SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

They can be funny. The tom just came right up to me like he wanted something ($?), the hen just blocked the gate. My buddy took the perfect shot. By far the most aggressive birds are geese. They nest on the ground, and they will go after you if you wonder too close.
Here are pay phones in Romney, WV. Kind of rare nowadays!!


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It must be hard to swing a tandem around tight corners. I had not consider that before.
Years ago my wife and I owned a tandem bike. I didn't mind riding that bike, but damn, it was slow up hills (but scary fast downhills)
We tried doing a sharp turn (for a tandem) on one ride and the bike, for lack of a better description, collapsed into itself.
We learned our sharp turns with this behemoth.
We both have our own ebikes now, but maybe one day we'll try out a tandem ebike.
It must be hard to swing a tandem around tight corners. I had not consider that before.
Yep I am
Ok with somewhat sharp lefts but terrible on sharp rights though I did good this time. We went the main path the first time and the switchbacks made us walk around them. Got to miss the sharp roots too to keep the rear admiral happy.
As a train buff, I am always on the lookout. These are in Romney, WV and used for the Potomac Eagle Passenger excursion runs they do here. This rail line was defunct, and was then purchased by the State of WV. This made West Virginia the first state to own a private for profit railroad. Interesting indeed.


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