Stuck on GPS Tracking


New Member
I have ordered an e-bike with GPS tracking. (Juiced's RipCurrent S with the 52V battery) I am interested in opinions on whether or not to put a sticker on the bike that indicates this. I am opting for redundant locks and non-obtrusive black everything, but theft is always a concern. So, yes or no on letting them know... Thanks in advance.
I would be shocked to know that thieves would take a moment to read a sticker and leave the bike alone. Maybe they will see it latter and throw it in a dumpster, or part it out. Shouldn't be too long before they find out what the battery packs cost, and just keep those and throw away the bike. My cycling friend had his station wagon stolen. They threw his traditional carbon fiber road bike out of the car in a pile of stuff in a ditch. I guess they can't recognize a $6,000 bicycle when they see it.