Too Many Posters Asking Others To Do Web Searches For Them

I'm gullible to those who are asking. "Which ebike should I buy? Help me choose "
Of course I'm going to recommend my ebikes.
Maybe they will search for reviews on ebr for my ebike and that should point them in the direction on what is good ebike for them.
I am guilty of this too. There is a huge learning curve to eBikes. Sometimes advice from more seasoned riders can save enormous amounts of time. When in the opposite situation I am more than happy to provide feedback and guidance based on hard-earned experience.

This goes for all forums of all topics. If something is too basic or boring, just ignore it!
I rather enjoy helping when I can. N00bs likely struggle with searching not knowing correct nomenclature. It’s the askholes that frustrate me. Give great advice only to watch the askhole go ahead despite having the best advice.
I don't know enough to provide decent answers, but I can fully understand asking a forum because most Google searches these days give ad supported answers and not very accurate answers. So why not ask the people that actually use the products