Speaking about danger.. Few days ago, was biking on local road, on side.. The car was 'passing me', and with his mirror hit my mirror, that angled my mirror 90 deg, and nothing else.. he was traveling probably around 30mph while I was probably around 9mph on my electric bike, up hill. Yes, the mid line was solid at this point, but from ahead of both of us there was no incoming traffic. He could have easily pass me with room between us, instead he elected to stay 'in line'.. crazy.. 3 more inches and I could have ended up at CICU, or CTICU... was he texting on the phone?? or what??? My bad during dusk, i forgot to turn on my beacon or strobe additional tale lamp, and had only my tail lamp on my Tesoro X... I'm happy to be alive... he did not even stop.. crazy...