Trek Allant+7s or Gazelle Ultimate t10+


New Member
Have not posted much but been reading to the point I am confusing myself. I think I have narrowed my choice down to the 2 bikes listed. One of the big problems is I have not found either bike to test ride.
LBS for the Gazelle is 1.5 hours away and Trek is 40 minutes.
I am 6'4" 220 pounds in decent shape for an old guy (56)
I like the adjustability of the stem on the Gazelle where it does not appear to be any On the Allant. (although some on here state theirs came with an adjustable stem)
I assume I would need the XL in the Trek and the 57cm in the Gazelle?
So has anyone ridden both bikes and if so your thoughts??
I will be purchasing a bike for the wife as well and have if I go with the Gazelle may think about ordering from propel or flyride. Your thoughts on this as well?
Any advise would be appreciated.
It’s gonna be hard to find that large a frame to test. All I can say is that I am about your weight and the Allant+7 is more than stout enough to handle my weight easily. I love the +7 and it has the CX motor that has easily climbed any and all hills I’ve encountered. We just recently also bought a +7 Lowstep for my wife so we can share bags, batteries, etc. She loves hers also and we got an adjustable Bontrager stem for her from our Trek dealer thrown in on the deal.
If you needed work done on your bike, would it be more convenient to have the lbs that is closer? Sometimes that can help in narrowing down the choice. There are no dealers near me that carry gazelle but I would have definitely tested one if it had been an option. I can say that I chose the Allant+7s. It has been an outstanding bike so far. I also very strongly considered a Specialized Turbo Vado. I actually liked both bikes pretty evenly, and in the end decided based on the bike that fit me best.
Rdowns, I looked at the Turbo Vado but being from Illinois and wintering in Arizona and not being able to take the battery in the house to protect it from the severe heat and cold kind of eliminated that bike from my list.
Dallant, I like that stem and believe that would work for me. When you switched to that stem, did you have to put on any new cables due to the original ones being too short?? Did you post somewhere that your Allant had the threaded holes for a cafe lock?
Rdowns, I looked at the Turbo Vado but being from Illinois and wintering in Arizona and not being able to take the battery in the house to protect it from the severe heat and cold kind of eliminated that bike from my list.
Dallant, I like that stem and believe that would work for me. When you switched to that stem, did you have to put on any new cables due to the original ones being too short?? Did you post somewhere that your Allant had the threaded holes for a cafe lock?
I didn’t switch it, my Trek lbs did. It’s a Bontrager but I couldn’t find it on the Trek web site and my lbs said it has to be ordered by a dealer. They also adjusted it up as far as they felt safe in doing so and said that if they went any higher, they’d probably have to add an extension to or replace the front brake cable.
Yes, there are stays for a lock.
Thanks for the quick response Dallant. If my lbs can do this, thats definitely a check in the Trek box.
Thanks for the quick response Dallant. If my lbs can do this, thats definitely a check in the Trek box.
I am 64 6 ft tall about 178lbs. . First when you say you can't take battery out of Vado you mean the SL. Not the regular Vado . I have a friend who has the Alliant +7S with the higher speed Motor I have the Vado . I own a Trek Verve 3 and a Trek Dual Sport 4 in generic bikes.
I mention the generic Treks because they are a good comparison to The Allaint pictured with the adjustable stem and the standard stem found in the Allaint +7 for 2020.
Between the Standard Vado and the Allaint my Friend has . There's not alot of differences . I bought the Vado because I saw one in an LBS ,which I didn't expect to find the day I did. It was a 2 week wait for an Allaint . After riding the Vado I was so sold I bought it.
There wasn't 2 so My friend ordered the Alliant from the same LBS and waited. By the way Get an XL . I am 4 inches shorter then you and it's the Frame size I bought
Vado has 10 speeds and a Clutch . The Allaint is 9 speeds and no clutch . Vado Aluminum Fenders Allaint Plastic . My Bike is also quieter . Basically Noiseless. And you can remove the battery. As for the Stem in the allaint being more upright . Unless you are an OLD 56 I wouldn't concern yourself .
As I mentioned earlier I have generic Treks. One standard one upright. You'll be faster less upright . Don't misunderstand . The Standard Stem on the Alliant is still fairly upright compared to most Bikes . Same for the VADO.

Last No offense to Gazzelle Owners : IMO Trek and Specialized are like Chevy and Ford . If I were going to add Dodge as the Big 3 . I would give that to GIANT . Just Saying Trek IMO is the way to Go. If Your going to spend almost $4000 dollars. When someone says who makes your Bike . You don't want them to reply WHo's that . Never heard of them LOL ;)

Besides I don't think Gazzeles come in Frame Sizes like EXTRA LARGE . Which you need for sure if I do
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Just as @BarryS pointed out, the regular Vado has a removable battery, as does the Allant. My Allant came with the adjustable stem. It could go higher but the lbs did say if I needed extra height they would have to adjust the brake cable. I am very happy with it right now but it is nice to know that is an option. Those 2 bikes are very very similar. Perhaps the biggest difference in my mind is the mission control app that comes with Specialized. My trek is very stable and a joy to ride. There are some here who ride a Gazelle. No doubt they could give more details on that bike.
Sorry, guys, yes i was thinking the SL for the non-removable battery. All good information and appreciate all your input. I really need to find an Allant +7s at a dealer and ride it. I hate to order the bikes and not like them after the fact.
I almost bought the Allant+ 7 (UK spec has the Bontager adjustable stem included), but my local shop only had a M frame - at 220lbs and 6' tall i felt OK on the bike (at least sitting static - no test ride). I think the L might have just suited better (2 month supply time). I'm not sure even at 6'4" you necessarily need a XL frame. I ended up buying a Giant bike, in ML frame which hit the spot perfect for fit and supply timing.
Thanks Percymon, I think it's almost a must I ride one before buying to ensure proper size and posture on the bike.

