Suspension seat post - Kinekt

My observation with suspension seat post is (I use Kinekt) since the ride is more comfortable one have tendencies to sit longer and more on the saddle as opposed to standing on pedals to absorb the bumps. This excess sitting when compared with ride without suspension causes more tiredness on ones seat bones.
also a good test for the level of the saddle is momentarily let loose on the handlebar. If you slide forward the the saddle is tilted too much forward.
I actually had tilted mine one degree up and for me this is comfortable position.
It is very personal depending on many factors.
all the above is my personal experience and I am no bike guru and just sharing.
Thanks for the suggestions. I may have also set the saddle too far when switching it to the Satori post. I adjusted the saddle forward today and it felt better. Time will tell...
Thanks for the suggestions. I may have also set the saddle too far when switching it to the Satori post. I adjusted the saddle forward today and it felt better. Time will tell...
@tomdav, have you gotten your Kinekt yet? How much difference is it compared with the Satori?
I order the Thudbuster from Amazon and so far I have yet to experience the life changing comfort people are talking about, so I'm on the fence about returning it. I also bought a stem riser and that did make a world of difference in riding comfort.
The one thing I've found that makes riding more comfortable is more riding. No magic, just ride on. Kinda like backpacking was in the 'ol"e days'.
The one thing I've found that makes riding more comfortable is more riding. No magic, just ride on. Kinda like backpacking was in the 'ol"e days'.
I'm sure there some truth to that adage. :) The comfort I'm referring to is the jarring shocks to the seat on a non-suspension bike when riding over bumps and cracks.
I tried to go with neutral tilt. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right as the back and front of the saddle naturally curves with a dip in the middle. See attached image: ATTACH=full]50210[/ATTACH]
I did try moving it a notch higher (felt like I was sitting in a recliner and the boys felt the tip was too close for comfort) as well as moving it down a notch (didn't feel right either, so I think the angle is right).

Ever since I got this Satori suspension seatpost I've had a bit of discomfort after the ride. initially I feel like it's great, the bumps don't jar my derrier, but by the end of my ride the seat just feels uncomfortable and sensitive after the ride. I did raise my handlebars around the same time so perhaps it's more that combination making the saddle uncomfortable as opposed to the suspension seatpost. I'm thinking with suspension I'm more inclined to let my derrier absorb the bumps and it's taking a toll. Need to expirement more and perhaps this saddle is just not right for me.

The saddle tilt should be neutral and level... yours looks about right. ;)
Also, try adjusting the fore and aft position of the saddle to dial in the fit.

I just ordered the Kinekt yesterday so will probably be next week before it arrives. I also ordered a R2 saddle from Selle Anatomica (figured why not at 25% off) to test as well. How's that for not changing more than one thing at a time? 😅
I tried to go with neutral tilt. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right as the back and front of the saddle naturally curves with a dip in the middle. See attached image:

View attachment 50210

I did try moving it a notch higher (felt like I was sitting in a recliner and the boys felt the tip was too close for comfort) as well as moving it down a notch (didn't feel right either, so I think the angle is right).

Ever since I got this Satori suspension seatpost I've had a bit of discomfort after the ride. initially I feel like it's great, the bumps don't jar my derrier, but by the end of my ride the seat just feels uncomfortable and sensitive after the ride. I did raise my handlebars around the same time so perhaps it's more that combination making the saddle uncomfortable as opposed to the suspension seatpost. I'm thinking with suspension I'm more inclined to let my derrier absorb the bumps and it's taking a toll. Need to expirement more and perhaps this saddle is just not right for me.

Tomdav, can you describe what kind of pain you have ?

Tilt is a sensitive issue and it depends on your riding style. When you go upright you should also tilt the front tip up and vice versa.
Also when you go upright you sit on a wider spot of your seatbones wider saddles are recommended for more upright riding positions.

Imo start with adjusting your saddle height first. That is almost independent of any other adjustment and probably the most important one. If the saddle is too low you will have knee pain, too high saddle will cause seatbone pain because you are rocking side to side each pedal ravolution. Here is a good tutorial on youtube

In terms of tilt, level is a good starting position (your adjustment in the photo seems nice) however it need not be optimal. if your seatbones ache then you should tilt the tip up a little bit (do this with very small increments), if you are having perineal pain tilting it a bit down may help.

