SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

This is at ifrestoen and I dont know they actually know there is a hole in the windshield the truck looks ike it has sat there for awhile.
I just noticed this is the weird and unusual things thread! So I better make up for it and post something unusual! :)

I came across this tunnel boring machine this evening while out for a ride. You don't see those everyday! Its being used as a gate guardian by a large engineering company!

Just as a forward- in a different thread, I've mentioned, a time or two, that I had adopted 8 miles of local road (through Virginia Dept of Transportation's Adoption program) and thus pick up litter quite often during my rides.

Today, about 1 1/2 miles from home, as I was scooting down a lovely hill on a 15 mile ride, I passed a small bit of trash alongside the road half hidden in the tall grass. Driving my car I've seen this bit of trash for at least a week but have been unable to pick it up because it was not only on a 45mph road, but also near a blind bend in the road. I had to wait until I was out on my bike to pick it up.

I almost didn't. I was going pretty fast down the road and for a second debated not stopping. My conscience got to me and so I braked and swung back to pick up the litter.

This is what I found: A "thank you" note to someone named Jake (who "rocked" by the way) from a Cheryl (nickname "Chip). The ink was faded from recent rains and barely legible. There was no address, no last names. The envelope had already opened itself from the glue disintegration thanks to the recent rains, and when I pulled out the card it felt thick. I figured it was one of those cards with a cute pop-up thingy inside...until I opened it. Turned out not to be a pop-up.



I feel bad for the guy who lost this card (how does something like this end up sitting on the side of the road for over a week as litter??) but unlike a few other things I've found that I could return to their owners, this is unidentifiable. I have no idea who this Jake is, or this Cheryl. Was it an outright gift, or a payment for a job well done?

For all the time I've spent cleaning miles of road for people to enjoy an uncluttered, pristine countryside, this was the last thing I'd ever expected to find.

PS - $20 was the most I've ever found before, plus a 2nd generation iPad when that vintage was new. Yeah, that was about 20 years ago or so.


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