Not sure what to do…
So, dropped by the outfitter canoe shop in Saint Pete, Florida and Tom was setting up a couple of large crosscore RC bikes. He had just finished building one and allowed me to sit on it as well as prop myself on the seat with my left hand on a bench.
Was surprised I could then straddle it flat footer (butt off the seat), granted my family jewels were resting on the top frame but still…my feet were flat on the ground wearing Birkenstocks sandals. He did feel, based on my body layout that a medium would be too small for me so got luckly on size I ordered it seems.
A few questions please and thank you
1. He suggested maybe a 2” stem riser as I indicated the bars were too low for my liking. Figure it would then still be very low bar height somewhat; maybe more so then my revised Summit bars/riser (it now uses a Giant Lafree handle bar (sort of a raised pull back beach bar somewhat).
Does anyone know what size bar stem, diameter size, to order (if that is the right name and specs I am asking for it)? I could order from Amazon or my local Giant dealer (which if right size might have one in stock) else order tonight if anyone has suggestion. Would like one that allows it to be rotated back a bit as well.
2. Wonder if I am chasing my tail just for a free 2nd battery? Even with a 5 year warranty on frame, motor, and battery Plus that way cool burn orange color I am liking. Frame looks sweet likewise.
Though my Jupiter Summit brand dealers no longer sells spare batteries, the one on my bike is probably 2 to 3 years old though less then say 300 miles on it. Maybe I charged it like 3 to 4 times (yes figure that was bad on my part instead of keeping it charged).
Second owner and as indicated prior have put steam riser, seat shock, and pull back bars on it (items installed within the last month or so).
It rides fine though it has not Auto ride mode and one must bend a bit over (not a lot) to reach the bars; more so then on my Giant bike (which is a class 2 ride). Maybe the Summit being Class 3 plus throttle sort of makes up for no Auto mode a bit.
Realize that does not tell us anything battery wise though for discussion let us say it is in good shape. No way that I know of to test battery health on that bike.m Plus honestly, with the price of spare batteries I cannot see the value of buying one even if I could get one for the Summit.
It seems, from the limited details I tossed in a chart there is not a lot of differences per say between my Summit and the Crosscore RC (well the summit does fold and has a throttle as well). The folding part really caught my eye and was part of reason for purchasing it used from a lady. Plus I think the Summit frame design is sort of cool, including orange’ish coloring a bit

. Guess you can guess I like orange.
The white and green RCs at the shop were nice and likewise figure my burnt orange will be just as nice (told him not to take it out of the box yet). They did have that other model, Wabash RT in Large at the shop though on the Yamaha I no longer see it for sale at a sale price.
Have probably the rest of this week before I need to tell him to send it back unboxed or pick it up. Just uncertain of my need to have a RC type bike and if I could live with those low narrow bars honestly.
Presently I do not grab one of my e-bikes and cruise out and about around town to shops or to eat. Guessing maybe the RC is well suited for that roll though. I mostly am just a get up before 6am type of rider and do a 15 mile e-bike ride mostly around a set route through lots of streets (very few cars actually) then back home. Verses doing a straight 7 miles out in one direction and then back same way home.
Probably makes me a boring e-bike rider but it is for exercise and losing my belly fat. If I can get below 200, presently around 211 would be nice. And for the most part have been riding daily.
I realize in the end it is my call though was figuring if I shared a bit about myself, my e-bikes and related feelings about each and bar layouts this could help guide any input received.
Thanks in advance for reading and thoughts. If a current RC owner please mention that in reply. It does seem strange to pickup a bike at a ibike from a canoe shop, but I guess that’s just the way it is in some states and at least in Tampa Bay Florida.
The upside to the Yamaha bike for me are:
Yamaha mid-drive motor; with Auto mode
Front suspension (though a cheap brand; not certain if it is oil, spring or other)
Price since 2nd battery is free (if 2nd battery has extended shelf life if one never charges it (for example until 1st one dies).
Seems there might be a yamaha phone app one can download though st pete person did not know what it is if such is availabel for apple or android.
Plus I do like the slim look of the crosscore though know rear rack if still available will will be very expensive.