Absolutely where possible - whilst i felt quite at home on the medium frame in the shop, actually riding, and steering, the bike might have been something else - i have wondered in hindsight how much room i'd have had on the front mudguard to my foot when turning
I ride an Allant +9.9s and absolutely love riding the bike. I am 6'2" 215 and at 70, I am a few years older. I ride the L not the XL. It is a perfect fit for me. I have no experience with the Gazelle but it is a good brand and it looks like a very capable bike. What works for me won't necessarily work well for you.

There is lots of money involved here and being comfortable on your bike will encourage you to ride it more. It is essential that you take an afternoon and go test ride both bikes. Your question will be properly answered by this time well spent. The overall quality of your experience will also be in part a result of the quality of the people you are buying your bike from. It is just as important to size up the shop and its staff as much as it is the ebike itself.
It is just as important to size up the shop and its staff as much as it is the ebike itself.
There's a LOT in that statement Alaskan, not something to be dismissed at all.

Whilst i didnt buy from the LBS in my town, i do tend to pop in there for service items for other family bikes; just, to keep my face known and give them a little bit of trade - they will be handy come servicing time, and the rapport certainly won't harm. I could save a few quid buying bits via ebay but there is little loyalty either way over the internet.
Go to the lbs and try out both bikes. 90 minute drive? What's the big deal? That's like trying to get from the north end of a city to the south end at rush hour, at least in the Before Time. Go on! Go for a drive! It's Coronavirus Time: you have nothing better to do so you may as well make an informed choice.

It's a pile of dough to shell out for two bikes, so make sure you buy the ones which feel best to you. Don't rely on other people's opinions or videos. Go and test them out. What feels best to you may not feel best to your wife.
ChezCheeze, I couldn't agree more. The problem is finding the bike in the size that a dealer has on the floor. I did find the Allant +7s in a large and the stagger in a medium that we will be testing out this weekend. As far as the Gazelle no such luck. If we REALLY like the Trek, we will pull the trigger on those.
As I stated I bought the Vado because I wanted something in stock to test. Which it was . I'd have been just as happy with the Alliant . But after riding My Friends +7S (Very Cool) I am just as happy with The Vado. Especially after installing the 48T Chainring
Go to the lbs and try out both bikes. 90 minute drive? What's the big deal? That's like trying to get from the north end of a city to the south end at rush hour, at least in the Before Time. Go on! Go for a drive! It's Coronavirus Time: you have nothing better to do so you may as well make an informed choice.

It's a pile of dough to shell out for two bikes, so make sure you buy the ones which feel best to you. Don't rely on other people's opinions or videos. Go and test them out. What feels best to you may not feel best to your wife.
I agree but is very hard to find enough inventory to test what you think you want. My wife tested a Verve+3 Lowstep and it was ok but we both wanted her to test an Allant+7 Lowstep and there just was none to be found anywhere. She tried my medium diamond frame Allant+7 and it was ok for her but she wanted a more upright position like the Verve+3. So...we assumed a small frame Allant+7 for her and our Trek guy said he could get an adjustable handlebar stem to throw in on the deal and guaranteed he’d fit the bike to her. We took the shot and ordered it and it turned out perfect!
Go to the lbs and try out both bikes. 90 minute drive? What's the big deal? That's like trying to get from the north end of a city to the south end at rush hour, at least in the Before Time. Go on! Go for a drive! It's Coronavirus Time: you have nothing better to do so you may as well make an informed choice.

It's a pile of dough to shell out for two bikes, so make sure you buy the ones which feel best to you. Don't rely on other people's opinions or videos. Go and test them out. What feels best to you may not feel best to your wife.
Sound counsel indeed.
Pulled the trigger on 2 Trek Allant +7s. Test rode on Thursday night. LBS had the stagger in the correct size for the wife (medium) but had to order an XL diamond for me. I test rode a large. Pick them both up on Saturday. Yes, 2 days to get the XL. LBS said there were 2 left at the Wi. warehouse. We are only 1.5 hours from the warehouse. Never test rode a Gazelle. The more I thought about having to travel 2 hours to a Gazelle dealer as opposed to 35 miles for the Trek shop if and when service is needed, the fact we liked the Trek Allant +7s when we test rode, we went ahead and took the plunge. Will post pics later. Thanks for all your input. Dallant, the LBS will be installing the adjustable stem prior to tomorrows pick up.