trump tariffs

Are those USA made bikes made from american made steel/aluminum etc, or are the materials imported somewhere in Asia? Just curious.

I don't know but I very much doubt that they use American steel. For complex metallurgical and technical reasons (which basically boil down to "American steel mills are old") Chinese steel is of better quality than just about anyone else's. And for a bike, especially a high-end bike, you want to use the very best steel.
Companies can buy all their parts from China, assemble here, and label American made.
Tariffs only punish small businesses. It’s a nightmare for eBike parts and kits sales.
Isn't it true that bike prices have already been bumped up to reflect tariffs?

However, if past experience is repeated, "tariffs" will become a common excuse to raise prices, increase profit margins even as work- a-rounds are put in place (e.g. moving manufacture from China, which has been getting too expensive anyway, to lower cost sites, Nam, Mexico, U.S. etc.).
No, the tariffs were absorbed at 10% in many cases, but it just increased by 15%. We have ZERO alternatives. No American made Ebike kits, bikes, are parts.
I thought complete ebikes, motors & batteries from China had 25% tariffs imposed last year? Today's news appears to be everything else eg Shimano & SRAM components manufactured in china, etc. Every cyclist is going to be paying more now for components and consumables like chains, tubes, etc.
Only if said part is made in China. There's lots of parts that aren't. I don't think I've got a single Shimano part that's made in China on my bikes; my Shimano parts are made in Japan and Malaysia. Chinese tubes and tires are junk. I don't use SRAM stuff. The danger with Shimano is they are clamping down on vendors (particularly from the UK) that discount their parts.

It's very old school to think of made in China as being crap or subpar. Nearly every thing you own, is being made in China. That's why these tariffs are being attempted in the first place, but it's futile and 30 years too late for most products that Americans consume.

Plenty of front row seats available on their new 372MPH maglev train.
People have the wrong vilain in this. It is NOT China or the Chinese. It is American GREED, US crony capitalism and American companies that moved their manufacturing to china in the first place. Nobody put a gun to their head to do so, or pass their manufacturing expertise to China. They did it for higher profits, and for US executives and US BoDs (and US shareholders as well) to approve massive payoffs to these same US CEOs for exporting manufacturing and all those high paying manufacturing jobs. So I don't fault the Chinese one bit. The trade deficit with China is not the fault of the Chinese. It is the fault of the US companies GREED. And that is what trump's TAX SCAM is all about even now. More GREED and US crony capitalism, while the rest of us and our kids are stuck with an exploding deficit. And that is why US crony capitalism and US corporate dictatorship must die so that the middle class could live and earn a living wage again.


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Looks like China will build it themselves....

