Stuck in Analysis Hell - Please Help!! (Dost, Rize, Priority)


I am currently stuck in analysis hell! I have been staring at and researching ebikes for weeks now with no clear direction on where to go (yes, I have scoured the forums and read just about every thread on these bikes). I think I have nailed it down to three models but I really need help getting information to sway my decision one way or the other. I have ridden some bikes by Gazelle, Bulls, R&M, Level, and Vanmoof. I dont care for that "just get the pedals going and the bike rockets off" feeling but I also dont like ebikes that feel like you are not getting much help and you are essentially pedaling a $3,000 heavy regular bike (sorry purists). I am looking for somewhere in the middle. I want to "workout" when I want but also get somewhere without a sweating a bunch if I need to.

Looking For
  • Class 3 with good power (commuter or mixed use bike) - I live in Colorado so I need to be able to conquer some hills but not necessarily mountains and I dont plan on much trail riding
  • Good build quality - Assembly does not bother me because I think I will have my LBS do that
  • $2500 - $3500 range
  • Good customer service in case anything goes wrong with the bike
  • Dost Kope
    • Good customer service
    • Good fit / finish (from reviewers)
    • Fully assembled
    • Cadence sensor vs Torque - Albeit its 24 instead of 12 magnet
    • Maybe overpriced for what it is?
  • Rize RX
    • Seems like an upgraded Dost (suspension post, torque sensing motor, Alivio vs Altus, etc.)
    • Bigger battery and motor
    • Not sure about their customer service
    • Some people reporting issues on here with them scares me that I'll pay $3000 for a bike that will be broken or have major issues
  • Priority Current
    • Good company
    • Carbon Belt Drive (low maintenance)
    • Maybe a discount through Costco if they still honor it (email in to them currently)
    • Unknown motor brand / maybe underpowered
I am in a similar place. I currently have a homebuilt e-bike that I use for commuting most days. My commute is only about 2.5miles each way. No, I am not going to walk, I have a leg length discrepancy related to my cerebral palsy and walking just plain hurts (I use a walking stick, I refuse to call it a cane, at work).

I know I want a belt drive. I had one on a bike, that I had converted to a front hub e-bike. That bike is on a long term loan to my sister.
I also know I want an IGH. I had a NuVinci on the bike I have my sister. I have also updated the bike I currently use with a NuVinci.

All done, the bike I am using is close to a class 2 e-bike. I do have a throttle, however, I only use it with strong headwinds, which are common in SW Kansas. The throttle seems to add about 2mph to the torque sensor. Without wind, the bike goes about 20-22 mph being pedalled. Aginst the wind, and using the throttle, I am at about 13-17mph.

I would like to be able to plan to ride at least 20mph in headwinds up to. . . say 25mph (they do get stronger on my commute, but I have to draw the line somewhere). On calm days I would like to be able to hit the rated 28mph. However, I have to keep in mind that I do not have a smooth cadence.

I am looking at the Serial 1 Speed and The Priority Current. I like:
  • The clean look
  • The belt drive
  • mid-drive
  • integrated lights (of course, that goes back to the clean look)
  • For the Serial 1 Speed is the HD branding, I suspect that it will be supported long after some of the pop-up e-bike brands are long gone.
  • Factory racks (of course, that goes back to the clean look)
  • factory fenders
  • Hydraulic brakes. I added them to the bike I gave my sister. I am now entirely sold on them.
  • Different frame sizes, The "one size fits all" approach of most bikes does not fit me at 5'6"

  • in e-bike terms, they both have a rather small battery
  • No throttle (getting home on the days that I am hurting, or when I want max power to fight the wind 35+mph is not uncommon.
  • I see reports that people are not able to get the Speed. . . well, up to speed. I am seeing the same about the Priority Current, but not as much.
  • When I had 27.5 Tyres on my commuter I was unable to find studded, road-oriented, tyres. At this point, there are some, but I am still concerned about availability.

I would also like to see:
  • matching pannier, it isn't a must-have, but I would like it for commuting and grocery store stops. However, I am fine with another set of Wald folding baskets.

My current bike:

The baskets are folding Wald baskets. They are heavy but durable. The motor is a TSDZ2. I have put a shorted stem on it to try to make it a bit more comfortable for a 5'6" rider. I have also put a NuVinci 380 on it. As you can see, I have also changed the wheel size to 26"

Ok, so what don't I like about what I have?
  • Just look at it. . .
  • I would much rather have belt drive
  • Its integrated lights never worked. I just use a set of Light & Motion lights and an L&M headlamp on my helmet.
  • It is a very high step to mount it (this is starting to annoy me).
. . . I have been using this one for about three years and I am just thinking that I want something different.

I know I posted something very similar on the Serial 1 sub-forum. However, the Priority Current seems to check all the boxes and is a lot less expensive.
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Good luck getting help in this thread. I haven't had one response since i posted.

Your two options have a huge price difference. Have you looked at the Evelo Aurora Limited or similar? That is halfway in your price range. I think both bikes you quoted are nice but very different. I didnt like the feel of a Bosch motor so I would ride one if I were you to see if you like it (not that your two bikes have one but its good research). I am sorry I cant be of more help. I haven't really researched many bikes with belt drives. I have noticed though that out of the belt drive bikes I have seen, I dont ever remember a throttle. I could be wrong though.

I will say. I have ridden one belt drive bike by Riese and Mueller that was $7,000+. It was very nice (better bosch driven bike I have ridden) but well outside my price range.
I get "stuck in analysis hell".
Have you read the very recent other requests for Dost vs. Rize? Those opinions in mind, do you have anything specific you'd like somebody to expand on?

Regarding "support", who is going to be getting their hands dirty when this bike needs assembly/service? If you 're thinking a local shop, have you confirmed their willingness to go along with this plan?

