Trek E-Bike Demo Day June 30, Denver

Good question... website says that Trek will have their full fleet. So hopefully... everything? I assume Trek is bringing in their fleet, as opposed to it being based on what the bike shop has in stock.
Good question... website says that Trek will have their full fleet. So hopefully... everything? I assume Trek is bringing in their fleet, as opposed to it being based on what the bike shop has in stock.

Thanks E-Mike. Keep us all posted as to what they demo and what was your first picks are.
They had several models available to demo... not sure exactly which ones because I was focused on the Crossrip+ and the Super Commuter+ 8S. Took them both for a spin. My first time riding an e-bike. That first pedal stroke in the parking lot was magical :). Barely touched the pedal and off it went.

They are both great bikes, and I preferred the Crossrip+, but I was already biased toward it based on everything I read. My personal preference is the drop bars, and the test rides confirmed that it's the right style for me. My main motivation in considering an e-bike is all about speeding up my commute to work. I would say that being down in the drops is marginally faster at high speed... it's just a little bit easier to keep it in the 28mph spot. For me, it was a little unsettling in the upright position at those speeds because it just felt like I was exposed to the wind a bit too much. The Super Commuter is more relaxed and comfortable for casual riding... the Crossrip+ fit my more aggressive style.

Great bikes, and the Trek folks were friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. Now I just have to decide whether to spend the money or not :).
That was my choice too and I haven't looked back. Being a road cyclist I completely agree about the drops which do offer another riding position and a more aggressive one. Being in the drops also for me provides a relief position on the sit bones just as it does on my regular road bike. I haven't used cycling shorts on my CrossRip+ because it would defeat the purpose of being my commute bike, I just want to get to work and start my day dry without sweat.
But coming home I can be more aggressive, take a longer route and enjoy what this bike has to offer in a different capacity.

I posted this a couple of weeks ago under a different topic:

"So for me my Class 3 bike choice was a Trek CrossRip+. My 17 mile one way commute to work is semi hilly with a tiny amount of gravel and takes me, if I go sport/turbo about 40 minutes(no sweating). On the way home I usually choose a longer route 25-30 miles and bring assistance down to Eco mode or if I am tired I use touring mode. I leave a 2amp charger at work and a 4amp charger home so I do not have any issues with battery life. So I get cardio on the way into work and strength or endurance on the way home. I considered the Giant E but I didn't want the extra hassle of a front derailleur, I just don't think it is necessary. The SRAM Force 11 speed on the Trek CrossRip+ is perfect. I have no issues climbing hills and have a heck of good time riding the flats".