The Green Room

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I keep hearing ‘well what about India and China’s emissions.’ The single biggest obstacle to intelligently dealing with climate change is our Congress, and has been for 40years. We have been the biggest part of the problem until recently. That other countries like China have passed us in pollution is no reason for us not to address the problem.
Your conclusion depends on the notion that the problem has not been addressed. That is false.
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China now out pollutes the US, Europe, and whoever is in 3ed place this week combined. And they just told John Kerry to go to H@ll. Is that a surprise?
I´m done. I wash my hands; let the Pharisees deal with it. It´s every man for himself. The Kerry I knew
was an easy going ski bum before he married into politics. I think his heart is still in the right place, but
he´ll never change the system, or China, or India They´ve got there hands full just dealing with the great
Fire updates
California recorded its first gigafire (over 1 million acres) last year as the August Complex Fire chewed through 1,032,648 acres and more than 900 structures. The Dixie Fire this year is on track to be the second ever.
Flood updates
Storm intensity is increasing much faster than the average change in precipitation,” said Aiguo Dai, a professor of atmospheric science at the University at Albany, SUNY. “And it’s the intensity that really matters, because that’s what we design our infrastructure to handle.”
Hurricane Ida swept over New York City, Central Park recorded 3.15 inches of rain in a single hour on Wednesday night, smashing the previous one-hour record of 1.94 inches set on Aug. 21 during Tropical Storm Henri.
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CalFire describes fires that have merged as 'complex' fires. Last year's August Complex fire was the first wild fire, merged or not, to exceed 1 million acres. This year's Dixie fire is on track to exceed 1 million acres any day now. It is the largest non-complex fire in the State's history, and could go on the records as the largest fire ever, bar none. It's been burning since early July. Cal Fire is reporting 75% containment, much due to the fire running out of fuel.
Just a reminder, we are all subject to the whims of nature which seems rather displeased with us
at present. I´m doing this as we´ve had a brief outage & may soon experience another. The soaking
rain promised for today turned out to be a short misting with gusts to 50 mph instead. I am presently
in a room threatened by a leaner tree, but bravely carrying on. 5 years ago a similar event dropped
2 trees imprisoning us in the house blocking both front & back doors. I had to cut a hole in the carport
to get out & hack up enuff tree to get out the front. It was most inconvenient. I do not relish the thought
of a similar event.:rolleyes:
Just a reminder, we are all subject to the whims of nature which seems rather displeased with us
at present.
I laugh when people attribute characteristics to our environment. They choose to attribute typical human selfish angry vengeful characteristics which seem to somehow always involve payments of intoxicants, foods, and young maidens when they can get away with it.
Just a reminder, we are all subject to the whims of nature which seems rather displeased with us
at present. I´m doing this as we´ve had a brief outage & may soon experience another. The soaking
rain promised for today turned out to be a short misting with gusts to 50 mph instead. I am presently
in a room threatened by a leaner tree, but bravely carrying on. 5 years ago a similar event dropped
2 trees imprisoning us in the house blocking both front & back doors. I had to cut a hole in the carport
to get out & hack up enuff tree to get out the front. It was most inconvenient. I do not relish the thought
of a similar event.:rolleyes:
If one believes in a angry Nature that targets people for retribution, then why do you think that Nature directed these seemingly quite personal attacks at you but never me, the supposed Climate Denier?
Power went again, but now back. All´s good; rain finally happened at midnight, got a good drenching.
For now fire here unlikely.
In an item this morning the UN sez climate change happening much faster
than original projections. Well Duh! With a million+ domestic climate refugees in a week we might
want to take things a bit more seriously. Apparently we´re at the tipping point & need to ´drastically´
reduce emissions by 40%. I´m sure a memo will be sent to the house so they will assign a
committee to study the matter & propose legislation to which many a state rider will be attached
& debated. We can expect bill coming forth sometime in 6 months to a year. Of course local governors
Withhold action pending financial appeasement. The proud boys & antifa will once again do battle
in Portland. Students will get drunk & fornicate in Panama City, Fl. Let the good times roll!
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Meanwhile: CNN is doggedly clinging to covid; MSNBC bemoans illegal immigration without
a clue to the cause, & Faux attacks Biden for getting out of the war we all have wanted out
of for 2 decades. Gawd, I love our media. No where on earth is there anything as useless
save for our impotent government.
The media bullcrap has always been "It's worse than we thought!!!!" for decades now. Sea level rise used to be the tell-tale but they don't use that one much anymore.
As these same people live extremely wastefully and luxurious lives, they want to hit the poorest and the lower middle class in society with tax on their mileage and on gas at the same time, while they fly whole town size entourages for meetings and have to import limousines and chefs and wine servers...planeloads of expensive booze as they foist their nonsense on the population.
What creeps and fakes. Science is the last thing they want intruding on their fake science blurbs. Their politically motivated climate "scientists" do their best to keep science out of their journals.
Some of these scientists get big $ gifted or grafted for ringing that climate alarm bell. this doofus::
the Australian Ship of Fools expedition organizer Chris Turney. He cost the Antarctic the whole research budget for the year for the hugely expensive international rescue mission after he refused to heed the Russian Icebreaker's Captain's command to get back on ship before it was too late for them all to survive, he got gifted big time to make up for the disgrace and danger to lives he caused. He pretended the phone was dead as he sent out the last bunch of sight seeing tourists who had forked over their money, and the gibbering media tools with them. Turney working against the captains desperate call for them all to return to ship immediately.

