Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

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Ok, so we have a new facebook page for Storm inc. and it is saying its a company. is there a way we can check if a company has been registered?
from the (very interesting and somewhat busier than usual) IGG site

1 minute ago

It’s interesting that Sondor’s last update came on the 10th, the same day that Agency 2.0 failed to get a restraining order against him.

Wish I could have been a fly on the wall at that meeting with Indiegogo management…Failure here could do a lot of damage to IGG.


Restraining order... the plot thickens..
Given this turn of events, looking back at all of those photos of Storm in China in front of a bunch of bikes...none of which were the actual product...would scare the crap out of me! In retrospect you would think they would have had some additional samples at some point that he would've stood around. The only photos of the actual bike were mock-ups of the lunchbox battery compartment. If that campaign goes south as fast as it appears it might, I feel bad for everyone that supported it (well, everyone except the 2 or 3 that showed their true colors consistently in the indiegogo comments section).

My worst fear is that it negatively impacts the other 2 campaigns going on right now, both of which seem to be off on the right foot, and of which I have ordered a Radrover myself. I was considering a wave bike too but think 1 campaign purchase is enough for me for now - the ever increasing amount of options available for the wave, while nice, put me off a little with respect to being able to deliver. It is gone from 1 bike with a few optional upgrades and 2 colors, to 4 colors and a significant amount of upgrade options (and more on the way with the more they sell) - every wave bike is going to end up being a custom/unique build, which seems counter-productive to the original aim of providing a cheap , faster electric bike with a large battery.
My worst fear is that it negatively impacts the other 2 campaigns going on right now

My biggest hope is that it causes people to reevaluate the campaigns that are going on right now. This risk involved is not news, as the link below, which mentions our own Court, shows.

The gist of the article is "if it sounds too good to be true, it is". Putting money into a campaign like this is simply a gamble, so please, if you're thinking about doing this, remember the #1 rule about gambling: only gamble what you can afford to lose.
My biggest hope is that it causes people to reevaluate the campaigns that are going on right now. This risk involved is not news, as the link below, which mentions our own Court, shows.

The gist of the article is "if it sounds too good to be true, it is". Putting money into a campaign like this is simply a gamble, so please, if you're thinking about doing this, remember the #1 rule about gambling: only gamble what you can afford to lose.

That is good for you Steve. I know you are knocking these campaigns every chance you get. The difference is the other campaigns aren't misrepresenting what they are selling. They are nothing more than group orders of Alibaba bikes when push comes to shove.

Believe it or not the world is also full of a lot of honest people, you can find enough on them if you do a little independent research. I haven't done that for the wave bike campaign owners, but there is plenty of industry history and other information out there on the radrover campaign owners. Enough that I was comfortable with contributing.

The wave bike campaign owner has joined this forum and answered many up front questions as well, but since I am not buying that bike, I haven't done any other background research personally. I would do so if I were more seriously thinking about buying one though.

I recognize the risk involved in a purchase like this, and agree these bikes aren't for everyone (I expect my bike to be supported, but would do the work myself for instance...not everyone would or could do so). it seems to me you've simply chosen to throw a wet blanket over every campaign without checking for smoke first.
I'm comfortable with just my funding of the KS Noke U-lock. They've gone wild offering all of 2 or 3 colors and regular size or smaller size lock, and that's it!
1300W on the CA screen shot..Ooops, that doesn't seem above board. I wonder how the 36V 350 watt motor will perform???? Probably very under powered......but hey, I hear they're using "Samsung" cells......that'll help....not.

Why do writers call the people who have committed funds investors???? Perhaps they should familiarize themselves with the definition of investment? "Crowdfunding" has nothing to do with investing..........
checking for smoke first

Exactly! Where's there is smoke ...

I know I'm going to run into resistance from people who've already invested in these campaigns, but I'm going to continue to warn people to be aware that they are gambling their money. I hope donators get a great bike... I don't think they will, but I hope they do, honestly!

The people running these crowd-sourced ebike campaigns can be good intentioned, honest, and competent... and yet investors can still lose their money. It is a gamble, thats my point.

Exactly! Where's there is smoke ...

I know I'm going to run into resistance from people who've already invested in these campaigns, but I'm going to continue to warn people to be aware that they are gambling their money. I hope donators get a great bike... I don't think they will, but I hope they do, honestly!

The people running these crowd-sourced ebike campaigns can be good intentioned, honest, and competent... and yet investors can still lose their money. It is a gamble, thats my point.

The Sondors bike campaign is well beyond smoke imho; I responded re the radrover in that thread, no need to carry that on over here. I certainly hope anyone that contributes to any campaign on a crowd funding site gets what they have paid for - I have purchased what ended up being a garbage product myself in the past - still got it - but it was garbage, never worked properly. You've got to have some faith in the rest of humanity though, can't call it quits and take your ball home because of one bad egg.
Battery moulds / dies just surfaced..

Battery Box Molds Update April 20, 2015/in Manufacturing Update /by Go Sondors

Storm is back with the manufacturing team in China and has an awesome update 0n the Sondors eBike production!

From Storm: I’m very excited to share several images from the battery box molds (cavity and core) being machined at tool shop from early last week.

What’s Next?

When the machining is completed the tools will be polished and engineering pilot parts will be evaluated. When the parts are approved the molds will be delivered to the factory for production.

The tools have been machined with CNC machining process. First production parts will be ready for evaluation and approval soon!

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I saw that update, but I don't consider it progress. A glorified plastic lunch box is not an ebike. We still await tangible evidence of anything besides battery boxes that's specific to the ebike we ordered. And pxpaulx is right - they were supposed to be shipping the finished product out in less than a month. If they're just machining the fixtures for the plastic box now, with no evidence of anything else happening, we won't see anything off the line until June-July at the very earliest.
Battery moulds / dies just surfaced..

From Storm: I’m very excited to share several images from the battery box molds (cavity and core) being machined at tool shop from early last week.

The tools have been machined with CNC machining process.

Didn't the proto-type have a battery box??????? Why pay for new tooling??????? I did get a kick out of the comment about using CNC machining. Yeah, it's either EDM or CNC, that's equivalent of saying the sun rises in the east. Wonder what's next? Perhaps they'll be telling us they're building the jigs to make frames????

Not sure telling people they're just now building molds for battery boxes is important????? Use the proto-type box save a bundle.....doesn't really make a lot of sense.
I'd guess the alibaba seller who sold them the first bike with lunch box wouldn't be too keen on letting them use his moulds... bike is scheduled to ship on May 1, I would have thought manufacturing would have taken place by now, also, CNC dies shouldn't take the best part of a month to make. should be done in hours.

I think 2.0 wants extra money for the sterling job they have done looking after the forum at the IGG site... oh... wait... :)
Agency 2.0 is now suing Sondors for non-payment of its marketing fees and costs associated with this crowd funding campaign. It would be interesting to know the total amount of those fees and costs as the remainder number will give us an idea as to whether or not enough money remains to fulfill. Not that Sondors feels in any way obligated to meet his contractual obligations.

I feel sorry for all those people that bought a bike from a guy that does not fulfill his business commitments as evidenced by this lawsuit. You would think Sondors would be pleased to pay for the services which made this crowd-funding campaign successful.

PS: With this new information "I'm Back!"