To My Fellow Cyclists: Quit the E-Bike Hate []

Let's be honest here. It's only men who get upset about ebikes.
That's not true. Not too long ago I was on a date with a so called avid cyclist, and she just kept saying that I was cheating. But I said I've lost an additional 10 pounds since adding a motor because I can now ride longer and hills don't wipe out my bad knee anymore... But she just kept repeating.. "yeah, but you're cheating"
So I finally replied... "that may be so, but you're the one with the fat ass" 🙃
True story
That's not true. Not too long ago I was on a date with a so called avid cyclist, and she just kept saying that I was cheating. But I said I've lost an additional 10 pounds since adding a motor because I can now ride longer and hills don't wipe out my bad knee anymore... But she just kept repeating.. "yeah, but you're cheating"
So I finally replied... "that may be so, but you're the one with the fat ass" 🙃
True story
watched a lass with a large posteirer extremity totally put on my trim looking acqaintence,now i hear she is looking at ebikes.
Yep, I often hear the word “cheating” thrown around when I mention e-bikes among my peeps. And I often tell them that I learned to add, subtract, multiply, and divide using an abacus, but also cheated, eventually, by switching to a calculator.