Looking for replacement to Kilimanjaro Hitch Mounted E-Bike Carrier


Hy guys,
10-3-24 came a letter for the manufacturer of this Kilimanjaro Hitch rack stating it's on recall. Using it puts me in danger of a car crash—losing a rack or e-bike while driving!! I loved it as it has a ramp and small wheels underneath, so for my bad wrist, it was like, greatest of all, an effortless experience puting a rack on a car or e-bike on it! Also, the price of $284 was unbeatable. The season in Cleveland's, OH, area is about to end, so have some time to research (over winter time) for the replacement, unless meanwhile Costco will bring it back fixed. Let me know your thoughts. Thank you!
What's the deal with the recall? Return for a full refund, or are they going to fix or provide you with a fix?

What's the deal with the recall? Return for a full refund, or are they going to fix or provide you with a fix?

Return for the full refund (it'd be anyways as it is through Costco). They don't offer (at this point at least ) "the fix". I'll probably wait few weeks before returning it as it's but eird how suddenly "everything is bad" with it... But not going to use it anymore, for sure. The season is nearly gone anyways. There is nearly replica of it on Amazon, but for $100+, Thule for nearly twice price!
An update: today is 12-28-2024. Approximately month and half ago I have received a letter from Kilimanjaro (whatever company it is as a return to my email to them) stating they are working on improved model.. Am not sure if Costco will be the one carrying it or not, and what price it may be at when comes out. I spend as of today over 2 hrs on Amazon/Youtube and cannot find what I want. I was hoping for electric lift ebike rack.. or, at least with ramps... I don't have good wrists, and need a minimum impact. 99% of racks offered have deficiency missing either element that I want.. Most of all, I think I'd pick something but whatever I want lacks tiny wheel to carry heavy racks through the garage.. Worse, 99.9% are non foldable creating problem for storage.. I'm shocked non of designers could figure these deficiency and at the same time potential for their product! Clearly these days common sense is not around..
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There is one at Sam's Club by Kilimanjaro for $168. I don't think it's the same one carried by Costco that was recalled. I've sent the Kilimanjaro an email to verify. I'll post their reply when it arrives.
Look at Motorcycle bike carriers, rated at 500#s +, come in single and dual place, get the type with the 1/2" bolts so you can make wheel pockets for your bikes wheels, to set down in.
One of those MC carriers comes with all the ratchet straps and other gear needed for a complete package.
I also got a 6' folding 6" width ramp, makes all the difference as compared to the short 3' OEM ramp. (Use the short OEM ramp for covering the wheel pocket holes for loading/unloading the bikes.
These type of carriers comes in Alum or Steel materials, I have several hundred of rough 4x4 back county miles on my Black Widow carrier with NO problems.

Look at Motorcycle bike carriers, rated at 500#s +, come in single and dual place, get the type with the 1/2" bolts so you can make wheel pockets for your bikes wheels, to set down in.
One of those MC carriers comes with all the ratchet straps and other gear needed for a complete package.
I also got a 6' folding 6" width ramp, makes all the difference as compared to the short 3' OEM ramp. (Use the short OEM ramp for covering the wheel pocket holes for loading/unloading the bikes.
These type of carriers comes in Alum or Steel materials, I have several hundred of rough 4x4 back county miles on my Black Widow carrier with NO problems.

I would, just need ramp + wheel under rack so can easily roll.. those things are very heavy when you have problems like me with pain... Saris with electric lift could be good but very price nearly $1300!
not sure about your price point but 1upusa has a ramp you can add to the rack.