its not normal and you’ll probably have similar results. I’ll report back here after I have had a chance to ride the bike with a new motor.
I bought my Tero 5.0 in November of last year. The motor has always been a bit louder than I expected, especially in turbo under load, but lately the noise level has been steadily increasing to the point that after about just two miles it sounded like it had an external speaker announcing its magnificent power output to the world. I finally took it in to my LBS (where I bought it) after riding around town for long enough to “warm it up” so that the noise level was easily demonstrated, and they kept it to determine if there was a warranty issue (I was certain there was). It took about a week for Specialized to get around to authorizing it, but they did agree it was a warranty issue and they are sending out a new motor. So if your 5.0 (or any Spesh e-bike) motor is getting loud, take it in. Its not normal and you’ll probably have similar results. I’ll report back here after I have had a chance to ride the bike with a new motor.
Thank you Rich. My older motor got noisy 6 months post warranty and failed 3 years post the Vado 6.0 purchase...