The Sydney Morning Herald account adds the remarkable claim that Turney took more passengers into the field even after the evacuation notice had been issued:
A passenger, who was standing near Turney when Mortimer called the leader from the ship’s VHF radio, recalled their conversation: “Chris, [captain] Igor has just said we need to expedite people back from the islands so we can get out of here,” said Mortimer.
Turney, standing on the ice edge, repeated the message to confirm he had heard right.
“Affirmative,” said Mortimer.
“If I take this lot out, how long can we stay?” Turney said.
Mortimer repeated that everybody needed to get back to the ship.
The passenger was stunned by the conversation, even more so when, a few minutes later, Turney loaded an Argo with six passengers and drove off towards the Islands.
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Say, weren´t we promised an infrastructure plan 5 years ago? Shouldn´t there be a time limit
for honoring promises? I mean, okay, I guess there´s a plan now, but it seems as if less than
nothing has happened. Why the hell are we paying these guys $170K a year when we could
hire an undocumented construction crew for a fraction of what Congress makes to do nothing?
Say, weren´t we promised an infrastructure plan 5 years ago? Shouldn´t there be a time limit
for honoring promises? I mean, okay, I guess there´s a plan now, but it seems as if less than
nothing has happened. Why the hell are we paying these guys $170K a year when we could
hire an undocumented construction crew for a fraction of what Congress makes to do nothing?
I see here that politics are verboten, but this isn´t about that. It´s about a worsening
situation that desperately needs to be dealt with, & there´s no time to lose when
lives are in peril.
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Nice Greens, so wise for their ears.
What is the price of coal doing?
What is the cost of investing in a Texas company that spills oil on Southern California's beaches? They want profit to go one way as private and liability the other as public.

The world's biggest carbon removal plant opens. It's said that annually it can remove up to 3 seconds worth of carbon emissions. Cost vs benefit is not allowed to be a consideration. Shut up, is all - it's Green! How long will it take to remove it's own carbon footprint? SHHHH! Just make a million of them and be quick!
But let's figure it out using their propaganda

4,000 tons of CO2 per year.

That's the equivalent of the annual emissions from about 790 cars. Last year, global CO2-emissions totalled 31.5 billion tonnes, according to the International Energy Agency.

"Billion" tonnes appears to be in UK math units. However:

The old UK meaning of a billion was a million million, or one followed by twelve noughts (1,000,000,000,000). The USA meaning of a billion is a thousand million, or one followed by nine noughts (1,000,000,000). ... The UK government has been using the American meaning of billion since 1974 for the numbers it gives out.

The isolated carbon is then mixed with water and pumped deep underground, where it slowly turns into rock. Both technologies are powered by renewable energy sourced from a nearby geothermal power plant.
Wait...that energy was already usable and it's being used to do what is incredibly wasteful instead of reducing carbon emissions.

So not too difficult. It's typically insane Greenism.
One year is 31,536,000 seconds

In millions of years it could do wonders if it didn't take more power and carbon use to make and operate than it saves.
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Good news! Bears Ears & the Grand Staircase Escalante been rescued from exploitation
& are no longer in danger of becoming a landscape pockmarked with hundreds of gas wells
like the Southern Ute Rez. They have been returned to their original protected status.
In other news, after 5+ years we still have no infrastructure, but the guys on the hill have decided
to avert shut down so they will get another paycheck for accomplishing nothing.
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