So happy, got my GH nuvinci today!


New Member
It rides so nice and smooth, done the first 20 today, and i plan on doing a 50km ride tomorrow.

Apparently the eMTB mode is not activated atm, even tho it does have the firmware, a bit of a shame, i will have it fixed at the first service which falls at 500km




So looking forward to testing it, i am considering some nice paniers, like the ortlieb roller Plus.

Oh, can anyone recommend some nice black pedals? i find the standard silver ones included a bit ugly. i prefer flat mtb pedals for grip
Origin8 has really nice thin line flat, black pedals. I have them on my XM700+. You can find them on Amazon and take a look.
Nice ride! I had a thread going on pedal suggestions for my Charger. Saratoga Dave mentioned the Origen8s: I settled on the Origen8 Slimline 9s. Now the pins on those will dig into your shoes so I wouldn't wear them with your nice work shoes if you are commuting to work. They are fine with the reflective sneakers I use for commuting and give me a lot of grip. I tried the Shimano Saints but I had a couple of ground strikes and therefore settled on the Slimline 9s because they are so narrow and thin (could be a problem if you have wide feed). I've had no ground strikes with them and they give more ground clearance vs other pedals. I also put the Slimline 9s on my new Haibike. I do have narrow to medium feet and wear a 9.5 USA shoe. Oh, and one important thing: I've bloodied up my calf a couple of times when commuting with shorts and I let those pedals crash into my calf when stopping for a red light. They will cut you if you have bare legs and you allow a decent strike.

I use the Ortlieb Sport Packer Plus panniers on my Charger. They are small panniers (rain proof) and can but used as front or rear (for bikes that have a front rack) panniers. Their attachment to the rack is solid. For summer commuting, I have been able to get away with using just one pannier and a sling bag (really small 8 liter backpack). For winter with extra clothes, I need both panniers. For windy days (if headwind is forecasted), I prefer to ditch the panniers and use a trunk bag and a backpack. As posted in some threads here some of us R&M owners have had success with the Vaude bags with the Racktime adaptor built-in (ordered from TrekkingInn). It requires you remove the bungee from the rack. My backpack is a Shimano 17 liter Tokyo Urban. It will fit a large Abus Ulock, my two cables (one for front wheel and one for seat rails), a mini pump, clothes, laptop and a few small items. The trunk bag then gets my multi-tool, the Vaude rain cover, and my ride home clothes. Usually there is some room to spare in the trunk bag. Eager to hear your assessment of your Charger and the Nuvinci.
IMG_9671.jpg IMG_9672.jpg Darking, are you sure about the eMTB not being loaded? Because the Intuvia display on my newly acquired Delite model still shows SPORT in the mode menu, but at the bottom of the display, for less than a second, "eMTB" is displayed when cycling thru the menu. It then reverts to whatever you had selected in the info section.

BTW, congratulations on the bike! She's a beauty!
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Indeed, so far ive had 147km of rides since saturday :)

One thing i kind of wished was a US mode for the intuvia, the speed of 25KM/h seems a bit slow to me, but i can run outside that range without issues, even though the bike is a bit on the heavy side with no engine assistance. i might end up looking for a dongle of some sort, allthough i would have prefered just to be able to load on the US firmware somehow, 32KM/h seems nice, and i dont want it to go 45 as some of the boxes allow.

Ive created a small video showing the modes when i switch through them:
Wow, I guess you don't have eMTB. Because as soon as I switch into SPORT from either TOUR or TURBO, the eMTB is displayed at the bottom, again, for less than a second. And I also have firmware. Go figure. Can any Bosch conspiracy theorist explain this? HaHa.....
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