Mr. Coffee
Well-Known Member
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- A Demented Corner of the North Cascades
I am looking for a puncture-proof (or at least puncture resistant) tire for my new ebike (26").
I can't change out a tire and have no intention of learning, so need something strong.
Perhaps an upgrade to the tube?
And I've heard something about sliming the tires. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
My suggestions are:
- Purchase a high-quality e-bike rated tire with some kind of puncture protection. Schwalbe makes good tires, just choose one that is appropriate for how and where you are riding and fits your bike.
- Purchase either extra-thick tubes or Slime (tm) tubes. I think extra-thick Slime tubes are available. Note that extra-thick tubes are noticeably heavier than regular tubes.
- Replace your tires and tubes frequently. If you ride on good roads and smooth pavement with little debris that might be once a year. If you ride on atrocious roads or highway shoulders covered with tire belts, chunks of metal, and broken glass that might be every 1200 miles. In any case I'd strongly recommend new tires and tubes once a year.
- Check your tire pressure before every ride. If the tire is low add some air. If a tire is losing air consistently figure out why and fix it.