Also a saddle which is very comfortable for one style of riding may be uncomfortable for another position and rising the handlebars will change your seating position quite a bit.
I just ordered the Kinekt yesterday so will probably be next week before it arrives. I also ordered a R2 saddle from Selle Anatomica (figured why not at 25% off) to test as well. How's that for not changing more than one thing at a time? 😅
Small changes can make a big difference.

Ride on.
also a good test for the level of the saddle is momentarily let loose on the handlebar. If you slide forward the the saddle is tilted too much forward.
Just to add to this
I agree with the sliding forward, but I also find if you have to increase your cadence, or tense the lower stomach muscles, to maintain balance when not holding the handlebar, then this is also an indication that the nose of your seat is tilted down too much
Thanks, I'd say it's more perineal pain so I'll try tilting down a tad.

Ah! then the cutout will help a lot. Although I don't have experience with Selle anatomica I think it should be similar to Brooks B17 and I think you will like it.
@tomdav, have you gotten your Kinekt yet? How much difference is it compared with the Satori?
I order the Thudbuster from Amazon and so far I have yet to experience the life changing comfort people are talking about, so I'm on the fence about returning it. I also bought a stem riser and that did make a world of difference in riding comfort.
You get used to the comfort quickly. I bet if you go back to seat post without suspension after trying the suspension you will feel the difference.
Ordered on March 27th, 2020 at the Cirrus Cycles. The USPS shipment got stuck in San Francisco and never reached me (Cirrus Cycles will have to retrieve it from the USPS, not my headache). Cirrus Cycles asked their Swiss dealer, Bike Shore to send me the replacement Kinekt 2.1 seat-post. The Swiss were as "smart" as to send it with the Swiss Post*.

The seat-post reached me on May 8th, 2020. Waiting for the LBS to release my Lovelec from servicing. An Ergon saddle is waiting, too.
*) "Carthago delenda est"or "Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed" was what Cato the Censor used to say at the end of every of his speeches. I say:
-- Furthermore, I consider that all state-run postal services must be dissolved :mad:

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The seat-post reached me on May 8th, 2020.
*) "Carthago delenda est"or "Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed" was what Cato the Censor used to say at the end of every of his speeches.

It's fine that your Kinect seatpost is there.

Uhh, and you did dig out six years of Latin as it was my first foreign language.
But Cato's correct famous words were "ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam" and as we all remember from history lessons ;) the Romans finally followed him.
Ordered on March 27th, 2020 at the Cirrus Cycles. The USPS shipment got stuck in San Francisco and reached me (Cirrus Cycles will have to retrieve it from the USPS, not my headache). Cirrus Cycles asked their Swiss dealer, Bike Shore to send me the replacement Kinekt 2.1 seat-post. The Swiss were as "smart" as to send it with the Swiss Post*.

The seat-post reached me on May 8th, 2020. Waiting for the LBS to release my Lovelec from servicing. An Ergon saddle is waiting, too.
*) "Carthago delenda est"or "Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed" was what Cato the Censor used to say at the end of every of his speeches. I say:
-- Furthermore, I consider that all state-run postal services must be dissolved :mad:

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Excellent news Stephan.
I’ve been watching for your comparison of the Kinect vs the PNW. Was thinking of switching to the PNW but hesitating because the Kinect is so fabulous.
Hopefully you’ll get the Lovelec back soon. Not sure about Europe but here in U.S. our supply chain in messed up. But that’s another thread!
The Lovelec should hopefully be ready early next week, I will report Marci Jo. There is one weakness of the PNW Coast: your behind should be centrally in the axis of the seat-post and it works nicely then but it is hard to change the sitting position to some more comfortable one. While the Kinekt seems to be far more forgiving re the current sitting position. I value the PNW Coast more for the dropper function than for the shock capability.
But Cato's correct famous words were "ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam" and as we all remember from history lessons ;) the Romans finally followed him.
I agree. Wanted to be more laconic in my speech :)