Surveilance-video showing a Stromer ST2 and a Lapierre Eden Park being stolen


Active Member
June 29; AM 03.46 in the morning, there was a burglary at a premium e-bike-store in Stockholm. Two premium bikes; one of them a ST2 was stolen. Have a look at the surveilance video which got some of the action on tape:

rare bikes being stolen

There are 5 Stromer ST2 `s in Sweden totally (from official import). No key or charger with the stolen bike. Wonder how a theft like this might be benefitial; as it is looks apart; in a small country like Sweden.....
Damn, they definitely had been in the bike shop with in the last 72 hours. I'd check video feed of everyone who test rode that bike. They probably just knew the dollar value, and nothing about the actual call stromer and have them turn on the GPS. Case closed.
The way they tossed every other bike aside to get to the Stromer, I think this footage would make a great ad for them ;)
The way they tossed every other bike aside to get to the Stromer, I think this footage would make a great ad for them ;)
For me, the video is a reminder that these bikes are highly sought after, also among thieves :-( Some high quality locks are a good investment me thinks ;-)
Great news in this matter :) I just now checked the facebook-page of the bikestore. The day after the theft, the Stromer ST2 was found at a adress in Stockholm. It was found because the bike was after burglary set in "theft"-mode. As soon as the thieves activeted the power on the bike, GPS-tracing was activated, and bike located. The thief has not been identified according to the facebook-message. The thieves had put a sticker over the lcd-screen, probably to make the bike harder to identify/ being recognized. Have a look at the facebookpage:
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