Approx 80% USA is approx 70%? hmmm Think you are misleading yourself.
Mayber this one will help you?.. I have more.. denial is a strong drug
Mayber this one will help you?.. I have more.. denial is a strong drug

Israeli Vaccine Chief comes clean…
‘Vaccine Passports are no longer relevant’ Professor Cyrille Cohen is head of Immunology at Bar Ilan University and a senior member of the advisory committee for Vaccines for the…


Clarity of the Bigger Question, WHY This Massive Push for Vaccinations? - The Last Refuge
A guest on the Tucker Carlson show outlined the answer to this question {Direct Rumble Link} which has been stated in these pages and a multitude of conversations for well over a year. Why has there been this massive disproportionate push for vaccination against a virus which, all things...