The world's longest bicycle tunnel - or maybe the second longest anyway :)

Aquí, en España, en la provincia de Teruel, región de Aragón, tenemos el llamado "túnel del equinoccio".
Una antigua línea de tren pasaba junto al pueblo de Valdealgorfa que, tras cesar sus actividades, fue reconvertida en Vía Verde.
El túnel tiene 2,4 kilómetros de longitud.
Y tiene la particularidad de que en las fechas del equinoccio el sol pasa completamente por él.
Es un espectáculo impresionante.
Y, como se indica en el artículo que añadí, el ayuntamiento de Valdealgorfa organiza una reunión para verlo e invitar a los que se acercan a tomar un café y unas pastas.
I'm glad to see this old thread reopened since, as many here know, I'm a big tunnel fan. Gives me the opportunity to post on one I've been watching for over a decade. It's the Brady Tunnel in Clarion County in the northwestern part of PA. The tunnel itself isn't anything special at just 2468' but it's unusual gentle curve makes it interesting. Just a hundred yards in, you can't see light at either end which makes it seem far longer than it actually is.

These are pics I took a few years back before the reconstruction project began:


The sluice above the tunnel portal was installed to divert surface water from seeping in. Unfortunately, it fell into disrepair and the tunnel flooded.


Thanks to the efforts of Chris Zeigler, the director of the Armstrong Trail Alliance, 7.2 million dollars were raised for the tunnel reconstruction:

I ran into Chris when I was out there riding the Armstrong Trail last September. She invited me to the grand reopening on Nov. 9th, but unfortunately, I couldn't make it.


I'm looking forward to riding the tunnel in the spring as soon as weather permits.