trump tariffs

The you have fake "facts". Cause the only failure is the current partisan lying narcissist occupant of the white house and his record deficits during a non-recession time.
California says Trump’s high-speed rail cut was payback for state’s stand on border wall
California high-speed rail agency sues Trump administration for canceling grant
On high-speed rail, Newsom cuts deal to protect federal grant while lawsuit proceeds
Trump's Twin Deficits Are Exploding

Yeah, that makes me want to move to AZ.

Wait. The AZ electric car infrastructure is even worse than California. Oh, and you can smell Phoenix before you get there. You can't see it from the air on smoggy day. Worse than LA.

The only CHSR that made sense was LA-LV. California fought that ever step of the way and it was cancelled. It was privately funded.

But you can drive your $100k Tesla from SF to the ski resorts now.

The SF/LA CHSA would service less than 1% of Californians. However it will make hundreds of land speculators like Newsom and Pelosi and Jerry's Friends fabulously wealthy. If they cancel it, speculators will lose literally billions.
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Yeah, that makes me want to move to AZ.

Wait. The AZ electric car infrastructure is even worse than California. Oh, and you can smell Phoenix before you get there. You can't see it from the air on smoggy day. Worse than LA.

The only CHSR that made sense was LA-LV. California fought that ever step of the way and it was cancelled. It was privately funded.

But you can drive your $100k Tesla from SF to the ski resorts now.

The SF/LA CHSA would service less than 1% of Californians. However it will make hundreds of land speculators like Newsom and Pelosi and Jerry's Friends fabulously wealthy. If they cancel it, speculators will lose literally billions.
Agreed. If it wasn't for this specific job that I'm here for, I wouldn't live in AZ either... and once this job is done, I'm out of here... very dusty environment that gets into everything... including your lungs... and if I hear one more time "but it is dry heat", I'm going to do something I will regret.. lol

BTW, if people want to see what dry heat is all about, then move to Vegas. AZ is way too humid by comparison. Not only Vegas is a few degrees cooler (I lived there for 5 years), but it avoids all the monsoons and haboobs altogether that make the summers in AZ an unbearable hot humid mosquito infested hell hole...
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But it’s Las Vegas. 20 good years but don’t miss a thing. Well... accept Lindo Michoacán
As far as Vegas, if you have a single addictive dna in your body, it is the wrong place to be. For those that don't have that, it is paradise IMO cause they get to use, indirectly, all the benefits the addictive personalities leave behind. ;)
As far as Vegas, if you have a single addictive dna in your body, it is the wrong place to be. For those that don't have that, it is paradise IMO cause they get to use, indirectly, all the benefits the addictive personalities leave behind. ;)
Isn't that the truth! Anyone willing to not gamble stay sober and work can build an incredible career. My moves up were rapid and left people around me wondering who I knew to get the job. In fact, I earned every bit of my success. While they were partying, I studied and worked. In my day you were investigated by the Sheriff, got a sheriff's card, and then a complete background by the Wynn team. An amazing number couldn't pass muster. In my final years, hair testing changed hiring practices.

Sorry for veering off topic!
I moved to Vegas from California to get away from ridiculously high mortgage payment. Houses are half the price here. Now that Iv'e been here for 3 years, I love the place. Back on topic, most of you know I own a lipo battery business. I was paying 10% tax and ate the cost. But now that it's been raised up to 25%, I will have to raise my prices. This is hard to do when the competition hasn't raised there's yet. it's like a waiting game to see how long you can last before raising prices. But my next shipment is do in 2 weeks and I will pay the higher tax. This is total BS as there are no lipo factories in the US. Tesla doesn't make the packs I need and they don't sell to the public. The machine that makes the batteries cost 4 million for a cheap one and 20 million for the best. I don't see any Americans rushing to go buy the equipment to make batteries ever. At least not for hobby use.
I moved to Vegas from California to get away from ridiculously high mortgage payment. Houses are half the price here. Now that Iv'e been here for 3 years, I love the place. Back on topic, most of you know I own a lipo battery business. I was paying 10% tax and ate the cost. But now that it's been raised up to 25%, I will have to raise my prices. This is hard to do when the competition hasn't raised there's yet. it's like a waiting game to see how long you can last before raising prices. But my next shipment is do in 2 weeks and I will pay the higher tax. This is total BS as there are no lipo factories in the US. Tesla doesn't make the packs I need and they don't sell to the public. The machine that makes the batteries cost 4 million for a cheap one and 20 million for the best. I don't see any Americans rushing to go buy the equipment to make batteries ever. At least not for hobby use.