Maybe they are just quick studies from the Transrapid relationship.
"...counting preparation time for the journey, it takes about 4.5 hours by plane, about 5.5 hours by high-speed rail, and [would only take] about 3.5 hours with [the new] high-speed maglev" ... Wow, that will all but kill short and medium-haul air travel.
And all this is happening while in the US we are doing this:
Trump’s love for infrastructure doesn’t extend to California’s high-speed rail project
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Don't get me wrong about stuff made in China. If they want to build high end stuff they can do it as well as just about anybody , but traditionally the generic Chinese products are designed for the low end of the market. There are few things in life that I can afford the very best of , but thankfully an E-bike is one. Why would you trust your life on a product that was primarily designed for cost savings if you dont have to? It stands to reason that If a European or North American company decides to build in China , they are probably thinking more about cost savings than building the very best product they can.
"...counting preparation time for the journey, it takes about 4.5 hours by plane, about 5.5 hours by high-speed rail, and [would only take] about 3.5 hours with [the new] high-speed maglev" ... Wow, that will all but kill short and medium-haul air travel.
And all this is happening while in the US we are doing this:
Trump’s love for infrastructure doesn’t extend to California’s high-speed rail project
This project should be canceled. It's way over budget, way underfunded, and way behind schedule and the leg they want to build will have few passengers. I think the current governor is keeping it going because he knows he's going to have to reimburse the feds for $$$ already spent if he cancels it.
This project should be canceled. It's way over budget, way underfunded, and way behind schedule and the leg they want to build will have few passengers. I think the current governor is keeping it going because he knows he's going to have to reimburse the feds for $$$ already spent if he cancels it.
Show me ANY infrastructure project of its type in the US that was NOT over budget for the simple reason that these are decade long projects. The youtube videos above discuss why that is and why the project is a necessity. The lost business productivity for people stuck in congestion and traffic instead of being transported fast to do their work, would cost many times more than that over the lifetime of the project. Unfortunately US people have been brainwashed to only look at the here and now with a very short term horizon instead of looking at the vast long term benefits. BTW, the $1 TRILLION infrastructure spending that was needed to fix our OLD crumbling bridges and roads has now become $2 TRILLION. How's that for over budget? And even then that does NOTHING to move our infrastructure forward that this high-speed rail project would have done. No wonder America is falling further and further behind. Nobody has any long term view anymore.
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Show me ANY infrastructure project of its type in the US that was NOT over budget for the simple reason that these are decade long projects. The youtube videos above discuss why that is and why the project is a necessity. The lost business productivity for people stuck in congestion and traffic instead of being transported fast to do their work, would cost many times more than that over the lifetime of the project. Unfortunately US people have been brainwashed to only look at the here and now with a very short term horizon instead of looking at the vast long term benefits. BTW, the $1 TRILLION infrastructure spending that was needed to fix our OLD crumbling bridges and roads has now become $2 TRILLION. How's that for over budget? And even then that does NOTHING to move our infrastructure forward that this high-speed rail project would have done. No wonder America is falling further and further behind. Nobody has any long term view anymore.
That doesn't change the fact that the CA high speed rail project is a failure, and money from it could be better put to use on other infrastructure projects.
Not to be a Topic Policeman, but it is hard to see what this crass political discussion has with the great and noble activity of riding a bicycle.

What I hate most about our present Era is how politics is infecting everything.
Not to be a Topic Policeman, but it is hard to see what this crass political discussion has with the great and noble activity of riding a bicycle.

What I hate most about our present Era is how politics is infecting everything.
What amazes me is the civility on this forum. THAT is what we need!
That doesn't change the fact that the CA high speed rail project is a failure, and money from it could be better put to use on other infrastructure projects.
Then you have fake "facts". Cause the only failure is the current partisan lying narcissist occupant of the white house and his record deficits during a non-recession time.
California says Trump’s high-speed rail cut was payback for state’s stand on border wall
California high-speed rail agency sues Trump administration for canceling grant
On high-speed rail, Newsom cuts deal to protect federal grant while lawsuit proceeds
Trump's Twin Deficits Are Exploding
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"...counting preparation time for the journey, it takes about 4.5 hours by plane, about 5.5 hours by high-speed rail, and [would only take] about 3.5 hours with [the new] high-speed maglev" ... Wow, that will all but kill short and medium-haul air travel.
And all this is happening while in the US we are doing this:
Trump’s love for infrastructure doesn’t extend to California’s high-speed rail project

California set aside funds for "EV Corridors" statewide in Dec 2015. Not one station has been installed after $400 million spent.
The CHSR will cost a minimum of $77 billion be limited to 100 mph max, and ready no earlier than 2035. It will be obsolete 10 years before it's completion.
California erased HOV access for EVs built prior to 2017.
There is now an EV Owner's tax on California EVs.
Long distance EV support in California which has more than 50% of all EVs in North America is inferior to most the US states. What little long distance infrastructure we have, is proprietary (Tesla) or private (CCS and CHAdeMO) funded by Private Industry or VW respectively.
California is leading the charge to limiting eBike technology.

The POTUS has nothing to do with this. It sucked under the last POTUS and sucks today. California is no longer the 'Green State'. In fact, it is likely Tesla will move California operations to China. Watch.

Trivia - California has spent most of it's ZEV budget on Hydrogen cars, even though nobody wants to buy them and they are already obsolete. Hydrogen is made from cracking petro-fuels and has a bigger CO2 footprint than a first generation gasoline Prius does. Why? Never forget California is an oil producer and refiner. Our oil companies make H2 in their refineries.
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