@Stefan Mikes Thanks. I had found something similar by K-Edge, but a lot more expensive. There is a drawback I can see with this type of mount but it might be the best that's currently available.
On the stem issue, bike fit is a very personal thing and the same setup will never work for all people. On my Crosstrail I installed an aftermarket adjustable stem to raise the bars and inch or so for comfort, and my initial ride on the SL make me think that I might have to do this on the new bike as well. I've already used an online stem calculator to experiment with several options and have found one that I might try, but only after some more rides and a more direct comparison of the seat-to-bar relationship for reach and height.
The FutureShock comes with the medium stiffness helper spring installed, and a light and heavy spring are included in the box. Apparently it's also possible to leave the removable spring out altogether for an "extra light" spring. I'll let this go until after I've resolved the stem issue since the static load on the bars affects the spring selection, and the bar position determines the load.