Well, both Tesla and GM have automated battery factories costing far in excess of $20M. Battery fabrication is extremely automated. Cost of raw materials is a global commodity. So if China has a huge advantage in battery pricing, it's not labor or materials. China sees EV tech as the future, and plans to push all other countries out of the loop. They are the #1 producer of EVs.

A123 was an American battery maker. They are owned by China now. I still have a few of their pouch cells used for EVs.

When batteries actually do drop below $200/kWh, you can bet China will be the only source. But once the competition is gone, they will recover their investment.

When the Chevrolet Volt (16kWh) was released in China, there was a 100% tariff on it because GM refused to release all the IP associated with what was the most sophisticated driveline ever put in a mass-produced car.

Now before anyone thinks I'm picking on a communist-controlled national policy, the EU also put a draconian tariff on the Volt to keep it out of their markets too.

This is how China plays. Do we surrender? Or do we negotiate? Nobody has stood up to them yet.

The US Federal Gov't sold out to the Chinese and many folk think that is way to go.
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China did back off a little recently. "The current price for a Tesla Model 3 in China is approximately $73,000, with roughly $30,000 of that price being the result of China’s import tariffs."
So no more 100% tariffs, but certainly nowhere near 25%.

China did try and get a foothold in the US EV market with the CODA. I drove one in 2012. It was $36k, but still flopped.
On subject, here's an interesting take on the USA's largest eBike maker moving back to the USA:

"Relocating to another country is nothing new for Pedego, which used to manufacture most of its products in China and had already moved most of its operations to Taiwan and Vietnam in order to avoid an 83 percent tariff slapped on Chinese imports by the European Union. "

83%???? If our current POTUS allowed that, he'd be impeached, twice. The last POTUS allowed 100% tariffs on US goods but that was purely political. His donors did a quid pro quo with him, and the powerful fundraisers in Congress. Let China destroy certain US industries, and Wall Street will keep the campaign warchests full to the brim.
On subject, here's an interesting take on the USA's largest eBike maker moving back to the USA:

"Relocating to another country is nothing new for Pedego, which used to manufacture most of its products in China and had already moved most of its operations to Taiwan and Vietnam in order to avoid an 83 percent tariff slapped on Chinese imports by the European Union. "

83%???? If our current POTUS allowed that, he'd be impeached, twice. The last POTUS allowed 100% tariffs on US goods but that was purely political. His donors did a quid pro quo with him, and the powerful fundraisers in Congress. Let China destroy certain US industries, and Wall Street will keep the campaign warchests full to the brim.
Good luck with that false assessment. And BTW, wall street is down during the past 16 months... and even more down after today.
Trump’s Welfare Handouts Won’t Be Enough To Save American Soybean Farmers As Prices Hit New Lows
May 26, 2019
U.S.-China Trade Deficit Keeps Growing Despite Tariffs
May 10, 2019
Americans in Poll Reject Trump's Claim That China Pays Tariffs
May 29, 2019
Good luck with that false assessment. And BTW, wall street is down during the past 16 months... and even more down after today.
Trump’s Welfare Handouts Won’t Be Enough To Save American Soybean Farmers As Prices Hit New Lows
May 26, 2019
U.S.-China Trade Deficit Keeps Growing Despite Tariffs
May 10, 2019
Americans in Poll Reject Trump's Claim That China Pays Tariffs
May 29, 2019

