I know the rules : I'm not questioning the rules > So where exactly am I name calling or downgrading someone or being unkind . I've used terms like OH COME ON or You got to be joking to make it clear I think the comment is ridiculous . But I don't recall name calling or being mean . If I have been you need to point it out to me . In the open is fine with me@BarryS Disagreements are one thing but when people cannot constructively disagree or debate and result in name-calling, downgrading, and just unkind behavior in general, that's where it stops. You and others may be that way, but EBR is not. I have referenced the EBR Rules and Etiquette thread multiple times. That is what this board stands for and what information is not allowed. If some find it difficult to abide by the rules of the forum, their content will be edited, deleted, and/or eventually be banned. I am actually older than you likely believe, however, that's irrelevant. I was hired to do a job - moderate and keep the peace EBR is known for.