Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

I know this place in China Brambor, if you order and pay for it now, and pay triple what it should cost for delivery I can virtually garauntee you'll have that popcorn by Christmas* (* Not a garauntee and not by this Christmas)
The black on black looks pretty sweet!

black on black.jpg
I do not believe that the social media posts are indicative of an estimate 1500-2000 black/yellow bikes being delivered. Whereas I am pleased for those that have received their bikes - niggles aside - where are the ebikes for international donators or the many people who haven't received their black/yellow combos yet and a few black/black bikes are starting to be delivered - this makes a mockery of the claims that production/assembly has been done in colour quantity order - how can all black/yellow bikes be assembled/shipped but not delivered before some black/black bikes are assembled/shipped/delivered - and now more money required!!!! Something is very wrong with the claimed numbers sold and the shenanigans in this Campaign - for those that have received bikes fine...... I was with Hurley in feeling that the vast majority of orders would not be fulfilled on the basis of 7-7500 bikes "sold" but I am beginning to feel those numbers are misleading too..........
Sondors just keeps on delivering to all parts USA.. What a great treat for those reasonable people with adult expectations..I hope those who have been whining receive their bikes LAST, and in the future, stick to buying $6000 Felt Fat Bikes.. Those are available for immediate delivery.
JP you have made valid points but they don't address the points I have raised if you were responding to me - originally donators were told that they would get the bikes on a. First come first served basis - then it was advised that colours would be in batches.

Now we have situation of countless hundreds of us donators not having bikes, no international donator having bikes and some people receiving black/black - sondors needs more money now and is asking wave 2 donators to pay for their ebikes with no schedule of delivery - is this being done just to fuel very pertinent suspicions about the campaign and sondors intentions? Do you not find it highly odd/suspicious - why can't people whine if they were told one thing then another and neither are true and they feel they are being misled with "should receive tracking within the next few weeks and delivery by end of month" - which month? The use of the wording and the removal of the which precedes month is deliberate imho- it will all end in tears as it always was going to imho
Sondors just keeps on delivering to all parts USA.. What a great treat for those reasonable people with adult expectations..I hope those who have been whining receive their bikes LAST, and in the future, stick to buying $6000 Felt Fat Bikes.. Those are available for immediate delivery.

Apparently you know nothing about "reasonable adult expectations" since you think customers around the world should "expect" to pay upfront shipping fees and the cost of a bike, so that only US buyers receive their bikes. So according to you, a reasonable expectation should be that our money, handed over in consideration of receiving an ebike for ourselves, should instead go towards someone else in the USA getting their product?

And HOW DARE WE get upset because we handed over our money like everyone else, but are getting ZERO in return! Hell, people walk into stores all the time, pay for something, then expect to walk out empty-handed. After all, with ebike and international shipping included it's only a measly $1000 going down the toilet.

We're just supposed to suck it up and wait for endless months so a few Americans can get their bikes now. If we object, according to you that makes us unreasonable whiners. I wonder how your attitude would change if the US backers were the ones getting stiffed while the rest of the world gets their ebikes. I'm guessing there'd be a lot more whining than we're seeing now.

And speaking of "adult" - adults can make their point without hurling uncalled for schoolyard insults like "I hope you get your bikes LAST waah waah waah". Might want to try it sometime.
There are still a lot of Americans that haven't received their bikes let alone international. It's hard for 1 man to please everyone at the same time. We know that he is trying and the bikes are real, give him the benefit of the doubt and be patience.
The genius of Sondors...
Since the threat beat down yesterday, Sondors has brought in over $12,000 more in shipping charges alone.
Not bad.
" It's hard for 1 man to please everyone at the same time. We know that he is trying and the bikes are real, give him the benefit of the doubt and be patience."

I don't agree.

We are talking nearly $6,000,000 of donations on the back of stated claims. Those claims have changed and yet neither have been proven to be true. Now Sondors is trying to get more funds in for the shipping of the "2nd Wave" of bikes. I think it is a fair statement to suggest relatively few bikes have been shipped in relation to the claims of 7-7500, and as much as 10,000 ebikes if you believe the Court documentation according to FTC.

Please read the statement and response below - we live in a world where if all the bikes are assembled as Sondors has claimed, donators should know when and if they will receive their bikes. Look at the vaguest, woolly response from Sondors bike and the deliberate wordplay designed to mislead. It stinks.

  • (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)I got an email saying to pay for shipping but I have already paid for shipping on both my bikes and still no tracking or bikes. Is there a number I can call to figure out where my bikes are>
    4 · 23 hrs
Sorry I missed this - for all of those who accuse me of misunderstanding that shipping was May 2015 and not delivery, a post from April (before the details were again changed) - notably the first production/assembled bike off the line was yellow - why, this isn't consistent with the claims of Sondors? Why yellow/yellow? Wouldn't black/black have bee more consistent with the claims?

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists) · Edited ·

I'm getting pretty stoked for next month's expected delivery! Sondors eBike just emailed this photo from the factory floor of the first production electric bike! This is the first completed bike for testing, feedback to the manufacturing team, and approve for the final run.

This is exactly the same color scheme I chose for my bike. smile emoticon ‪#‎GoSondors‬

Sondors Ebike
April 22 ·

Storm Shares Pic of First Production Sondors eBike from the Factory Floor! ‪#‎GoSondors‬

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
From what I understand, the campaign sent that shipping email to all donators that "IF" you haven't paid for shipping then you must do so at this point. They are getting ready to start the "2nd wave" production run. There's no telling how many production run they will have, I'm guessing 5-6?
There are still a lot of Americans that haven't received their bikes let alone international. It's hard for 1 man to please everyone at the same time. We know that he is trying and the bikes are real, give him the benefit of the doubt and be patience.
well at least he has delivered by said date....oh wait....
Sondors operates as a "Black Box" whereby you can observe "monies going in" and "Bikes Come Out." There has been very little (or no) transparency about his process.

Might be true but I would be scared as heck if I don't deliver because there are going to be a lot of angry people looking for me.