Too Many Posters Asking Others To Do Web Searches For Them


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that far too many of the posters on this forum don't even bother to do a web search for the information or parts they need. Rather, they just do a quick post here basically asking others to do their searching for them.

A request for advice about what works and what doesn't, which bikes might be most suitable given a particular use case, which product are better, last longer or solve particular problems or how to go about diagnosing or fixing a problems are totally legit IMO.

If you want the specs on a bike or its components that info can usually be found on the makers web site or you can remove it and measure it. If you want to know how many teeth your Gates belt has, count the teeth. If you want to know how to do a routine maintenance or repair, YouTube is full of great how to videos. If you want a particular part, learn how to describe what you are seeking, find out the part numbers and do a thorough web search.

Maybe it's just that I am just becoming a grumpy old man, but there seems to be an epidemic of laziness driving some of the requests for help sourcing parts or what are the specs for components when people can take the time to search out this info for themselves.
It seems to me that far too many of the posters on this forum don't even bother to do a web search for the information or parts they need. Rather, they just do a quick post here basically asking others to do their searching for them.

A request for advice about what works and what doesn't, which bikes might be most suitable given a particular use case, which product are better, last longer or solve particular problems or how to go about diagnosing or fixing a problems are totally legit IMO.

If you want the specs on a bike or its components that info can usually be found on the makers web site or you can remove it and measure it. If you want to know how many teeth your Gates belt has, count the teeth. If you want to know how to do a routine maintenance or repair, YouTube is full of great how to videos. If you want a particular part, learn how to describe what you are seeking, find out the part numbers and do a thorough web search.

Maybe it's just that I am just becoming a grumpy old man, but there seems to be an epidemic of laziness driving some of the requests for help sourcing parts or what are the specs for components when people can take the time to search out this info for themselves.
omg so true - and, what lock should I buy?
I'd say fully one-half of the support emails and calls I got were from fellas that bought somewhere else and the vendor doesn't answer the call OR they never attempted to do a simple Google.

Often their search failures were a result of not bothering to learn basic bicycle nomenclature.
I don't miss it, even though I earned a percentage of paid orders and a bit less on discounted shop orders.
Let me add to the rant and mention the folks that don't bother to read the whole thread and give "advice" that's already been given. Or the folks that don't bother to do a forum search to see if someone else has already asked the same question.
Oh the good old days, for groups like rec.bicycles.yousuck .

There was one guy on the camera groups that everyone hated, and he went on to start the digital camera review website, which Google bought for millions.
I understand the OP but also you have to remember there are basically only a few issues and problems. If the mods were feeling frisky they could make sticky posts with common questions and solutions. This would also get to my point that it would basically kill discussion. Unless ya'll want to talk about what you had for breakfast the forums would die with no discussion. Many of the catagories are already dead. If you don't feel like answering "How do I take my front wheel off" then just move past the post... Is it really causing problems that it's already been answered 39747 times?
Oh the good old days, for groups like rec.bicycles.yousuck .

There was one guy on the camera groups that everyone hated, and he went on to start the digital camera review website, which Google bought for millions.
Jim Navas? Yes those were the days!
If the mods were feeling frisky they could make sticky posts with common questions and solutions.
There's currently just one...

The Apple software designer that started and really built an incredible site with amazing functionality always claimed that stickies were a waste of his time, as people tended to not use them. I've heard the same from other web developers. I have no opinion, but I tend to just do site and google searches. Or google searches of a given site.
There's currently just one...

The Apple software designer that started and really built an incredible site with amazing functionality always claimed that stickies were a waste of his time, as people tended to not use them. I've heard the same from other web developers. I have no opinion, but I tend to just do site and google searches. Or google searches of a given site.
Most things can be answered with a Google search. I think some people come here for discussion and maybe figure they'll learn something different from different people. I could Google search how to take my front wheel off or I could just post the question here. Maybe if I posted it here someone might have a tip to make it easier. I know that's a silly example. In some forums the mods will take commonly asked question posts and merge them. If I made that post asking about the front wheel it would just become a reply on the post that was started back in 2015 or whenever. Maybe with one mod this isn't possible.
I'd agree. But questions like "what is the best..." I find pretty funny. And subject to more opinion, in many cases, than facts. Everyone happy with a product tends to think their choice is the best.
Of course because it would be pretty depressing to think your choice of house, car, bike, or whatever was terrible and you could have done better. I know people who trash on Rad bikes but I love mine and feel I made a great choice. I probably would feel the same if it was a Pedigo or some other brand.
Hard to believe how many folks never notice or recognize the magnifying glass at the top of a web page as a way to search for information already on site.

At the very least noobies could be introduced to the search function. Then they could be encouraged to search the forum first rather than asking folks to retype answers to questions that have already been asked and answered in great detail.
Amen, @Alaskan !

Even to this day, I'll refer back to Court's review of the Haibike Full FatSix and his excellent breakdown of components with who manufactured it and the model number. That's important to me for when it comes time to replace that component due to wear or breakage. That's alot of time he has spent on cataloging that information and it's part of what makes his site here so special.

Those folks in the market for a new or even used ebike can use those components listing that Court includes in every ebike review he makes to maybe help them determine the actual quality of the bike he or she might be interested in..
I understand the issue and sometimes I get a little chuckle out of some questions, especially those that seem much more suitable for a Google search. Still, this is a discussion forum and I think it's mostly great that new people join all the time. They may ask dumb questions for a while, sometimes for way too long, but by in large it seems like a lot of them bring value soon enough if they aren't run off. Or they go away.... I'm not sure what it hurts to see a question more than once over time. Plus, it's really easy to ignore a post or thread that you don't like or doesn't interest you.

I'm pretty sure I've seen at least a thread or two on this general subject here before, but I'm too lazy to do a forum search to investigate. :rolleyes:

Of course because it would be pretty depressing to think your choice of house, car, bike, or whatever was terrible and you could have done better. I know people who trash on Rad bikes but I love mine and feel I made a great choice. I probably would feel the same if it was a Pedigo or some other brand.
That is what you will find with a lot of late adopters, the first time on an ebike and they are literally speechless. On the question of liking a brand others badmouth ignore them and get on with your life, there are always a fair amount of "killjoys" in any forum. Another thing that was mentioned, not everybody has the time to read seven pages of replies when they see a legit question, some are glad and eager to share and its a strange thing(( this happens a lot) even this forum is starting to run out of steam and there seems to be an increasing amount of criticism toward others for no good reason.I have seen a lot of forums go to pot when a few brassy People start condescending and are really critical toward others. If anybody is tired of People communicating as best they can, perhaps they need to find another forum where their superlative abilities will save the day
Live and let live for Pete's sake People come here for enjoyment and pleasure, getting a good answer is always a bonus, if you think posters are puerile and stupid you should look at some of the posts on such forums as Quora( Plan B or any of them take your pick)