So Trump has been President for 20 years while all this was happening? Many of us were complaining while Bush and Obama were in office.
Why would Obama, who said the Volt was a great car, and he would buy one when he left office, allow China to put a 100% tariff on American cars?
So Trump has been President for 20 years while all this was happening? Many of us were complaining while Bush and Obama were in office.
Why would Obama, who said the Volt was a great car, and he would buy one when he left office, allow China to put a 100% tariff on American cars?
If you had bothered to read the links that I posted you would have your answer. Why don't you ask all the greedy US companies that moved their manufacturing to China in the first place? And while you are at it, why don't you ask trump about the tax scam that massively enriched all those same super rich CEOs that moved manufacturing to china (including your tax dodger trump) and exploded the deficit during a non-recession time, and yet not a single high tech company manufacturing facility has moved back here. Why don't you ask him why Apple is opening a new manufacturing facility in Indonesia and not the US. What are they doing with all that money that the tax scam gave them? Share buybacks to artificially inflate prices so they can vest their stock options to the tune of 100s of millions?? As I've been saying, the villain is NOT China. The villain is right here in the US and don't expect different results as long as you are voting for their political puppets.

And those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Tariffs are NOT the answer. The last time they gave us the great depression.
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If you had bothered to read the links that I posted you would have your answer. Why don't you ask all the greedy US companies that moved their manufacturing to China in the first place? And while you are at it, why don't you ask trump about the tax scam that massively enriched all those same super rich CEOs that moved manufacturing to china (including your tax dodger trump) and exploded the deficit during a non-recession time, and yet not a single high tech company manufacturing facility has moved back here. Why don't you ask him why Apple is opening a new manufacturing facility in Indonesia and not the US. What are they doing with all that money that the tax scam gave them? Share buybacks to artificially inflate prices so they can vest their stock options to the tune of 100s of millions?? As I've been saying, the villain is NOT China. The villain is right here in the US and don't expect different results as long as you are voting for their political puppets.

And those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Tariffs are NOT the answer. The last time they gave us the great depression.

Exactly what policy towards China has changed in 20 years? China has their own industry now using quite a significant chunk of US IP, with full government support and funding. Washington DC built that.
BTW - Apple hasn't been a significant US mfr for many, many years. Now they even offload eng'g and software design overseas.

This predates the current POTUS, but not the current Congress power players.
BTW - Apple hasn't been a significant US mfr for many, many years. Now they even offload eng'g and software design overseas.

This predates the current POTUS, but not the current Congress power players.
The current potus has put us in this mess with the tariffs. And it is US consumers that are paying his bill. Just ask the US farmers. If he truly had a clue beyond greed he would have written the TAX SCAM law with the hook for US companies to bring manufacturing back home before they can get the tax credit. Instead all he did was shower them (and himself) with free dollars he does not have (exploded the deficit). In any case, I don't want to turn this into a political thread so that is my last post about politics. You seem to enjoy posting multiple political posts to say nothing, so have at it. Good luck to you.
And all politician are puppets to their campaign donors. Both sides of the aisle. No POTUS prior to 2016 ever took action. Obviously they aren't going down without a fight.

The funny part is Trump is a RINO. He would have run on the DNC ticket if he had a better choice there.

In any case Apple is based in California, which has the most political clout in Congress and in the bureaucracies. No California politician ever questioned Apple's business strategy, so why should you?
And all politician are puppets to their campaign donors. Both sides of the aisle. No POTUS prior to 2016 ever took action. Obviously they aren't going down without a fight.

The funny part is Trump is a RINO. He would have run on the DNC ticket if he had a better choice there.

In any case Apple is based in California, which has the most political clout in Congress and in the bureaucracies. No California politician ever questioned Apple's business strategy, so why should you?
OK we're drifting from the intent of this forum. eBikes and eBike care. Nuff politics.
It drifted from eBikes in the two words of the title. You are perhaps 4 pages of posts too late.
Its never to late to remind us that a post is drifting towards an unfortunate closing.
Trump tariffs as they apply to eBikes. Apple doesn’t build eBikes or sell eBike components.

This is one of the most civil eBike forums available. Some of us don’t want it to go the direction of so many others. Endless_Sphere and others have threads for toxic discussions. This forum doesn’t. Thankfully...