Priority Current looks like a nice bike. My biggest concern would be proprietary parts. If that bike breaks, you'll very likely going to have to go back to Priority. With the Rize and Dost bikes, most everythig used to build them available anywhere bike parts are sold - including Amazon for instance.
@AHicks I have read everything and also talked to a few different people since posting this thread. I should post an update but I havent. I had two Dost bikes on preorder but canceled them and preordered two Rize RX bikes. I am looking forward to getting them, putting them together, and getting used to an ebike.
I would have helped, but I am sure you'd read my thread and I don't think there's much I haven't said there already.

One comment I have is that the Rize RX from when I made my decision is different from the Rize RX of today. Their ugly style of before was one of the things that put me off initially - it just looks like they took the most generic walmart bike ever and slapped a battery on top. The new version, with integrated frame, looks much more appealing. In terms of features, the RX beats the Current for sure, with suspension, suspension seatpost, integrated brake lights, motor cutoff, a throttle, included rack, dual battery capacity, etc. In terms of power, it does laps and laps around the Current - the comparison isn't even fair. With today's design, for an extremely hilly city (my case), I would be seriously tempted to get the Rize RX.

At the time, I bought the Current and don't regret it. I bought it for the belt drive, the overall refined look and feel of the bike, considerably lower weight (I have a set of stairs I carry it up every day) and the second-to-none company reputation in terms of doing right by their customers. Most of all, however, for a $3k purchase, it's really important that I feel good about it. If I had gotten the old Rize RX and had to look at it every day and think "what an ugly POS", there's no wattage in the world that would have made it worth it for me.
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Good luck getting help in this thread. I haven't had one response since i posted.

Your two options have a huge price difference. Have you looked at the Evelo Aurora Limited or similar? That is halfway in your price range. I think both bikes you quoted are nice but very different. I didnt like the feel of a Bosch motor so I would ride one if I were you to see if you like it (not that your two bikes have one but its good research). I am sorry I cant be of more help. I haven't really researched many bikes with belt drives. I have noticed though that out of the belt drive bikes I have seen, I dont ever remember a throttle. I could be wrong though.

I will say. I have ridden one belt drive bike by Riese and Mueller that was $7,000+. It was very nice (better bosch driven bike I have ridden) but well outside my price range.
Well hate to do this to ya then lol. There was just a couple of us in a different spot same conversation. My point was and it’s just me can’t vouch for anyone else. I build because I chose to and so I build specific to what the bike is going to do. I have not figured out a way to make a hybrid or a good all around. They are job specific. Beach cruiser 36v rearms flat and lash. Hilly PA mid drive for torque and gears speed road torque again but won’t the higher end more tk rear play with gears and 108 volts. Make any sense. I don’t want it lose good performance tk get a bunch of just ok performance. But think. If you were like me and my buddies were it was always like that. Had a bmx race bike and a freestyle bike. Then fill suspension down hill bike and an all terrain hard tail. Yeah it gets expensive Jt I wouldn’t trade them. I’m having a hard time deciding on 750 -1250 motorcycles now. A 3-4 grand e bike budget, I flip 4 bikes out, cover whatever I wanted for my self and spent the 3500 left on another old car. It’s all about you when it comes down to it. Glass half full not half empty. I sure can ramble. Don’t block me dude.
I am currently stuck in analysis hell! I have been staring at and researching ebikes for weeks now with no clear direction on where to go (yes, I have scoured the forums and read just about every thread on these bikes). I think I have nailed it down to three models but I really need help getting information to sway my decision one way or the other. I have ridden some bikes by Gazelle, Bulls, R&M, Level, and Vanmoof. I dont care for that "just get the pedals going and the bike rockets off" feeling but I also dont like ebikes that feel like you are not getting much help and you are essentially pedaling a $3,000 heavy regular bike (sorry purists). I am looking for somewhere in the middle. I want to "workout" when I want but also get somewhere without a sweating a bunch if I need to.

Looking For
  • Class 3 with good power (commuter or mixed use bike) - I live in Colorado so I need to be able to conquer some hills but not necessarily mountains and I dont plan on much trail riding
  • Good build quality - Assembly does not bother me because I think I will have my LBS do that
  • $2500 - $3500 range
  • Good customer service in case anything goes wrong with the bike
  • Dost Kope
    • Good customer service
    • Good fit / finish (from reviewers)
    • Fully assembled
    • Cadence sensor vs Torque - Albeit its 24 instead of 12 magnet
    • Maybe overpriced for what it is?
  • Rize RX
    • Seems like an upgraded Dost (suspension post, torque sensing motor, Alivio vs Altus, etc.)
    • Bigger battery and motor
    • Not sure about their customer service
    • Some people reporting issues on here with them scares me that I'll pay $3000 for a bike that will be broken or have major issues
  • Priority Current
    • Good company
    • Carbon Belt Drive (low maintenance)
    • Maybe a discount through Costco if they still honor it (email in to them currently)
    • Unknown motor brand / maybe underpowere
Rize RX is a killer bike, whats not to like!? Customer service is fine, they may not respond as fast as Biktrix but if something breaks Rize will replace it.
I would not ever bother with Dost, just over priced meh imo. Im curious about the Priority but the battery is Currently too small for my taste!
IMHO you cant go wrong with the RX, they have always been a steal.
These are just my personal taste, different strokes for different folks.
@AHicks I have read everything and also talked to a few different people since posting this thread. I should post an update but I havent. I had two Dost bikes on preorder but canceled them and preordered two Rize RX bikes. I am looking forward to getting them, putting them together, and getting used to an ebike.
They should be getting close to shipping. No excitement on your part I'll bet.....